Dialog re/ recent postings

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Jay Fenello wrote, re/ Tom Greco’s post:

I can’t envision a single solution that the people of the world could coalesce around. We are just too divided, and too polluted in our thinking.

An awakening I can envision is one of process, not destination.

One where people understand what it means to be asleep, and what it feels like to have an awakening. One where they learn how to integrate this awakening, in preparation for their next one.

I have often thought that if people could experience “the witness” state of consciousness just one time, all of these things would be revealed, and their lives would change forever. Then, the world would spontaneously heal, as more and more people start taking new action, based on where they find themselves when they begin their awakening process.

And even though this approach is consistent with religious and spiritual traditions, to put this all into context is a herculean task with challenges of its own …

Hi Jay,

Tom Greco called our attention to the Class War – the 1% vs. the rest of us – and posed the question “What can possibly turn the tide in this class war?”  I see your message as being a response to that question.

You point out that the people of the world – the 99% – cannot be brought together over any ’solution’, because of how divided  and confused we are. You see hope in the process of awakening, beginning  with almost any kind of awakening, hopefully becoming a path to still more levels of  awakening, leading people eventually to wake up to the reality of the Class War and their possible role in it. I hope I’ve properly understood your remarks.

As one of the 99%, I look around and I too see that we are indeed deeply divided, and that there’s general confusion about what’s happening to the world and why. This leads to a deep sense of powerlessness, of being spectators in someone else’s world. We feel powerless because we believe ourselves to be irreconcilably divided, and I think that belief is what we most need to wake up from.

Years ago in rural Maine I met a remarkable writer and thinker, a woman named Carolyn Chute. She referred to our divisiveness this way:

It’s not left and right,
It’s up and down.
All us people down here struggling,
while those at the top are having a good time.

Our divisiveness is largely manufactured, by elites using the age-old control strategy of divide and rule. We are conditioned to think that having the correct beliefs, about things over which we have no control, is of primary importance. We don’t even want to converse with people who disagree with us about climate, or vaccines, even though what we believe about those things has no influence on reality or on policy. The idea of ‘reaching agreement’ with the wrong-believers seems absurd to us, whichever side we are on.

We are in a kind of hypnotic trance, where we have been convinced that beliefs about abstractions defines our identity.  We need to wake up from this trance and realize that our identity is being human, and that as humans with needs and aspirations, we have much more in common than we have differences. I like to put it this way, “We don’t need to agree on religion in order to build a barn together”.

There are proven tools, various kinds of facilitation processes, that can help people to wake up from the trance. These processes enable people to work together despite different believes and agendas, and reach satisfying agreement regarding practical challenges and problems.

This kind of experience can be transformative for individuals and for groups, as people realize that they are not powerless after all. As they begin to sense that the 99% have the potential to find common ground and work together. This shift, from powerlessness to a sense of potential empowerment, can be a euphoric and energizing experience, seeing the possibility of having agency in society, and being no longer just a spectator in someone else’s world.

Just as Tom says that proven solutions exist for alternate money systems, I say proven solutions exist for generating this kind of awakening experience among people. But unfortunately both Tom and I must face the reality that use of these tools is not taking off in society as we feel it rightly should. The sense of powerlessness runs so deep that not many people are motivated to try out tools that promise to overcome powerlessness



Jay Fenello wrote, re/ Sergio Lub’s comments:

Sergio wrote: “There are official reports that our military can somehow control the weather:” These world-wide droughts are probably another battle zone in the ongoing fight for the future of our planet.  Check out this video about chemtrails, weather modification patents, and the drying out of earth’s atmosphere:


Jay Fenello


Susie Jenkins wrote:

Aloha Richard,

Thanks for sharing some hopeful ideas in your news journals.  I’m really not feeling hopeful & if I was younger would definitely look around for a different place to live.  Although when I was considering this about 7 years ago I looked at New Zealand & Australia – Wow what a mistake that would have been.

I’m shocked at how those two countries folded to the Covid Cult so expeditiously & stayed that way – or so it appears, with all the censorship who knows, it may be only because of the boot on the neck.

I’ve worried about you in Ireland & pray that you can keep out of harm’s way.

Hawaii was so brainwashed – too many people are still wearing masks & just go along.   It’s so tiring to know that they would all jump right back on the covid wagon without a thought.

