R. William Davis: “Shadow of the Swastika” Part B


Richard Moore


     Probably the most influential Nazi to come to work for the United
States intelligence agencies during the Cold War was named Gehlen.

     "Reinhard Gehlen," writes author Christopher Simpson, "Hitler's
most senior military intelligence officer on the eastern front, had
begun planning his surrender to the United States at least as early as
the fall of 1944."  Of "several hundred" high-ranking Nazi officers
who switched sides at the end of World War II, Gehlen "proved to be
the most important of them all.

     "In early March 1945 Gehlen and a small group of his most senior
officers carefully microfilmed the vast holdings on the USSR in
the . . . military intelligence section of the German army's general
staff.  They packed the film in watertight steel drums and secretly
buried it in remote mountain meadows scattered through the Austrian
Alps.  Then, on May 22, 1945, Gehlen and his top aides surrendered to
an American Counterintelligence Corps [CIC] team." (18)

     According to Tetens: ". . . [Gehlen] immediately asked for an
interview with the commanding officer . . ." and offered the United
States "his intelligence staff, spy apparatus, and the priceless files
for future service."

     Gehlen was sent to Washington and his offer was taken.  "The
Pentagon-Gehlen agreement," states Tetens, "in practice guaranteed the
continuation of the all-important Abwehr division of the German
General Staff.  Hundreds of German army and SS officers were quietly
released from internment camps and joined Gehlen's headquarters in the
Spessart Mountains in central Germany.  When the staff had grown to
three thousand men, the Bureau Gehlen opened a closely guarded twenty-
five-acre compound near Pullach, south of Munich, operating under the
innocent name of the South German Industrial Development
Organization. . . .

     "Within a few years the Gehlen apparatus had grown by leaps and
bounds.  In the early fifties it was estimated that the organization
employed up to 4,000 intelligence specialists in Germany, mainly
former army and SS officers, and that more than 4,000 V-men
(undercover agents) were active throughout the Soviet-bloc countries.
Gehlen's spy network stretches from Korea to Cairo, from Siberia to
Santiago de Chile. . . . When the Federal Republic [of West Germany]
became a sovereign state in 1955, the Bureau Gehlen was openly
recognized as the official intelligence arm of the Bonn government."

     How important was the Gehlen Org, as it became known, to the
history of the Cold War?  Simpson's research documents that it was
perhaps the most significant element of all:

     ". . . . The Org became the most important eyes and ears for U.S.
intelligence inside the closed societies of the Soviet bloc. 'In 1946
[U.S.] intelligence files on the Soviet Union were virtually empty,'
says Harry Rositzke, the CIA's former chief of espionage inside the
Soviet Union.  '. . . . Rositzke worked closely with Gehlen during the
formative years of the CIA and credits Gehlen's organization with
playing a "primary role" in filling the empty file folders during that
period. . . .'

     "'Gehlen had to make his money by creating a threat that we were
afraid of,' says Victor Marchetti, formerly the CIA's chief analyst of
Soviet strategic war plans and capabilities, 'so we would give him
more money to tell us about it.'  He continues: 'In my opinion, the
Gehlen Organization provided nothing worthwhile for the understanding
or estimating Soviet military or political capabilities in Eastern
Europe or anywhere else.' Employing Gehlen was 'a waste of time, money,
and effort, except that maybe he had some CI [counter-intelligence]
value, because practically everybody in his organization was sucking
off both tits.'" (20)

     By 'sucking off both tits' Marchetti is referring to the fact
that Gehlen's elaborate operation was penetrated by Soviet spies at
the very time it was our most important source of intelligence upon
which the Cold War was based.  In fact, the Communists had infiltrated
Nazi intelligence long before Gehlen switched sides.


     "In each generation," write Aarons and Loftus, "Soviet
intelligence created 'anti-Communist' emigre front groups, ostensibly
to foment revolution and topple Bolshevism.  The front groups
attracted support from the West.  Considerable financial assistance
was supplied and close ties forged with various Western intelligence
services.  This enabled the Communist double agents running the front
groups to co-opt the legitimate emigre opposition, splinter their
leadership and provoke them into premature and poorly organized
rebellions which were easily defeated. More importantly, the false
front groups were a vehicle for long-term Soviet penetration of
Western society. . . ."

     The authors identify one of these groups as the Narodny Trudovoi
Soyuz (NTS), or the People's Labour Alliance.  The NTS represented
itself as a group of anti-communist "moles" inside the Kremlin and, in
the 1920s, recruited a Communist agent named Prince Anton Vasilevich
Turkel.  Turkel, who actually worked for Soviet Military intelligence
(GRU), went on to penetrate French, Japanese, Italian, British, German,
and even the Vatican intelligence services before the end of World War II.

