Dear cj, First some feedback on the Matrix article... then some red-pill reports from observers of the Yugoslav elections. rkm ============================================================================ Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 13:12:36 -0300 To: •••@••.••• From: •••@••.••• (Jan Slakov) Subject: rn: rkm's red pill revisited Dear RN, Just recently we got a message from Carol Brouillet, applauding Richard's article on the Matrix reality published in the _Whole Earth Review_. **************************************************** Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 13:48:44 -0700 To: •••@••.••• From: Carol Brouillet <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#1126,rn> rkm still on holiday Richard, I finally got my copy of WHOLE Earth and was able to read your MATRIX article! It was excellent. Carol P.S. Saw this on the TOES list- I feel as though we have all just been nibbling around the edges. The main story, the Truth, the Red Pill, is to be found at: If you can't access it, I'll be happy to email it to you or post it here. Bob (from Bob Wallace- •••@••.•••) ************************************************************************ I have to confess that, like Carol, I didn't get around to reading the article when Richard sent it to us on the cj & rn lists. I finally managed to find my copy (as I can't easily go to the web site where Richard has it posted) and am resending it for those of us who missed it the first time. Below I copy a part from near the end which I find most useful. So often, when we speak of bringing an end to capitalism, we are criticized for being unrealistic or for playing into the hands of totalitarianism. We need to remember that we want an end to a system which rewards people for destoying the earth and human communities (which is what capitalism does). Once we see our goal, we are free to find any number of ways to reach it; we are not restricted to replacing capitalism with some other form of totalitarianism. I think this article ought to be of most use to us in trying to reach consensus with well-meaning people who have supported neoliberalism for various reasons. Perhaps it will help these people see that they have been playing into the hands of the most virulent totalitarianism of today, Pax Americana and corporate (or economic) globalization. all the best, Jan ******************************************************************** from: ESCAPING THE MATRIX (c) 2000 Richard K. Moore email: •••@••.••• Like a cancer, capitalism consumes its host and is never satisfied. The capital pool must always grow, more and more, forever--until the host dies or capitalism is replaced. The matrix equates capitalism with free enterprise, and defines centralized-state-planning socialism as the only alternative to capitalism. In reality, capitalism didn't amount to much of a force until the Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution of the late 1700s-- and we certainly cannot characterize all prior societies as socialist. Free enterprise, private property, commerce, banking, international trade, economic specialization--all of these had existed for millennia before capitalism. Capitalism claims credit for modern prosperity, but credit would be better given to developments in science and technology. Before capitalism, Western nations were generally run by aristocratic classes. The aristocratic attitude toward wealth focused on management and maintenance. With capitalism, the focus is always on growth and development; whatever one has is but the seeds to build a still greater fortune. In fact, there are infinite alternatives to capitalism, and different societies can choose different systems, once they are free to do so. As Morpheus put it: "Outside the matrix everything is possible, and there are no limits." ============================================================================ From: •••@••.••• Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 23:44:17 EDT Subject: Yugoslav election as seen from a non-US government point of view To: •••@••.••• MIME-Version: 1.0 Press release 22/09/2000 ======================== CANADIAN OBSERVERS IN YUGOSLAVIA BELGRADE. The international observers of the Yugoslavian presidential and parliamentary elections have arrived in Belgrade - some 200 of them from (so far) 54 countries. Contrary to the reports that "they have not been allowed in," there are registered observers from the following Western European countries. Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Sweden and UK. (The so far single American observer is an active senior participant in the Gore presidential campaign.) Among the observers are parlamentarians, delegates from political parties and organizations, as well as independents like the two participants from Canada. The Canadian delegates have attended political rallies of the three major presidential candidates, in Belgrade and Novi Sad. These events were noisy and lively affairs, without any observable disturbances and any noticeable police presence. Literature was freely distributed and received at these events, in a way no different from political rallies in Canada. One of us (Marjaleena Repo) has paid particular attention to election posters as she has been involved in the long-standing and not-yet-finished fight for the right to poster in Canada - and she can report that posters are everywhere in the