The videos are stored on Vimeo, and they take a while to download before they start playing
17 July 2014 — Video of my talk at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Petaluma, California, hosted by Sergio Lub. The Suppressed Electric Universe Model, and its Importance for Understanding Climate Change — 100 min. — Watch.
2 Dec 2013 — Biodynamics Now!, with Allan Balliett. This interview, covers a wide range of fascinating topics… movement strategy, politics as theater, Chomsky & conspiracy theories, climate change, geo-engineering, mind-control experiments, and more — 1 hour (first 5 minutes are an introduction) — Listen
16 May 2013 — Video of my talk at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Petaluma, California, hosted by Sergio Lub. Where things are heading, what the global crisis is really about, and what We the People can do about it — 110 min. — Watch.
11 Sep 2006 — KOPN 89.5 RadiOrbit, Columbia Missouri, with Mike Hagan — 3 hrs. — Listen