cj#265> Report from Editor


Richard Moore

Hello out there!

I haven't heard from any CJ'ers for several days now... are you getting
bored with stuff about Bosnia?  Have I been too contentious with
contributors?  In any case, your comments are invited.

Writing for online groups, given all the thoughtful feedback and dialog,
makes for great writing practice.  Here's a report on your editor's efforts
to get some of the ideas discussed on CJ and cyber-rights into print.


The NWO article finally got published in New Dawn, and they sent me a few
copies of the magazine.  It's billed as a journal of "Conspiracies &
Metaphysics", and also carried articles on the Global Information Highway
("final nail in the coffin of individual freedoms"), "The Crash of '95",
"The Great 'UFO' Case: Solved at Last?", and "Qigong Healing and Qi Energy
Music".  I'd rather it had been published in a less "alternative" forum,
but I was happy to see my first-ever political article in print!  William
Earl Griffin (introduced to me by Butler Crittenden) suggested some
modifications that would make the article suitable for submission to Z
Magazine: sounds worthwhile.

Another article -- "Cyberspace Inc and the Robber Baron Age, an analysis of
PFF's 'Magna Carta'" -- has been submitted to the "Information Society
Quarterly" for their next issue.  It could also have been entitled "The NWO
Invades Cyberspace", and discusses how media conglomerates are rapidly
redefining cyberspace into a feudal regime, turning back the
political/economic clock to the days of Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Morgan.

New Dawn wants to run a follow-up article on the NWO: this will be a
paste-together of the dialogs we've had on CJ into a "NWO Q&A" piece for
their October issue.  Some of the Bosnia stuff will be included as well, as
the latest NWO military/media operation.  Most of the CJ contributors have
given their permission to republish their comments.

Gerry McGovern, an Irish-based journalist, saw an online copy of the NWO
article, and interviewed me for "Hot Press" magazine (sort of an Irish
version of "Rolling Stone").  The interview turned out to be a summary of
points from the NWO & Cyberspace Inc. pieces, and carries the heading:
        "Corporations don't want any politics.  They want feudalism."
        Gerry McGovern reports on the ominous but inexorable rise of
        the multinationals in the Information Age."

Kevin Sweeney, of the Kilnaleck and District Community Council, saw the
interview and invited me to speak at a one-day conference: "Information
Technology, A new opportunity for rural Ireland?"  Besides a chance to
practice real-time dialog (scary), maybe this could lead to a consulting
gig or two.  (One of these days I'm going to have to figure out how to make
some money!)

As for Bosnia, New Dawn wants an article on that for their November issue.
I'm also going to submit something to American Reporter, although it will
be a challenge to fit anyting useful into their short-article format.
Nothing is more needful of perspective than current events, always the most
shrouded in propaganda hype.


At risk of over-doing the Bosnia topic, I am going to post another piece to
CJ about the events of the past few days.  The whole operation is coming
into all-too-clear focus, and the prospects are resoundingly ominous.

