Bcc: FYI
rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org (currently an old version)
The cyberjournal site is being moved to DreamHost.com, a very convenient and low-cost website hosting service. They offer free online chat if you run into problems, available 24-7. They also make it very easy to use WordPress with their service, and you can try everything out during a free trial period. It is easy to register new domains there, and you can move existing domains over to them. I recommend DreamHost to any of you who have a website, or who are thinking of creating one. And no, I don’t get a commission or reward for this recommendation 🙂
Soon cyberjournal.org will be live there. In the meantime, while the domain is being transferred, the site can be reached via this temporary link:
Given the new convenience, I have been making frequent updates to the site and will continue to do so.