Dear cj, Only now getting around to looking at things people have sent in over the past several weeks... here are a few. rkm ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Date: Sat, 16 Aug 1997 14:43:18 -0400 To: •••@••.••• From: Nazli Roth <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#704> about rkm Dear Richard, Thank you for the interesting info and the CyberJournal- I have been enjoying it for over a year and have been lurking so far since I am more on the learning end than sharing end at this point. I think you are doing a great job and I have benefited from it greatly. I am currently doing my master's degree at the Michigan State University in Telecommunications - Social Effects of Telecommunications to be precise. My strong interest lies in the effect of the new telecommunication technologies on the American copyright system- from the public perspective point of view. I resonate with the views of Pamela Samuelson, EFF, CPFSR etc. on this issue- in other words, I do think the changes that are attempted to be established by the government, publishing co's etc in the name of "adjustment to the new paradigm" are in fact self-serving and take away from the intended rights of the public as expressed in the Constitution. It is my intention to prepare my graduate thesis in this area and focus especially on the hits the fair use doctrine will be getting -specifically in the education area- due to the new changes trying to assert what is fair use and what is infringement in Internet-based communications. I believe a great potential of the Internet lies in aiding with education and the corporate greed, say, trying to limit a maximum of 150 copyrighted words or so even for educational purposes and related new proposed rules and guidelines do not make much sense to me. I find myself in a position to at least point this out and provide a good case for it in my thesis. After this long intro, let me ask you if you are aware of any specific case that deals with these issues. Fair use and education are my preferable areas, but any case that represents the said conflicts (users vs. publishers rights in the new era) would be of great interest to me. Also, are you familiar with anyone that would be involved with any of these issues? Again, thank you for your time and all you have done for the list so far. By the way I enjoyed your personal info and can relate to some parts of it very well myself, having found myself an unexpected home across the Atlantic (originally from Turkey and now a resident of US). I guess the journey is meant to be a journey after all! Best, Nazli Roth ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 Sender: Todd HFillingham <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#705> feedback re/cyberjournal My view torwards that general philosophy of finding salvation through chaos is that it is fundamentally a very immature desire. The work of organizing people into a politically powerful and progressive force is formidable in the extreme. The progress seems incremental. Nevertheless, just because it may be hard to do and one may require patience and cunning doesn't invalidate the principle. The rate of change is tied to closely to incalculable variables and should not be used as a means of comparison between these two courses. What may seem a glacially slow course may generate a geometric progression that could be dazzling; while the thrilling chaos of an apocalyptic upheavel may set back the intended goals considerably The appeal of salvation through chaos is very strong, witness the number of salvationist religions, appocalyptic cults, etc. Reason dictates against igniting such a preciptous course, yet reason too requires a good deal of effort and is not always as appealing as pie in the sky bye and bye. ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 From: "Anderson, Robert" <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#712> a comedy break - (apologies to lawyers) A riot piece..... ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 From: xxx Subject: who holds the high cards To: (rkm personal) you're discussion of who will control cyberspace is right on. of course the powerful monied interests will dominate. it reminds me of a discussion in berkeley in the 60's. i'd gone to hear eugene mccarthy speak, and afterwards about a dozen of us had an impromptu klatch with him. we were talking about the environment and pollution, and cleaning things up. one of the established politicos in attendance was adamant that as we developed new technologies and implemented plans to clean up and protect the environment, we had to be sure that none of the companies which had profited from polluting things could make any profit in helping to clean up the mess they'd helped make. even then i knew he was hopelessly naive; as were most of us; and as are most would-be reformers today. it is usually specific issues which ignite people's anger toward the system. there are many such issues. the fact that we remain helpless to solve them is because our reasonablly constructed republic has had its public and private institutions usurped by rascals. for the people to regain some measure of power to balance the monied forces several things must happen. all campaigns should be funded with public monies, and no contributions of any kind allowed from anyone. our public airwaves should be used to give equal and free time for campaign debates. corporation law has to be changed. a corporation cannot have the same rights as an individual. the officers of corporations must be help accountable for misdeeds, criminally and civilly i.e. corporations and their officers must loose their immunity from accountability. corporations must pay their share of taxes. ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 Sender: Yves Leclerc <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#715> re: Iraq, Turkey, and sanctions (fwd) Richard, Your points are well taken. You could also have given a few other examples: Grenada, Haiti, Cuba. The US is having the UN systematically condone under the pretext of democracy and peace what is in fact a renewal of the old British Empire's technique of "gunship diplomacy". In the case of Iraq, if the US was not so dominant, it could and should be accused of war crimes: nearly one million unnecessary and atrocious civilian deaths (mostly children and old people) during and since the war, either through direct carpet-bombing, the destruction of essential life-support structures: water, food distribution, or through famine caused by economic sanctions the rest of the world wanted lifted long ago but Washington alone insisted on maintaining. Much the same is true of Cuba, the victim of a crippling blocus whose only objective is the removal of a legal and mostly beneficient (health, education) regime. This, by the way, was also the case for Iraq: in the 1990 Encyclopedia Britannica yearbook, it was mentioned as the example of enlightened and progressive government in the Middle East. In the 1991 edition, it had become the monstrous reincarnation of Nazi Germany, and all the previous glowing statistics went unmentioned. It is not only Uncle Joe Stalin who "rewrites history" to his convenience. Yves Leclerc, Montreal ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~