Dear cj & rn, I was offline for a few days completing an article for Whole Earth Review. Unfortunately, I can't send it out before publication. I can only give you a hint. The Matrix. The world of consensus reality, in which Clinton sends in troops for humanitarian reasons, and where elections determine our future, is the matrix. What does it feel like to take the red pill and wake up to reality? Who runs the matrix and how do they do it? How can you find out where the matrix is going next? What does it mean that "there are no limits and everything is possible"? How do you escape from the matrix? Get the Fall issue of Whole Earth. I think they'll they decide to publish the piece. It's currently in editorial review. If they don't, you'll see it earlier. The issue will be good in any case. rkm ============================================================================ Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 19:48:42 +0800 To: •••@••.••• From: Betty Daly-King <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#1068> THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT Hello, Good analysis. However, a point with which I take issues is the claim that USA is not *blood thirsty*. I cite as one reference, William Blum, KILLING HOPE, web site: <> Each section of this book is a USA intervention since the end of World War II. Appendix I is a chart of how the money goes round - the agencies, their fronts, and primary targets, from Washington Post, Feb. 26, 1967 - all increased since that chart - Appendix II are the instances of USA armed forces abroad, 1798-1945, Appendix III lists USA government assassination plots. [Though it does not include the death of Australian Prime Minister, Harold Holt, though the unofficial evidence documented would conclude that it should - vital eye witnesses accounts were excluded in evidence at the Coronial Inquest, but given voice in a documentary on his death.] This book does not take into account internal wars and violence. Nor does it refer to victims of electronic deaths, stress, disease and death. No single country in the recorded history of mankind has had such a record. USA is unparalleled in its global spread and use of violence in human history. What to do about it: Start by calling a spade a spade! USA is an internal and globally rapacious and violent country with objectives for global control and toward this end has developed verbal euphemisms to an art form. Further action could include an alternative glossary of terms, such as: New World Order: Global Americanization. World Trade Organization: World Trade Corporatization Economic Rationalization: Economic Elite and Mass Poverty As a person who is very good with words, and with your cyber journal circulation, I think we could all come up with a good glossary of terms! And circulate it as widely as possible. ================ Dear Betty, Good thinking! You're proposing a glossary which translates Orwellian doublespeak into its meaning in reality. In such a glossary one might have: democracy: a hoax in which people are convinced that marking an X next to Tweedly or Dum gives them control over their destinies. But we would need another glossary as well, where we reclaim our language and say what words really mean... democracy: a system in which people decide together how they want to run their communities and their societies. If anyone out there wants to send in entries for either glossary, I can put them together and post them. rkm ============================================================================ Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 17:41:45 -0500 From: "John B. Kennedy" <•••@••.•••> Subject: cj#1069> Greg Coleridge - re: NWO & WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT To: "INTERNET:•••@••.•••" <•••@••.•••> MIME-Version: 1.0 Gentlemen, The United States of America IS NOT AND NEVER WAS A DEMOCRACY. A democracy is where the majority determines its destiny. A democracy also is where a condition exists in which many people would not want to live in it especially if the majority is flawed....... AND TO THE REPUBLIC FOR WHICH IT STANDS, ONE NATION UNDER GOD......., This county is a republic.......Always was and has never pretended to be any thing else. John B. Kennedy PM, IMA Free and Accepted Masons. ============== Dear John, I couldn't agree with you more about the evils of what is normally called "democracy". I think the word has been hijacked and used to suit the purposes of those who run things. They are clever enough to sell almost anything to the liberal majority with their television propaganda, even a clown like Clinton. What does a majority vote mean except that their sales campaign was successful? I also agree with you that individual rights are sacrosanct, and no majority or other collective pressure should be allowed to violate the Bill of Rights and other Constitutional guarantees that give our Republic its stability through times of mass passion. Being a republic, and having a consitution, is the basic framework of our society, and it _should gurantee the rights of individuals. Within that framework we then have a choice. We can either permit a wealthy elite to run things, or we can run them ourselves. I think it would be better for us to run them ourselves. That's what I mean by democracy, and I think its closer what the word should rightfully mean: "government by the people". Government, whether by the people or the elite, must still live within the boundaries of the Constitution. Government is an administrative institution, and it is needed to manage a modern society. The question is: what policies does it administer? Currently, it administers whatever policies corporate leaders tell it to. "The business of American is business" is how one President put it. Democracy, in the true sense, is an option we have _after we've decided to be a republic. Personally, I'd prefer democracy to elite rule. best regards, rkm ============================================================================ Reply-To: "Lilian Cipciriuc" <•••@••.•••;•••@••.•••;;> From: "Lilian Cipciriuc" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: I wish I had more comments Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 09:24:32 +0200 Dear Richard K.Moore I've read your article "THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT" and actually liked it much. I'm not a political analist but if you don't mind and just think of scenario with some addings. Don't think, please, that what is following is a radical proposition to be adopted by a democratically oriented group of people. Imagine that one day this democratic group rejects money as a mean of evolution. Just don't reject the idea and propose a scenario. And if you don't mind it would be valuable to me to know Your opinion. The blood of the capitalist order is money. Money flows - capitalism is alive, stop the investments - you cut the capitalism arterys. In that scenario try to include educated people that only need to be guided by the idea of total welfare for every member of the group rather than achieving the welfare with money - because when you start thinking in terms of "financial support for building democracy" you will have to store those money in banks - which are corporative and interest oriented - and what may happen is fighting against the windmills. Sincerely Lilian Cipciriuc National Farmers Federation of Moldova 162 Stefan cel Mare, office 1413 Chisinau, MOLDOVA, MD2004 tel. 373.2.248165 ================== Dear Lilian, So nice to hear from you! I don't get many letters from Moldova. You make the world seem smaller than ever. In Moldova do you have the saying, "Money is the root of all evil"? Or perhaps it is "The pursuit of money is the root of all evil", I'm not sure. I think money is kind of handy. Consider the town of Wexford, Ireland where I live. There are lots of shops and I go in and buy things and money works very well. No bookkeeping, just swap coins for things. Its simple and it does the job. Some activists are proposing "alternative currency" schemes, which gives them a money they have more control over, but it's still a kind of money. If we want to have large-scale exchange of goods, then we probably need something that functions very much like money. Societies have always needed some medium of exchange, and most adopted money as soon as they could invent or borrow it. I think we have to find a way to live with it. Money is a system that a society adopts to permit exchange, to permit taxes to be collected, and for public and private projects to be undertaken. Just as rail or telephone system needs to be managed and maintained, so does the money system. In fact, management of the money system is perhaps the most important of all. As I see it, the issue isn't money or not money, but rather how the financial system is managed, who decides how it is managed, and what goals they are actually pursuing. It comes down to the question of who is running society. If some group or class is running things to their own advantage, then they will subvert money, media, technology and everything else. The answer is to get them out of power, not to do away with money, communications, or technology. or so it seems, rkm ============================================================================ Richard K Moore Wexford, Irleand Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance email: •••@••.••• CDR website: cyberjournal archive: book in progress: A community will evolve only when the people control their means of communication. -- Frantz Fanon Permission for non-commercial republishing hereby granted - BUT include and observe all restrictions, copyrights, credits, and notices - including this one. ============================================================================ .