Happy Holidays!
2011-12-23 Richard Moore will be offline for a while, perhaps till after new years…
2011-12-23 Richard Moore will be offline for a while, perhaps till after new years…
2011-12-23 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3-4_hy7iAo&feature=player_embedded Alan Watt – Cutting through the Matrix – Interview
2011-12-22 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ The power of sovereign economics http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cyberjournal/message/516 __________ Mark Keenan said: sounds good- i just had time to read the first few paragraphs – i also recommend progressive economists like herman daly, richard douthwaite, manfred max neef – neo classical orthdox economics is completely flawed (ie 99 … Read more…
2011-12-20 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ Below is the latest video from the Zeitgeist folks. It’s more sophisticated in its analysis, and more persuasive in its presentation, than their previous material. You can watch the video first, or you can read the review first, or some intertwined combination, your choice. My review … Read more…
2011-12-19 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ feedback is requested on the ideas presented in this article The power of sovereign economics Economics: myth vs reality There are many disempowering myths about national economies. Some of the most damaging myths are: – The spending power of a government is determined by income from … Read more…
2011-12-17 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ A really exciting panel presentation, looking at the OWS Movement, from a broad perspective, and talking about where it could go from here. I was particularly glad to see William Greider talking about the Populist Movement of the late 19th Century, which has many lessons for us … Read more…
2011-12-16 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ Several fellows have volunteered already for the audio project, but no women. Permit me to issue a special invitation to any of you women who might want to participate. cheers, richard
2011-12-16 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ Greetings, Interest has been expressed in an audio version of Escaping the Matrix. And my ETM-publisher friend Chris has offered to manage the production. Hence the query: would any of you be interested in participating by recording one of the chapters? I’m working on a new article, … Read more…
2011-12-02 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ Senate approves arbitrary military detention bill http://groups.yahoo.com/group/newslog/message/4149 The $600 Trillion Time Bomb That’s Set to Explode http://groups.yahoo.com/group/newslog/message/4118 Mark Ames: Austerity And Fascism In Greece – The Real 1% Doctrine http://groups.yahoo.com/group/newslog/message/4139 Libya and “The Arab Spring”: Neoliberalism, “Regime Change” and NATO’s “Humanitarian Wars” http://groups.yahoo.com/group/newslog/message/4144 Thierry Meyssan: Lies and truths … Read more…
2011-11-29 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ That’s tomorrow, 30 Nov. It will be broadcast online: http://www.radioliberty.com/ According to the host, Radio Liberty is America’s largest conservative broadcast network. He agrees with me that liberals and conservatives both have much to learn from one another. rkm
2011-11-29 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ Greetings, Things are moving faster for me than I can keep up. Global Research picked up the latest article, and Google now shows 769 hits on the exact title: Full-Spectrum Dominance and the Regime-Change Project http://tinyurl.com/crryqul Here’s an excerpt from one of the many messages I’ve been getting from … Read more…
2011-11-26 Richard Moore _________________ Full-Spectrum Dominance and the Regime-Change Project This article is Part 3 of a series. Part 1: The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=27188 Part 2: The Great Carbon Credit Deception http://www.newdawnmagazine.com/articles/the-great-carbon-credit-deception ___ “Give me control over a nation’s currency, and I care not who makes the … Read more…
2011-11-20 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ Greetings, Below is a draft of the main section, the heart, of the next article. I need to submit the article today, Sunday, so please, if you have suggestions or feedback, send them in right away. rkm ___ “Of course there is a class war, but it’s … Read more…
2011-11-13 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ Greetings, I’m eager to get your comments on this next article. I want it to be up to the standard of the first article, and I also want to finish it quickly to meet New Dawn’s deadline. Below, the first section is in draft form, the next … Read more…
2011-11-12 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ This is a very inspiring report. It describes the creative collaborative process going on at the Occupy Philly sites, and out of that it develops a philosophical vision of ‘the commons’ as a more general organizing principle, a ‘commons beyond capitalism’. Occupy Philly serves, evidently, as an example, … Read more…
2011-11-09 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ Dear Mr. Moore, I’ve just read an article by you about New World Order taken from globalresearch.ca and translated on the Italian website comedonchisciotte.org Well, it was impressive, not to say terrifying. It seems like the 1% of human race is getting to rule the 99%. And it … Read more…
2011-11-07 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ Article: The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order on New Dawn: http://www.newdawnmagazine.com/articles/the-elite-plan-for-a-new-world-social-order on Global Research: http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=27188 Previous posting: ‘Anonymous’ and Full-Spectrum Dominance http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cyberjournal/message/503 ____ Greetings, As I announced earlier, I’m working on a follow-up article, with the working title, ‘Full-Spectrum Dominance and the Global Regime-Change Project’. … Read more…
2011-11-05 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ From article below: Anonymous to attack Fox, Facebook, banks and drug cartel on November 5 According to a YouTube video posted on October 22, the assault on Fox will come as a response to the cable news network’s lack of serious coverage aimed at the Occupy Wall Street … Read more…
2011-11-04 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://www.nationofchange.org/michael-moore-cornel-west-ows-iraq-progressive-discontent-obama-faces-1319557445 [excerpt] MICHAEL MOORE: Well, I have not felt this good in a very long time. This movement has spread like wildfire, and it is happening completely on its own momentum. And it’s something that can’t be stopped. I literally—and I don’t know, maybe Dr. West maybe feels the … Read more…
2011-11-02 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ Article: The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order on New Dawn: http://www.newdawnmagazine.com/articles/the-elite-plan-for-a-new-world-social-order on Global Research: http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=27188 _______ Greetings, This article, which I posted to cyberjournal under a slightly different title, seems to have gone viral. Global Research picked it up from the New Dawn … Read more…
