re/ next article: a first sketch


Richard Moore

Bcc: FYI
rkm website


I’m eager to get your comments on this next article. I want it to be up to the standard of the first article, and I also want to finish it quickly to meet New Dawn’s deadline. 
Below, the first section is in draft form, the next two are in outline form, and I’m still outlining the remaining sections.

hoping to hear from you,

Full-Spectrum Dominance and the Regime-Change Project 

( draft sketch – comments invited )

This article is Part 2 of a series. 
    Part 1a: The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order
    Part 1b: The Great Carbon Credit Deception

Pax Americana & Bretton Woods: a regime-change precedent
For nearly six centuries, ever since European expansionism began c. 1492, the world order could be described as competitive imperialism: European powers competing over colonial and economic territories. The various wars between European powers were one expression of this competition. Wars would arise periodically, when one power felt it could expand its imperial realms at the expense of another. 

A radically different world order was established after Word War 2, based on the Bretton Woods agreements, the dissolution of separate European empires, and on Pax Americana. This new world system can be described as collective imperialism, with the Pentagon acting as imperial enforcer in the ‘Free World’ on behalf of Western capital generally. This new global regime opened the way for the greatest growth period in history, while at the same time removing the motivation for wars among European powers.

This paradigm shift in systems did not just happen: it was the outcome of a project. The new postwar paradigm was designed and planned in a series of meetings, by a handful of people selected from the Council on Foreign Relations, at the invitation of President Roosevelt. The CFR is a policy research & development organization, in service to the central banking cabal: the postwar world order was designed specifically to serve the interests of those central bankers.

The new regime came with a PR mythology: imperialism was dying; the nations of the world were being liberated; democracy was spreading; economic development would raise everyone’s standard of living. 

The reality was different: imperialism was being pursued more efficiently and systematically; nations were freed of colonial rule, but were still subject to destabilization and intervention if they didn’t cooperate with Western corporate interests; democracy was the exception rather than the rule in the newly independent nations; widespread economic exploitation and poverty continued, much as under colonialism. 

This postwar growth era became a victim of its own success in pursuing economic development. It was so effective, and so global in its reach, that it finally began to run into hard environmental constraints. By the 1970s it became clear that the postwar growth machine was running out of steam. Not that growth couldn’t continue for some time, but the overall return on investments was beginning to decline. 

Cycles of boom and bust have always occurred in the history of capitalism. The banking cabal make money from investments and loans during a growth phase, they engage in looting and short-selling as the growth declines, and they extend their hard-asset ownership portfolios at bargain prices during the bust phase. The postwar growth cycle peaked in the 1970s, neoliberal looting began in the 1980s, and we’re now well into the bust phase, with hard assets being grabbed at bargain prices via IMF-mandated privatization.

Always before the bust was temporary. There were always ‘new worlds to conquer’, some way to launch a new and grander growth cycle. This time, with hard environmental limits being encountered, a new and grander growth cycle just isn’t possible. 

No one has been more aware of this final end to the growth-cycle paradigm than the banking cabal. David Rockefeller himself was the principal founder of the Club of Rome, which published its Limits to Growth already in 1972. Ever since then, and even before, plans and preparations have been in the works for a successor global regime, not based on growth, but still under the thumb of the bankster cabal. 

The general destruction wreaked by World War 2 ‘cleared the building site’ so that a new postwar world order could be constructed. Similarly, the current global economic collapse is clearing the building site for the construction of a new post-capitalist world order. The nature of this new order is not difficult to discover. Much of it has already been implemented, and the cabal has not been particularly secretive about its basic plans. 

“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicised incidents such as my encounter with Castro, to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and over economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as “internationalists” and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
– David Rockefeller, Memoirs, Random House, New York, 2002, page 405

“Let me issue and control a nations money and I care not who writes the laws.” 
– Amshall Rothschild

The post-capitalist regime-change project
The Part 1 articles describe the basic nature of the regime change project:

– The financial system is being systematically collapsed in order to ‘clear the building site’. 

– The collapse is being engineered in such a way that governments end up in debt bondage to the banking cabal.

– Economic sovereignty – the heart of sovereignty – is thereby taken over by the cabal’s IMF.

– Collapse will lead to mass desperation, people will embrace any ‘solution’ offered, and thus official political sovereignty will be yielded to the cabal as well. 
– Governance will be means of already-established centralized bureaucracies: the WTO, IMF, World Bank, WHO, IPCC, IAEA, (a ‘reformed’) UN, etc – bureaucracies accountable directly or indirectly to the cabal. 
– The new order can be characterized as the whole world becoming the private fiefdom of the banking cabal clique, who become the equivalent of an extended global royal family. It’s essentially a return to a pre-Enligtenment ancien régime.

– The new economic paradigm will be based on centrally-micromanaged resource allocations, and this is beginning already with carbon credits. 
– In the name of fighting terrorism:
     – Infrastructures have been created to deal with mass civil unrest during transition.
     – Military interventions are being used to manage the geopolitical transition.

– As with the postwar regime, the new order will have a PR mythology, and a quite different reality.
“Of course there is a class war, but it’s my class, the rich class, that is waging the war, and we’re winning.” 
– Warren Buffet

Full-Spectrum Dominance
– As Warren Buffet quips, we are in a class war – and the regime-change project is the cabal’s war plan to win a total and lasting victory over the rest of humanity.
– The core principal of modern warfare is full-spectrum dominance: pro-active control over every dimension and every theater of engagement. 
– We’ve seen these principles in Iraq for example, where first the air-defenses are taken out, then the communications infrastructure, etc, each dimension of engagement being dominated in its turn.
– In such military engagements, domestic public opinion is also a ‘theater of engagement’, and dominance here has been pursued via embedded journalism, media propaganda, lies by officials, etc.
– In the regime-change project – the class war – there are many dimensions and theaters of engagement over which dominance must be achieved and maintained. 

– In the geopolitical arena, for example, Russia and China are a serious obstacle, not at all willing to abandon their sovereignty.

– In the realm of Western public opinion, there will be difficulties with the regime change, as it involves abandoning national sovereignty, and abandoning the long-honored principles of the Enlightenment, with its individual liberties, representative government, rule of law, etc. 
The regime-change project is systematically pursuing full-spectrum dominance as it unfolds. The remainder of this article will be reviewing the principle theaters of engagement, and pointing out how full-spectrum dominance is being applied in each and every case.

