cj#1040.b> TFF PressInfo: turbo-militarization of the EU


Richard Moore

Dear cj,

Here is the companion posting for today - both about the
"designer era" of globalization.  This one is about the
NWO's "Roman Legions".  Those of you who have taken the
trouble to stay informed know that the US/NATO role in
Yugoslavia and especially in Kosovo has been a human-rights
disaster.  Those who get their news from TV think otherwise.
 Based on the TV version - the reality of "The Matrix" - the
EU is now planning to make that kind of thing standard


Delivered-To: moderator for •••@••.•••
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 11:50:04 +0800
To: # 82<•••@••.•••>
From: Transnational Foundation TFF <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Preventing Peace - New Report

On http://www.transnational.org from December 16, 1999

TFF P r e s s I n f o   # 8 2

P R E V E N T I N G   P E A C E   -   N E W   R E P O R T

December 16, 1999

"We are seeing it for the umteenth time in international
conflict-management: when intellectual analysis and politics
fall apart, cover it up with military potency and give it
all a human face! One would like to believe that the West's
moral, legal and political conflict 'management' disaster in
the Balkans and in Kosovo 1989-1999 would be debated
throughout the West - democracies with freedom of speech.
The silence about that failure, however, is roaring. It's
just the locals who won't understand how well-meaning we
were and are!

But something else is happening: the disaster is turning
into a recipe! Read the statements from leading ministers,
top generals, EU, and NATO during the last six months. They
invariably state 'that we have learnt in Kosovo' that we
need more military capacity, more force. NATO's Secretary-
General, Lord Robertson, tells the world that "the time for
a peace dividend is over because there is no permanent peace
- in Europe, or elsewhere. If NATO is to do its job of
protecting future generations, we can no longer expect to
have security on the cheap." Well, Lord Robertson is of
course constitutionally prevented from pondering what world
leaders have done so miserably the last ten years since the
century ends under such dark clouds.

The EU has decided to conduct a turbo-militarization. It has
nothing to do with a European Army, we are told - then we
can be sure that's what they are heading for. No, it's for
peace. And it's modelled on the handling of Kosovo. It means
repetition, somewhere sometime, of that failed policy"- says
TFF director Jan Oberg.

"To put it crudely, what the EU, the US and NATO have done
with all the unique historical peace opportunities of 1989
is to practise a new idea: PEACE-PREVENTION. Western power
political, geostrategic, geo-economic motives and
military-industrial needs coupled with world cultural and
media dominance increasingly function as force multipliers -
straight toward a new world-anatagnising authoritarianism.
For years to come, this means a less stable, more
militarised Europe, a new globalised Cold War, more
destruction and more human suffering - in the Balkans and
Eurasia in the future.

Most security and peace intellectuals seem safely immunized
against criticism and independent, alternative thinking. And
neither the citizens of Western democracies nor those of
Eastern Europe are consulted at this fateful moment of
contemporary history.

We are ending this century in an extremely ill-fated manner.
The West obviously could not survive the old Cold War's end
without creating new enemies. Some of us -
http://www.transnational.org/forum/meet/lossofenemy.html -
raised that worry exactly ten years ago. It's part of the
deep ideology of the West," says Oberg.

T H E   R E P O R T

TFF has found it necessary, at this moment, to take a more
systematical look at what the West has done as
self-proclaimed conflict-managers and mediators since the
war started in 1991. The collection of intellectual and
moral failures is published in "PREVENTING PEACE. SIXTY
SINCE 1991."

It contains theory and  is very concrete, with the following chapters:
- Pro-active violence-prevention
- Conflicts and emergencies
- Civil society peace culture
- and then comes the sixty examples of conflict
  mismanagement, concluding in nine peace-making lessons
  that must be learned again.

This analysis will be followed up by constructive proposals
and alternatives to each of the sixty mistakes - what should
have been done instead based on a philosophy of principled
mediation and peacemaking.

It's short, sharp and sad - sad as a comment on how leaders
are misleading us into what looks like impending chaos. On
top of it you hear every day that 'we have no choice' and
that 'the developments require...'We hope that it will help
you think realistically and mindfully about the implications
of this particular turn of the year, decade and century.

YUGOSLAVIA SINCE 1991. 58 pp, 125 Swedish kronor or 15 US$
plus postage.

How to order:
Write to •••@••.•••, we send you payment
instructions and when your payment has arrived, we send the
analysis to you.

© TFF 1999

You are welcome to reprint, copy, archive, quote or re-post
this item, but please retain the source.


Dr. Jan Oberg
Director, head of the TFF Conflict-Mitigation team
to the Balkans and Georgia


Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research
Vegagatan 25, S - 224 57 Lund, Sweden
Phone +46-46-145909 (0900-1100)
Fax +46-46-144512


Richard K Moore
Wexford, Irleand
Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance

                Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful
                committed citizens can change the world,
                indeed it's the only thing that ever has.
                        - Margaret Mead

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