     "After World War II, Turkel worked for West German intelligence
(the Gehlen Org), collaborated with many of the spy services of NATO,
including the American Military Intelligence Service (MIS - for
offensive intelligence), the US Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC -
for defensive purposes), the ultra-secret State Department Office of
Policy Co-ordination and the Central Intelligence Agency. . ." (21)

     "Just before World War II began," according to the authors, "an
Austrian Jew named Richard Kauder created a secret intelligence
network, code named MAX."  Kauder, using the name of [Max] Klatt -
Turkel's intelligence chief ["Unholy Trinity," Aarons and Loftus, p.
166] - "worked exclusively for Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, the German spy
chief who collaborated with the Vatican and the British to topple
Hitler during the war [the group known as the Black Orchestra]."

     The Nazis thought the Max network was made up of "so-called
Fascist Jews" who "were willing to spy against the Soviet Union, not
for the glory of the Third Reich but to save themselves and their
families from the concentration camps."  The Max network was supposed
to have had "the only communication link to a secret network of
'White' Russian Fascists inside the Kremlin [Turkel's NTS], who had
supposedly infiltrated Stalin's military headquarters prior to World
War II."  But, the authors continue, "the Max network was not made up
of Fascist Jews. They were, in fact, Communist Jews who risked their
lives inside the heart of the Third Reich's intelligence service."

     The Max network actually misled the Nazis, feeding them false
intelligence on the capabilities and intentions of the Soviet Union,
leading "the Nazi divisions into a series of death traps on the
Eastern front." The Max double-agents were responsible for the Nazis
defeats at Stalingrad, "the giant battle of Kursk where Hitler's tank
divisions were slaughtered. The final sting," continue the authors,
"was to mislead Germany into believing that the Red army was on the
verge of collapse in 1944, when in fact the Soviets were preparing for
the most massive onslaught of the war.

     "It would not be an exaggeration to say that the 'Fascist Jews'
of the Max network did more to defeat the German army than all the
Western intelligence services combined.  Seventy percent of all
Hitler's divisions were destroyed on the Eastern front, largely as a
result of the misleading intelligence supplied by Max." (22)

     When Gehlen was recruited by the United States, Allen Dulles
ordered the ex-Nazi spymaster to "revive the Max network." Gehlen
already had plans to do just that, intending "to make Turkel's Max
network the centerpiece of his new West German intelligence agency.
As soon as a Republican president was elected in the United States,
Dulles intended to take over the CIA and make Gehlen and Turkel the
heart of his anti-Soviet network.  The Soviets, of course, were
delighted as they watched Dulles and Gehlen attempt to plant a
Communist spy ring in the heart of Western intelligence. . . .

    ". . . [E]ventually, in 1956, the Allies decided that the whole
thing had been a giant Soviet-controlled operation.  Dozens of
operations, hundreds of  agents, thousands of innocent civilians had
been betrayed. . . .

     ". . . [T]hree years after Dulles became head of CIA in 1953, his
pet 'Fascist,' Turkel, broadcast the CIA codes to start the Hungarian
uprising prematurely.  Thousands of innocent Hungarians rushed on to
the streets of Budapest to start the revolution.  Instead of American
paratroopers dropping supplies, they found Soviet tanks waiting in the

     By 1959, the collapse of Dulles's spy network was almost total:
"U.S. Military Intelligence admitted to the National Security Council
that it did not have a single network of couriers or safe houses left
in Communist territory, apart from East Germany.  Dulles's Nazi
'freedom fighters' had sold him out." (23)


     It was Harry Rositze who best described the attitude of the
United States military-intelligence establishment after the end of
World War II: "Any bastard as long as he was anti-Communist." Rositze,
the "former head of secret operations inside the USSR" for the CIA,
was correct. (24)

     We have seen that many Nazis - including those who committed
atrocities - returned to positions of power and influence inside
Germany after the war.  Unknown until fairly recently was the extent
of Nazi recruitment by U.S. intelligence agencies and political
organizations, in the 1940s and 1950s.

     Perhaps the most publicized program of Nazi recruitment is that
of Project Paperclip, which involved the collection of Nazi rocket
scientists and facilities, all of which were later incorporated into
the U.S. Space Program.  Klaus Barbie's employment by the U.S. State
Department in the 1940s is another well-known incident.  Barbie, head
of the Gestapo in Lyons, France, was known as the "Butcher of Lyons"
and was sought by the French Government for atrocities committed
against French Resistance fighters captured by the Nazis.  Barbie was
recruited as a U.S. intelligence "asset" in 1947 by one branch of the
State Department's Counter-intelligence Corps (CIC), while another
branch, the Operation Selection Board, a joint U.S./British project,
was trying to put him in prison for war crimes.

     Eventually, according to Aarons and Loftus, "Barbie's employment
(and protection) by the Americans began to reach French newspapers and
politicians at least as early as 1948. They, in turn brought
increasing pressure on the U.S. government through publicity and
eventually through official notes requesting Barbie's extradition from
Germany.  That, in the final analysis, is why the CIC chose to provide
Barbie with a new identity and safe passage to Argentina in 1951,
while thousands of other ex-Nazis who had been 'of interest' to the
CIC at one time or another have simply lived out their lives in
Germany.  If the CIC had dumped Barbie when the French government
began requesting his extradition, he would have had plenty of
compromising things to say about the CIC. . ." (25)

     But when Barbie was eventually captured by Bolivian authorities
in the early 1980s, and returned to France to face charges of war
crimes, the U.S. government was forced to conduct an investigation
into the Barbie affair.  The official position? ". . . [T]his
investigation concluded that the United States had indeed protected
Barbie in Europe and engineered his escape but that Barbie was the
only such Nazi who had been assisted in this fashion." (26)

     As documented previously, this statement was false. Hundreds,
perhaps thousands, of Nazis were employed by the several U.S. agencies,
from the CIC to the CIA, and used in covert operations overseas, as our
first line of defense against Communism.  Others, equally as guilty of
wartime atrocities, were brought into the United States for domestic
political purposes. This aspect of the U.S.-Nazi connection is
well-documented, and deserves closer attention by the mainstream press.

