the electric universe: understanding new paradigms


Richard Moore

Bcc: FYI
rkm website


Having completed that first section of the regime-change article, I’ll reward myself by exploring the plasma model a bit more. 

I’ve found it very useful, whenever I learn about a new paradigm, to look for as many parallels as I can think of, in other domains of knowledge. If there’s a strong parallel in another domain, then what is known about that domain suggests things to look for in the new-paradigm domain.

When the plasma folks said lightning was a micro-example of the discharges that happen in the galaxy, that reminded me of the temperature graph, which is all about overlapping spikes. Nothing is proved by this parallel on its own, but it opened up a line of inquiry that seems to be bearing fruit. I’d like to offer a few more examples of cross-domain parallels that come to mind, some of which I’ve already touched on…

Sun as lightning rod
This parallel gives a simple image that underscores the fact that the sun’s energy comes from outside, since a lightning rod is simply a length of inert metal. And the parallel also makes it easy to understand why there are abrupt changes in climate. These kinds of simple, concrete images provide a language in which to think about the new paradigm, and a framework for understanding it.

Galaxy as energy distribution grid
This is an important image, making it clear that the whole galaxy is connected, and that events anywhere can have effects everywhere. It also highlights the role of the core of the galaxy, where most of the energy of the galaxy is concentrated. Clearly the core of the galaxy will turn out to be the power station of the galaxy grid. It is in the core that we need to look for the dominant oscillating discharge mechanisms. A bit like alternating current, another useful image.
     It is important to note that energy distribution is primarily electrical in nature, ions being transported in magnetic sleeves – the wiring of the system. We can’t see that wiring, so we get the illusion that stars are independent sources of radiation. 

     Judging by visible light, we would assume distant objects have negligible effect on us, starlight, even from the galactic core, being so faint and cold. But the sun testifies to the huge amount of energy coming in constantly from the grid. The Starship Enterprise would need to beware of the invisible but potent wiring that pervades the galaxy, just as a helicopter must watch out for power lines (RIP, Bill Graham).

This perspective leads us to revisit astrology, if we assume consciousness energy is also being distributed by the grid. Perhaps our orientation to other bodies in space affects the flavor of energy we are receiving at any given time. Perhaps astrology is a Guide for the Complete Idiot, left over from an ancient science that understood these mechanisms and how they operate.
     With ‘big energy’ traveling in invisible electromagnetic channels, and heat and light only being ‘little energy’, we may wonder if energy reaches us from the sun in ways we don’t suspect. Perhaps the oceans are heated from below, from heat generated in the Earth’s iron core, by eddy currents in the sun’s magnetic field. 

Galaxy as energy-dissipation system
The energy from the core is being distributed throughout the galaxy, and is being dissipated as heat, light, and other kinds of radiation that leave the galaxy, taking energy with them, like steam boiling off from a kettle. If the galaxy is a boiling kettle, then what is heating the kettle? – where does the energy of the core come from? 
     The Standard Model is an entropic model: the total sum of E+mc2 was already present at the Big Bang, and has been swirling around in various ways ever since. The assumption of entropy, and of gravity’s dominance, lead to weird ideas, like imagined ‘black holes’ at the core of galaxies. In that model, since nuclear fuel gets used up, galaxies would burn out and disappear from sight eventually – but I don’t recall mention anywhere of a fading-galaxy syndrome.
     To me Occam’s razor would suggest that there is a generator at the core of the galaxy, a portal where energy / matter is being introduced into the universe from the quantum vacuum, the scalar part of the Schrödinger Equation, ignored by most physicists. Not a black hole, but a white light, at the galactic center. And possibly the core gets its energy from an inter-galactic grid, and something like Quasars are the ultimate generators.

Universe as life support system

How nice that we have a central heating system, and a nearby radiator, that deliver just the right amount of energy to our conveniently located planet, keeping the temperature range within very narrow bounds, enabling us to have water in liquid form. A temperature range that is highly atypical of the universe in general, which is almost everywhere either very hot or very cold, and where water molecules, when they are not latent as charged ions, are nearly always frozen.
     Cycles are clearly another characteristic of our life support system. Day and night, the seasons, the phases of the moon, the tides, and the climate cycles. Disruptions are also characteristic of the system: storms, droughts, floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, collisions with astroids, and inter-glacial jolts. A wide variety of habitats is also characteristic. It is not only life that is being supported, but also evolution, encouraged by the adaptive opportunities provided by cycles, disruptions, and habitat diversity. Disruptions are particularly important, as they sometimes cause extinctions, which open up niches for new species, thus stirring up the DNA mix.  