street scene, accompanied by graffiti and the defacing of each others posters even-steven fashion, it seems. She has seen posterers at work in downtown Belgrade with posters urging women to vote, while postering on top of other election messages! She had a chance to discuss this contradiction with five English-speaking Yugoslavian youth with their buckets and sponges. Unlike in Canadian cities, the posters appear not to be scraped down by city workers but live to suffer the indignities from competeing political parties. In addition, there are huge billboards advertising the three major presidential candidates all around the cityscape. All in all, the appearance of democracy in action. The other Canadian delegate, Professor Dimitri Kitsikis, has a long-time experience of national elections, having systematically studied and observed them in many countries, notably in France, Greece and Turkey. His observations are therefore particularly valid and he has been unshaken by Western insistence that Yugoslav elections could be rigged. On the contrary, he is observing that these elections do not differ from those in any other democratic countries, particularly from France, of which Dr. Kitsikis is an expert. The delegates have attended an information session on the electoral process in Yugoslavia and have been provided with background information and documentation on how the system works and how it makes an effort to guarantee an equal, free and transparent voting method leading to reliable results. Questions were invited and responded to. We were informed that the delegates will be able to attend any and all polling stations on voting day, Sept. 24, and officials at the polls have been instructed to welcome foreign observers with full access to the actual voting situation, while respecting the citizens' right to privacy. While in Belgrade, disturbing news reached the observers. The International Herald Tribune of Sept. 20 has a front page story, titled "U.S. aids Milosevic foes: Millions allocated to a democracy program." The article states that U.S. officials have acknowledged $77 million financial "contribution" to opposition groups in Yugoslavia, from students to labour, from so-called independent media to political rock bands, and the newspaper states that "There is nothing secret or even particularly unusual about the U.S. democracy-building program in Serbia, which is closely co-ordinated with European allies and is similar to previous campaigns in pre-democratic Chile, South Africa and Eastern Europe, among other places." Washington Post (Sept. 21) further reveals that U.S. officials and corporations are also "providing a sophisticated opinion survey system, engaging for the purpose the New York firm that has done the job for Bill Clinton [Penn, Schoen and Berland Associates]" which explains the many polls that "prove" that an opposition candidate is ahead of President Milosevic and suggest vigorously that Mr. Milosevic will only win by fraud. While the Canadian and other Western media have alredy declared the election to be "rigged" (without any evidence, of course), we believe that the actual evidence for rigging and distorting the Yugoslavian election results has been found in the pre-democratic countries of U.S. and the European Union who in an wholly illegal and undemocratic fashion are interfering in the domestic affairs of a sovereign country. This, of course, must be condemned by all true democrats, be they individuals, organizations or nations. - 30 - MARJALEENA REPO is a social justice activist and a long-standing member of Canada's "democracy movement," with hands-on experience on how Canada's democracy does and does not work. She lives in Saskatoon, Sask. DR. DIMITRI KITSIKIS is a professor of International Relations at the University of Ottawa since 1970 and a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He is a specialist of the Balkans and Turkey and has written many books on the area. They can be reached for interviews at the Inter-Continental Hotel in Belgrade: 381-11-311-3333. Ms. Repo at room # 335 and Professor Kitsikis at room # 711. Professor Kitsikis is multi-lingual and can give interviews in French and Greek as well as in English. Back in Canada on September 29, Ms. Repo can be reached at (416)466-6533 or (306)244-9724. Professor Kitsikis will be back in Ottawa on October 2, and can be reached at University of Ottawa, tel: (613)562-5735 or at his home tel: (613)834-4634. ********************************************************************* Citizens Concerned About Free Trade/Campaign for Canada Vancouver Office, #210-207 West Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C. V6B 1H7 Tel (604) 683-3733, Fax (604) 683-3749 E-mail: •••@••.••• websites: & ******************************************************************** ============================================================================ Richard K Moore Wexford, Ireland Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance email: •••@••.••• CDR website & list archives: content-searchable archive: featured article: A community will evolve only when the people control their means of communication. -- Frantz Fanon Permission for non-commercial republishing hereby granted - BUT include and observe all restrictions, copyrights, credits, and notices - including this one. ============================================================================ .