============================================================================ Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 21:05:08 -0500 From: Bill Grazier <•••@••.•••> Organization: VISION2001+ X-Accept-Language: en To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: Welcome to the Abyss : The Threat of Globalism I would like to suggest that the author of this article is missing the point that time and events are over shadowing globalism, capitalism, liberalism. The apocalypse we are now facing is global warming, energy crisis and overpopulation. This planet will "hit the brick wall" if we don't succeed in deciding what kind of a different world we should strive for. The end of cheap oil is the end of growth. We don't have enough oil left to construct the new energy structure and it will no longer be cheap. If that don't slow down the elite capitalist growth synergism, then the effects of global warming and overpopulation will. This will be a cataclysmic paradigm that will encompass every aspect of living on this finite planet. We are now engaged in the initial stages of this historic transition and very few have recognized it's coming. And they are powerless to stop it. William D. Grazier ================= Dear William, I'm in complete agreement on your main point: > This planet will "hit the brick wall" if we don't succeed in deciding what kind of a different world we should strive for. Let me restate it this way: It is with ~great urgency~ that we must figure out what we want and how we can strive for it. To me, that translates into: the ~movement~, with great urgency, must begin thinking seriously about goals and strategy. I think we are 'on the same side' in this. But when you say ~will~ "hit the brick wall", and when you say ~very few~ "have recognized it's coming", then I suspect you may be overlooking some things. Let's first talk about these 'very few'. The Internet is full of traffic and websites devoted to these issues; there are are popular books about them; thousands of activist groups are acting on that awareness, and even the average Joe in the streets has some level of awareness, if only from countless documentaries about vanishing species. There seem to be lots of these few. Consider the elite regime, with its thousands of think tanks, research centers, and economic study groups. Do you honestly think that none of these research and planning agencies are looking at apocalyptic scenarios? In fact, I read about a whole new Federal agency that has been recently established. Its job is to map out all remaining global resources, using satellite reconnaissance and other means, and to come up with some kind of 'best use' policies. This doesn't mean that the regime is just starting with such thinking, only that they've now consolidated it into a dedicated agency. In fact, we can see evidence 'on the ground' that strategic steps are already being taken to ~manage~ the coming apocalypse. Consider the global program of water privatization that is now underway, compelled by IMF loan conditions. The program is a very draconian one: if you can't afford the market price, you don't drink. You can't even legally build a well in your own backyard or take buckets from a river, because even that water is owned by the corporate license holder. You don't need to be an economist to figure out where this is going to lead. As we reach our resource limits, food shortages will arise, and food will get more expensive. We'll have increased use of third-world land for food export to the West, a trade which can afford the market-price of water - and which will in fact drive that price up. There'll be no water left over for domestic use, and we'll have mass famines. On TV, we'll be told that yet another 'drought' is causing yet another famine in far-off Africa, South America, etc. In fact the drought-famines we've seen for years in Ethiopia and elsewhere are not because there was no water in those countries. They were all the time exporting crops which require irrigation. It's like the so-called potato famine in Ireland in the 1800s. Ireland was exporting tons of food daily all during the famine. In Africa now and Ireland then, the best land and water is owned by outsiders and devoted to export production, while the poor must depend on the volatile productivity of marginal land and crops. It's that system that causes famine. And it's that system that is being consolidated everywhere in the third world through water privatization. Similarly, as oil prices have risen, more and more of the third world is being priced out of the market, and being pushed back to pre-internal-combustion ways of doing things. This is what a capitalist calls 'best use' of resources - best use = best price. The whole point of NAFTA, FTAA, GATS, and all the rest is to force the world into a privatized, market-forces regime. Under such a regime, as we can see already happening, the the world's remaining resources will be channeled to the West. In other words, we will have massive population die-offs, as ecological doomsayers predict. But, courtesy of the IMF and globalization, the third world is scheduled to do the dying off for the rest of us. In this way, we can see the apocalypse being ~managed~. Perhaps you are right that no one can stop it, but that does not mean it cannot be managed. Apocalypse, phase 1: Kill off the African population and turn Africa into a food plantation to feed a still-growing West. You do realize, I hope, that every one of those genocidal civil wars we've seen in Africa has had covert involvement by the CIA and other Western intelligence agencies? The West sells arms to all sides, and the IMF sets up the conditions which lead to collapse and instability in the first place. Even without all that, AIDS is likely to kill of the whole population, with something like 25% already infected, and no effective preventive measures in operation. The West, through action and inaction, is currently administering an African Holocaust, as systematic and cold-blooded as any previous holocaust, though carried out by more indirect and disguised means. The apocalypse is already happening, but most of us are denying it. Most of us still talk about it as 'coming sometime', catching us unawares, and causing the whole system to collapse at once. We are ~already~ hitting the "brick wall", and that's not how the cookie is crumbling. --- If anyone wants to make predictions about where global warming will lead, or over population, and all those other apocalyptic scenarios - they must take into account the role of elite management. Evidently, as exemplified by Bush's energy policies, the current scheme is to keep the growth bubble going some more in the West, while the third world is being squeezed into oblivion. They know the story on oil supplies - the oil industry has long been intimately associated with the highest levels of government. For now, they choose to keep building highways and using up the oil as fast as possible, while gradually shifting up the price. At some point, their little spreadsheet will tell them that it's time to switch strategies, so as to maximize overall profits on all known reserves. Then suddenly governments will 'discover' that oil is running out, and we'll see all sorts of development of light-rail schemes or whatever, all carried out by major corporations at a healthy profit. Then the price of petrol will skyrocket and huge profits will be milked out of the final reserves, under a new high-efficiency, appropriate-technology regime. I'm not trying to play crystal ball here, these are only rough scenarios, not serious prognostication. The point is that there will be various kinds of drastic action that can be taken, at various points, that can channel the consequences of the apocalypse. 'Marginal populations' can be sacrificed, as were those in Australian and North America in earlier days. Impact on the West can be buffered, and then when the West begins to be affected, there are ways that can be managed as well. If we doubt that the elite regime has the heart and the means to take these kinds of drastic measures, as they become 'necessary', then we are denying the evidence that is already before our eyes. No matter how these scenarios unfold, and they may include major wars and economic collapses - there is no reason to believe that the regime is going to lose control. They know the numbers; they know the moves; they're building lasers in space so they can dominate the whole world electronically from a single command center and a network of satellites. The only troops needed are to guard the upload towers and to occupy defeated territories. We cannot count on the collapse of capitalism, either as a prelude to the end of humanity, nor as an opportunity to build a new world. Even if free-market capitalism must be abandoned at some point, we'd get some kind of state-economy fascism before we'd get societal collapse in the West. It's a case of the slow-boiling frog. At each stage, we in the West won't perceive that there's an apocalypse going on. It'll always be off somewhere in the future. In fact, it has started, and the fact that most people don't think of it that way is evidence that the slow-boiling strategy is working according to plan. Let's get on with the revolution. rkm, http://cyberjournal.org ============================================================================