dialog: capitalism, elites, and the state

Bcc: FYI Previous posting: more dialog: capitalism | climate —— Howard Switzer wrote: I agree the problem is elite rule but capitalism is how they rule because it is the private control of the creation of money (capital) for profit, issuing all money as interest bearing debt and you cannot pay off debt with debt so … Read more…

more dialog: capitalism | climate

Bcc: FYI Previous posting: dialog re/ climate change —— Part 1: capitalism, elites, and democracy rkm posted: …I think it is a mistake to identify capitalism as ‘the’ enemy. Instead I suggest we need to identify elite rule as ‘the’ enemy… William Bowles responded: Richard, NOT capitalism? So who are the elites? Extraterrestrials? Come on Richard, there’s … Read more…

dialog re/ climate change

Bcc: FYI Greetings, I shared a temperature graph with my friend William Bowles, along with the claim that the past 200 years of warming has been entirely natural. He sent the following impassioned reply: Richard, your graph may or may not be correct but it completely misses the point that us socialists posit, namely environmental destruction … Read more…

Fools on the left fight a non-existent fascism and accept the market

Greetings, I highly recommend this article, and I’d be interested in your comments. rkm _______ Interview With Fusaro: Fools On The Left Fight A Non-Existent Fascism And Accept The Market The sovereign nation states, in modernity, have not only been the places of imperialism, nationalism and wars, as the order of the dominant discourse repeats, which wants … Read more…

re/ Elite Plan for a New World Social Order

Bcc: FYI Original article: The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order When I earlier posted a critiqueof the ‘Green New Deal’, I expected to receive mixed reviews from readers. On the one hand, I believe the article is well documented and presents convincing evidence. On the other hand, in this era of a climate-crisis … Read more…

The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order

The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order Richard K. Moore – 1 February 2010Featured on other sites:   Global Research    New Dawn   Serendipity Visit my blog: cyberjournal.org The era of growth – capitalists vs. aristocracy When the Industrial Revolution began in Britain, in the late 1700s, there was lots of money to be made by investing in factories … Read more…

re/ Beware the Green New Deal!

Original article: Word to the Wise: Beware the Green New Deal! by Geraldine Perry / April 4th, 2019 Tasha wrote: Oh No! Not another conspiracy!!!>>>???? TashaMaria Tromer I’m guessing that your comment is meant ironically Tasha. From our past correspondence I’m sure you’re aware that the whole system we live under is conspiracy to its … Read more…

Word to the Wise: Beware the Green New Deal!

Word to the Wise: Beware the Green New Deal! by Geraldine Perry / April 4th, 2019 Seemingly overnight, the Green New Deal has arrived. Given the sorry state of our environment, what possible objections could there be? In this case, plenty – and they all trace back to the Green New Deal’s deeply complex and surreptitious … Read more…