The shots continue to be pushed.  And many go in for them & don’t want to know anything about them even now.  (Perhaps we didn’t get bad batches here as I only know one person for sure who is still suffering mild side effects after a couple of months.)  Fortunately, my job did not mandate them.  Masks – yes – but I got the ‘protective Plexiglas’ instead as I made a big fuss.  Should have bought stock in Plexiglas.

Always look forward to your posts.

Susie Jenkins

Hi Susie,

It’s very nice to hear from you, and thanks for your kind words. I’m surviving well here in Wexford, despite a growing list of medical issues, as is typical for those of us edging up to our 80th birthday. Town life here in Ireland has been ideal for me, and Wexford is is a particularly creative and lively town. But underlying conditions are changing profoundly, and the future here becomes ominous.

It’s a vexing question, whether or not to consider moving to a different country. On the one hand, I can’t really see myself making such a move. Especially at my age, and how anchored I am here in Wexford, such a move seems beyond the pale, far too much to undertake. On the other hand I know that the West is self-destructing and its currencies will probably collapse. Meanwhile in the Land of BRICS, one will be able to find countries with viable economies and relatively stable currencies, as the multipolar order continues to unroll. If one doesn’t jump ship before the Western collapse, one’s bank account could be worthless, and there would be no life boat to escape in. Ah, what to do!

I’m glad you managed to avoid the the so-called vaccines! You wouldn’t know it from the matrix media, but the scientific evidence has been bursting out all over these days. Not just that the vaccines are dangerous and ineffective, but that we are witnessing intentional genocide on a scale never before even imagined. The Third Reich is left behind in the dust, as the jabs race into the lead. Death from all causes has risen 40% since the vaccine rollout, small children, for whom covid was never a threat, are dying from heart failure after jabs, and the horror list goes on. I imagine most of you out there have been keeping more or less up to date on these developments, but I would like to share this video, testimony from a healthcare professional, telling of the abuse she suffered from when she brought up safety concerns about her hospital’s protocols:
Video: Public Health System Rigged to Make the Covid Vaccines Look “Safe and Effective”. Deborah Conrad Interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich
thanks for writing,


Howard Switzer wrote  re/ Tom Greco’s post:

…the keystone in the “arch of power” is the global system of money, banking and finance. Take that one away and their entire control system crumbles into a pile of rubble.

I agree with Tom, it’s the money system that empowers the elite, money buys whatever you want. I refer to it as the “leverage point”,  in the economic system. “A point within a complex system (a corporation, an economy, a living body, a city, an ecosystem) where a small shift in one thing can produce big changes in everything.”

So we’re looking at the system, digging up how it works and getting bankers to admit what they’re doing. Basically monetary reform is a small change in the bookkeeping rules ending the private for-profit monetary system, ending the systemic concentration of wealth, ending the boom/bust cycle, ending the growth imperative.

Most people believe the government creates the money, we just want to make it true. It would require a big movement to elect a Congress dedicated to the public interest who would do that. The legislation to do it is already written and vetted by legislative counsel, introduced as the NEED Act in 2011.

It doesn’t fix everything but it makes fixing everything possible. It changes the monetary paradigm from personal gain for the few to public care for the many, the general welfare. Care in the sense that all new money would be spent for the general welfare as its first use. It also makes people’s vote worth something as they would be electing people who had the power to do things rather than lackeys who only serve the rich. This would have profound positive psychological consequences reversing those that have plagued humankind for centuries.

All FRNs would become U.S. money overnight, thus money would cease to be removed from the supply by the banks as loans are paid off. Instead it would go to a revolving fund in the Treasury until all the loans are paid off. Banks would stay in business but would no longer create money, making them intermediaries.

I think we need a public system to fund land reform to get people back to the land growing life and soil fertility, re-establishing rural economies cutting emissions from commuting and shipping so much shit.

Howard Switzer

Hi Howard,

You proposals sound great to me. Once again the tools are there, but where is the widespread interest such tools should inspire?



Sergio Lub wrote:

Confessions of an Islamic Banker – International Movement for Money Reform

Thanks Sergio. When I see the phrase “International Movement” in this context, I see hope that some of our available tools are, after all,  being widely adopted.



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