To: cj,rn Bcc: seminar invitees Friends, You don't always get what you want, but sometimes you get what you need. That seems to come up a lot. It came up in spades as regards the seminar in Berkeley on the 27th. My attempt to push through a particular agenda, and the rejection of that attempt by some group members, provided a perfect beginner's workshop of how group process can work, how it can go wrong, and how conflicts can be harmonized. Many of those attending were very experienced facilitators, and I was amazed by their competence and sensitivity. The upsets created the learning opportunity, although consternation was how I, and perhaps others, experienced it at the time. Fortunately, those who have written in afterwards all said the day was worthwhile for them and they were glad they came. Here's the summary I sent out a few days later to those who attended: Being with you all was a humbling experience for me, and also an experience whose lessons are still unfolding. In setting up our session, I had some fantasy that my role would be, in part, 'teacher'; in fact it was me who was 'student', a novice at that, and I had no idea what I didn't know. The patience and support I received from the group - in the face of my incompetence - was awesome, and I receive that as an expression of love. In terms of linear results, what I learned is that without correct process, content is irrelevant. The space of appropriate process must be entered, and then collaborative endeavors become possible. --- The Berkeley session was on a Sunday, and the Eugene session was scheduled for Wednesday. In between I wrote lots in my journal and the lessons of Sunday gradually creeped into consciousness. Monday night and Tuesday morning were spent on the funky Green Tortoise bus which was a perfect setting for contemplation of harmonious groups and collaborative group process. The Tortoise is a travelling community more than a piece of public transport. There is a non-invasive hierarchy - the two drivers and their sensible rules - and the society is otherwise spontaneous and cooperative. It felt quite a bit like a river-raft trip. If you're ever travelling up and down the West Coast, check them out: 415 956 7500 800 867 8647 --- I was met at the bus in Eugene by Tom Atlee (Co-Intelligence Institute), who - with his white guru beard and sparkling originality - resembles "Mr. Natural" of R. Crumb fame. I felt very honored that he had set aside most of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for us to get to know one another. We had so much to talk about that we experienced a traffic jam of words and ideas. Tom makes a study of collaborative processes, as you can see by checking out his impressive website: <>. Our ideas are very similar, but with differing perspectives. My expectation was that during our time together we would reach a consensus on our process ideas. Just as in Berkeley, my expectations were not fulfilled and I found I had other lessons to learn. On Wednesday twelve folks showed up for a discussion. They were activists, and generally experienced with groups and facilitation. Tom had asked them all to read "Escaping the Matrix" and the morning session was a kind of Q&A where people shared what came up for them from the article, and I responded. The afternoon was rambling and relaxed, partly outside on the grass, and we experimented with various processes. Very pleasant, and very nice people. --- In both Berkeley and Eugene, I can see in retrospect, my interest was centered on ideas rather than people. People were going to come together, and the important thing was going to be the exchange of ideas. A rather anti-social attitude. In Berkeley I learned that ideas aren't going to get anywhere if proper attention isn't paid to people. In Eugene I learned to forget about the ideas altogether, and enjoy getting to know new people, and learn about a new community, without any particular motive. When I said goodbye to Tom on Thursday afternoon, I was telling him how happy I was to have made a new friend, rather than commeting on what we had talked about. These are the kinds of things most people learn by the third grade, but I'm a slow learner. --- --- As I sit here on Kauai, trying to make sense of what happened, it has become very clear to me that this is a turning point in my work. For six years I've been interacting with people remotely, via net and print, and developing an intellectual understanding of certain things. The time has now come to work with people directly. I'm not quite sure which people, or where, or what my role will be, but that will sort itself out soon enough. One of the ways I know this is by the number of pages that have filled up in my journal since the Berkeley session. A whole creative explosion emerged about the revolution and its various dimensions, and especially the social dynamics involved. I'm in a new place and in the process of discovering where that is. More to come, but that's it for the trip report per se. all the best, rkm