------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: •••@••.••• (John Trechak) Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: cj#854> re: my book & publishers I agree that you have the makings of a great book. But as a publisher-editor, I also think the publishers' suggestions you have been given are excellent. Thank you for sharing. --John Trechak, Pasadena, Calif. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 From: John McLaren <•••@••.•••> Organization: Advocates Ink To: "Richard K. Moore" <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#854> re: my book & publishers rkm: > I'm in contact with a publisher, and the editor is working with me to > develop the material. They want the material to be developed on a more > bottom-up, example-based manner. My style has been to present conclusions, > and then add the "evidence" to provide "proof". This is how things are > done in math and science. They want something that draws the reader along > and "shares the experience of discovery". Examples leading up to > conclusions. > This seems like a major challenge, but it also makes sense. I doesn't make any sense to me. Such books are the bane of my of any intelligent reader's existence. Your editor would do better to think of him/her self as a publicist or run-of-the-mill journalist, whose main aim is to capture the interest of readers who can't distinguish between an episodic work of literature and argumentation or exposition. It all depends which comes first: what you have to say, or what you have to sell. An intelligent reader has only determine whether s/he has time to winnow the chaff just to uncover the argument. Good luck in getting your message across. You'll need it. Alternatively, try J.K. Galbraith's publisher. Regards John McLaren ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear cj, I appreciate the above feedack. I myself am of two minds. My policy so far has been to write for people who are relatively well-informed, which makes writing much easier and makes articles shorter and perhaps more useful to those audiences -- as John McClaren suggests. With such audiences one can assume that "corporate rule", for example, is a familiar concept, even if there are disagreements about what it means, how well-organized it is, etc. For a more general audience, one needs to provide more background material and more visceral examples. The book would become longer, and there is a danger the forest (the main points of the book) would be lost in the trees (all the background material). But if the book could reach general audiences without losing its main points, then the book could be of greater immediate social value. In my fantasies of being a successful writer, I think of Rachel Carson's "The Silent Spring". By reaching large audiences with a radical understanding of environmental dangers, she helped spark a shift in public consciousness, and did much to enable the environmental movement which followed. What she said was probably already available in specialist journals, but by widely and cogently publicising the information, it was given social and political potency. Previously existing experts were then able to speak out in a new way, and find wider audiences. What had been _known before could then be _said publicly. What I'm planning to do is pick one chapter and try to rewrite it, as best I can, so that it is more generally accessible and persuasive, without losing its focus and impact (such as they are). If I can succeed at this, then the book would have a better chance of producing a "Carson effect", of shifting public consciousness in various ways, of opening up public debate about globalization, democracy, elite power, and radical social change. If I can't succeed in such a rewrite, and I may simply be the wrong kind of writer for such a project, then I suppose I'd revert to the original plan and try to find a publisher who is willing to publish a book aimed at a narrower audience. In that case whatever social value the book offers would come indirectly, by influencing other writers who are able to reach larger audiences. Such a "delay" is of course very costly, given the rapid consolidation of centralist elite power. That's the theory, and I'll be starting on the rewrite next week. Further comments would be welcome. What I'd _really like, would be to partner with a well-published co-author who could do this kind of rewrite better and faster than I could so I could focus on completing the original manuscript and on making sure the strategic points are adequately made in the final book. rkm ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 From: Dave Moore <•••@••.•••> Subject: cj#854> re: my book & publishers rich, dave moore here. how about this for chapt 3's title: chapt 3. evolution of capitalism. from economic freedom to global domination, by way of the corporation. it fits the catchy format you've used for the first 2 chapter titles/descriptors. just a thought, dave --------------- bro' dave, you could be right... my previous title for chapter 3 was: "Evolution of capitalism: from competition to elite tyranny, by way of Wall Street", which is closer to your suggestion. The change was mainly to get something about the environment into the Part I TOC ("finite Earth") since sustainability is so important to the rest of the book. rkm ------------------------------------------------------------------------