2011-10-25 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ Previous posting: dialog, ‘Occupy Wall Street’, misc http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cyberjournal/message/499 Related article: The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order http://www.newdawnmagazine.com/articles/the-elite-plan-for-a-new-world-social-order ______ Anthony Judge wrote: Hi Richard I appreciate your raising the question of whether OWS is effectively a front or questionably manipulated. This does however raise the … Read more…
2011-10-14 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org _________________________________________ Re: Steve Jobs: change agent extrodinaire http://groups.yahoo.com/group/newslog/message/4055 Allan Balliett wrote: Thanks for this, Richard. It’s the best write-up I’ve seen so far, with the exception of painting Gates as a philanthropist when he’s really killing the future of African people. I love the quote that’s going around, … Read more…
2011-09-20 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ Greetings, Below is the article I published in New Dawn. It is a much-revised version of my earlier article, Prognosis 2012. rkm PS> Here’s a review of Escaping the Matrix: http://wegotthenumbers.org/category/resources/books/escaping-the-matrix/ __________ The elite agenda for social transformation (as published in New Dawn magazine, Sep 2011) … Read more…
2011-09-14 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ Greetings, I’m back in the Macon internet cafe after a delightful week with friends in their secluded chalet. Flying back to Dublin Friday, so this is last email session in France. Whenever I’ve downloaded my email over the past few weeks, I’ve been amazed at the total … Read more…
2011-09-02 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ Greetings to all, I’m in Macon at an Internet cafe/bar. The regulars greet one another here with embrace (ie, kisses on each cheek). A bit different than Wexford. My friend Joe and I are visiting our mutual artist friend Chantal. Her little flat is small, but every … Read more…
2011-08-13 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ Friends, Thanks for all the feedback, and expressions of support, from the previous posting. I’ll share some of that next week in one of our famous dialog postings 🙂 Right now I just wanted to share a thought with you before heading off for the weekend. My … Read more…
2011-08-04 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ Greetings, I guess that’s some kind of record, a whole month with no cyberjournal postings. I miss the connection with you folks, but I’m not sure what to write about. I looked over the past few postings to get some kind of orientation. I see that it … Read more…
2011-06-24 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ Greetings, I’ve updated the cyberjournal website again. In software, there’s a rule: always wait for version 2.0 before you take it seriously. In this version there’s a list of recommended books and online news sources. Also, it turns out that Peter Meyer has been republishing selected postings … Read more…
2011-06-17 Richard Moore Website: http://cyberjournal.org Greetings, Just a note to let you know I’ve finally updated the cyberjournal website. Deleted a lot of old stuff, and put in links to everything current. Let me know if you have any suggestions for changes. The single URL above replaces the list of URLs I’ve been including at the … Read more…
2011-05-30 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ Just published, and highly recommended… Jim Fadiman, The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide http://store.innertraditions.com/isbn/978-1-59477-402-7 You’ll recognize Jim’s name as one of our regular (though pithy) contributors. He’s a very dear friend of mine and a spiritual guide to me and many others. I have a feeling this important book will become … Read more…
2011-05-20 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ Greetings, Sorry to be so long in posting, but I’ve found it hard to tap into any creative energy, or to sit long at the computer. By the time I look at my incoming emails, I feel like taking a break. That in itself is depressing, as I have … Read more…
2011-05-02 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ Greetings, I’d like to remind you that I won’t be continuing these negative postings on cyberjournal. I felt it would be inappropriate to let the End Times go unreported, but I don’t see much point in continuing. Events will unfold at a fast pace now (eg HAARP tornadoes), and … Read more…
2011-04-20 Richard Moore The illusion of freedom [in America] will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way … Read more…
2011-03-18 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ Greetings, Many thanks to all of you who sent in words of support & encouragement, advice, your own near-death stories, etc. Many wrote who I had never heard from before. At such times, after brushing shoulders with the next world, it is indeed comforting to renew ones contacts with … Read more…
2011-03-16 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ Greetings, Last Thursday morning I suffered a massive heart attack. The pain was incredible. But by that afternoon they had treated it with a ‘stent’ and now I’m already back home recovering. My praises to the Irish health system, where all of this was free. It was a one-off event, a single clot, … Read more…
2011-03-07 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ Greetings, I’m writing this somewhat off-topic and technical posting because it may be relevant to our continued ability to stay in touch. It may even be relevant to whether or not we are actually in touch right now, and relevant to whether we can even know if we’re in … Read more…
2011-03-06 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ Greetings, I’ve revised and renamed the democracy-model diagram. I’m much happier with it now, and it is more self-explanatory. Also, it is now publicly accessible, thanks to riseup.net: A consensus-based model for global self-governance https://lists.riseup.net/www/d_read/cyberjournal/global-self-governance.pdf This is a case where a picture is worth a thousand words. The diagram … Read more…
2011-03-04 Richard Moore Greetings, The model is attached below in PDF format. It is also at this URL: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cyberjournal/files/democracy-model.ppt.pdf I‘m not sure if the file is accessible to everyone however. Please try accessing it and let me know. best wishes, richard _____________
2011-02-25 Richard Moore Greetings, This is what I have learned over the past month, as I’ve been engaging locally… The path of committed engagement, with an eye always on the prize, involves an ongoing assessment process — Is what I’m doing getting anywhere? Is there some other action path that’s more promising? Do I need … Read more…
2011-02-24 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ William Engdahl, Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century, 2009 http://www.amazon.com/Gods-Money-Street-American-Century/dp/3981326318/ _____ Greetings, If you want to understand who has power in the world today, and how it got that way, this book is a must-read. It is clear, concise, comprehensive, and every detail is … Read more…