In a recent posting, "Peak oil : Does it matter?", I suggested: For us, it seems to me, all of these circumstances indicate that what we need to be focusing on is the question of how we can gain the power to transform our societies. Peak oil or no peak oil, planned genocide or no planned genocide, if we don't gain that power we have disaster ahead of us, of one flavor or another. Waiting until things get worse will not make our task any easier. The sooner we face this question and start doing something about it, the better off we'll be. In that sense, we've long passed the point of diminishing returns as regards 'analyzing the problem'. All we really need to know is that our societies are unsustainable, and that this problem cannot be productively addressed within the context of our current political systems. After that, we can find only redundant details in further analysis. I truly believe this, and yet, given the seeming urgency of unfolding events these days, I continue to report and analyze, instead of focusing on 'what we can do'. I'd like to remedy this follow my own advice, above. My 'new resolution' is to begin posting items on the cj and rn lists, and encouraging dialog, on the themes of 'positive initiatives', 'paths to transformation', 'new society visions', etc. Meanwhile, articles and analysis regarding current events will continue to appear on newslog, with weekly notices to cj & rn of the latest posting topics. --- Several of you requested copies of Chapter 1 to review, but I've gotten very little feedback as yet. I realize the chapter is rather long. Just a reminder that feedback is still encouraged. Meanwhile, I'm trimming the material down and making those changes which make sense to me on re-reading. best regards, rkm -- -------------------------------------------------------- "Apocalypse Now and the Brave New World" Posting archives: Subscribe to low-traffic list: •••@••.•••