newslog list archives: to subscribe, send a message to: •••@••.••• newslog receives all cj & rn postings, plus additional news items... 30 Apr - Engdahl: Iraq and the euro-dollar war 03 May - Dahr Jamail's Iraq Dispatches 03 May - THEN THEY CAME FOR THE CHILDREN 04 May - Jude Wanniski: ISLAM, AN EVIL RELIGION? 05 May - Chossudovsky: Planned US-Israeli Attack on Iran 05 May - Israel, Iran, Mossad and a Nuclear False Flag Attack 07 May - rkm commentary 07 May - US prospects: Slower Growth and a Disastrous Budget 14 May - Bill Blum: Anti-Empire Report, No. 21 14 May - Navy Judge finds "reasonable cause" to believe wars are illegal 14 May - Chavez Builds Non-US Alternative TV for Latin America 19 May - The seige of Al-Qa'im: Fallujah II? 20 May - The Gatekeepers of the So-Called Left 20 May - The Myth of 9/11: An American Muslim Speaks Out 20 May - Iran: Next Target of US Military Aggression (Chossudovsky) 24 May - MASSACRE IN UZBEKISTAN; U.S. BACKS BRUTAL REGIME 24 May - Who's Afraid Of Venezuela-Cuba Alliance? 24 May - Guardian: I worry that I'm turning into a conspiracy theorist 24 May - The Secret Raids of Alberto Gonzales: 10,000 Swept Up 24 May - FEMA - The Secret Government