     One of the first researchers to reveal the connections between
the U.S. government and the Nazis, was a lady named Mae Brussell of
Carmel, California.  Her career as a conspiracy researcher and host of
the weekly radio program "World Watchers International" began with the
Kennedy assassination.  "In ferreting out every morsel from the Warren
Report," writes Jonathan Vankin, author of the book "Conspiracies,
Cover-ups and Crimes," "supplementing her research with untold amounts
of reading from the 'New York Times' to 'Soldier of Fortune,' Brussell
discovered not merely a conspiracy of a few renegade CIA agents,
Mafiosi, and Castro haters behind Kennedy's death, but a vast,
invisible institutional structure layered into the very fabric of the
U.S. political system.

     "Comprising the government within a government were not just
spies, gangsters, and Cubans, but Nazis.  Mae found that many of the
commission witnesses -- whose testimony established Oswald as a  lone
nut' -- had never even spoken to Oswald, or knew him only slightly.
The bulk of them were White Russian emigres living in Dallas.  Extreme
in their anti-Communism, they were often affiliated with groups set up
by the SS in World War II -- Eastern European ethnic armies used by
the Nazis to carry out their dirtiest work.

     "Brussell also discovered an episode from history rarely reported
in the media, and not often taught in universities. Those same
collaborationist groups were absorbed by United States intelligence
agencies.  They hooked up with the spy net of German General Reinhard
Gehlen, Hitler's Eastern Front espionage chief."

     "'This is a story of how key Nazis . . . anticipated military
disaster and laid plans to transplant nazism, intact but disguised, in
havens in the West,' wrote Mae Brussell in 1983. She didn't author too
many articles, but this one, 'The Nazi Connection to the John F.
Kennedy Assassination' (in 'The Rebel,' a short-lived political
magazine published by 'Hustler' impresario Larry Flynt), was
definitive, albeit convoluted.

     "'It is a story that climaxes in Dallas on November 22, 1963,
when John Kennedy was struck down,' Brussell's article continued.
'And it is a story with an aftermath -- America's slide to the brink
of Fascism.'"

     Mae Brussell quit broadcasting her radio show in Spring of 1988,
after receiving a death threat from a "man who is said to have
identified himself as 'a fascist and proud of it.'"

     The last project she worked on, before her death from cancer on
October 3, 1988, writes the author, "was a study of Satanic cults --
within the U.S. military.  The hidden fascist oligarchy had progressed
far beyond the need for patsies like Oswald.  They were now able,
Brussell asserted, to hypnotically program assassins.

     "Satanic cults are the state of the art in brainwashing. With
drugs, sex, and violence, they strip any semblance of moral thought.
They are perfect for use in creating killers.  The United States
military, Brussell found, was using them." (27)


1 - One Thousand Americans, George Seldes, p. 5-6

2 - The Secret War Against the Jews, Loftus and Aarons, p. 71

3 - Ibid., pp. 73-74

4 - Ibid., pp. 75-76

5 - Ibid., p. 77

6 - Ibid., p. 78

7 - Ibid., pp. 79-80

8 - Ibid., pp. 82-83

9 - Ibid., pp. 84-85

10 - Ibid., pp. 85-86

11 - Tragedy and Hope, Prof. Carrol Quigley, p. 827

12 - Secret War Against the Jews, pp. 100-102

13 - The American Establishment, Leonard and Mark Silk, p. 249

14 - The New Germany and the Old Nazis, T.H. Tetens, pp. 99-102

15 - Blowback: America's recruitment of Nazis and its effects
     on the Cold War, Christopher Simpson, pp. 191-192

16 - The New Germany and the Old Nazis, p. 103

17 - Ibid., pp. 112-113

18 - Blowback, pp. 40-41

19 - The New Germany and the Old Nazis, pp. 42-43

20 - Blowback, pp. 54-55

21 - Unholy Trinity, Mark Aarons and John Loftus, pp. 151-152

22 - The Secret War Against the Jews, pp. 135-136

23 - Ibid., pp. 151-152

24 - Blowback, p. 159

25 - Ibid., pp. 187-189

26 - Ibid., pp. 192-193

27 - Conspiracies, Cover-ups and Crimes, Jonathan Vankin,
     pp. 101-104

**** End of Part 2 of 3 ****


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Please credit direct quotations where appropriate.


R. William Davis
The Elkhorn Project (Founder and Director)
Louisville, KY




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