Bcc: FYI
rkm websites: cyberjournal.org escapingthematrix.org
David Sheegog wrote:
Nice chapter Richard. Here’s an obscure book you might not have seen:
Thanks David. Like many others, Reg Morrison blames the victims for the failings of elite-run hierarchical civilization. In addition, he fails to understand that for most of our history as a species we lived in harmony with nature. I agree with the reviewer on Amazon: he’s out of his depth. As a side note, the role of genes in evolution has been highly overrated. One must take into account epigenetics, the role of viruses, and Sheldrake’s work re/ morphogenic fields, among other things.
Jim Fadiman wrote:
this may interest you.enjoying your writing, seeing chapters of the book , as much as your wisdom. you really have learned to write well.bestjimBy Ellen Brown
Thanks Jim, your kind words are much appreciated 🙂
I’m a big fan of Ellen Brown, and had the pleasure of meeting her once in Cork. She even adopted some of my ideas into a new slide she added to her presentation there. People often talk about the evils of corporate power, but Ellen helps us understand that banking power stands above corporate power. Indeed as I argue in this article, the money masters are in the process of abandoning corporate-growth capitalism:
Peter Meyer wrote:
Hi Richard,Excellent thinking and writing, as usual, and very enlightening to those of us not already familiar with your work.I am in agreement with everything you say, except on one point, which, however, is not essential to your argument.You say, “Archaeological evidence conclusively indicates that for almost all of these 100,000 years – excepting only about the past 10,000 – we have all lived in small, hunter-gatherer bands. … I suggest that we can reasonably assume that for nearly all of the past 100,000 years, apart from the past 10,000, all humans have lived in societies with these same characteristics.” But there is very little archaeological evidence which can be dated to more than 12,000 years ago, and any such evidence is dismissed by almost all archaeologists since it conflicts with their official story that civilization emerged only in the last 10,000 years. Graham Hancock’s new book “Magicians of the Gods” presents good evidence that the Earth was struck by a comet fragment around 12,600 years ago which devastated much of North America and Europe, and a couple of thousand years later another comet impact ended the most-recent ice age (at the end of the Younger Dryas) and led to a great increase in sea level (submerging several enigmatic structures recently discovered). Hancock also presents archaeological evidence that there was an advanced civilization existing prior to 12,600 years ago which was wiped out by these comet impacts and sea level rise. Further info at http://grahamhancock.com/scientists-find-link-between-comet-and-asteroid-showers-mass-extinctions/ and http://grahamhancock.com/magicians/ The existence of pre-12,600-year advanced civilization on Earth would not invalidate your arguments, but it might be better to omit “conclusively” from “Archeological evidence conclusively indicates …”OBTW I recently published the final (November 2015) version of my Serendipity Website-on-CD. Details at http://www.serendipity.li/cdrom.phpRegards,Peter Meyer
Thanks Peter. ETM introduces many concepts that are contrary to what most people believe. I felt that delving into prehistoric civilizations would make the book even more difficult for people to accept, without helping to establish my main points. Also, at the time of writing, I hadn’t looked very deeply into such civilizations. So I stuck with the widely-accepted story told to us by anthropologists, re/ the beginnings of civilizations.
Since publishing ETM, I’ve studied Hancock’s material, and I’ve also studied the climate record and learned about the electrical nature of the universe. Hancock has done a great job of uncovering and publicizing evidence of these early civilizations, but his explanations of why they were destroyed suffers from his lack of understanding of these other two subjects.
The climate record shows that the Earth is subjected to intense energy pulses on a regular basis, about every 100,000 years, each time terminating an ice age. Comet collisions would not be so regular, whereas electrical discharge events are often cyclical in nature – oscillating circuits. Also, electrical discharges on a planetary scale would exchange material between planets, leaving the same kinds of alien deposit layers that Hancock ascribes to cometary collisions.
Every time an ice-age ends from one of these energy pulses, any existing civilizations are wiped out by mega-tsunamis and 200-meter seal level rises, as well as by the electrical discharges themselves. And when the next ice age follows, the glaciers grind to dust any civilizations that emerged in the semi-polar territories (including a great deal of the northern hemisphere).