cj#1149,rn> report from rkm…


Richard Moore

Bcc: a few colleagues


Below are two invitiations to submit material for
publication, one from Science for Peace and another from New
Dawn magazine.  I was very pleased to receive these
invitiations.  The topics are timely; an opportunity to
reach audiences is always welcome - and the requests
dovetail with work I was already pursuing.

Earlier I've mentioned "A Guidebook: How the World Works and
How We Can Fix it".  I've been working away on this guide
and have a good deal of the first chapter completed, "How
the World Works Today and How it Got That Way".  I'm setting
high goals for this project, and I think I've adapted some
techniques that may make achievement of those goals
feasible.  On the one hand, I want the guide to be a quick
read, so that the reader doesn't get bogged down in so much
detail that the overall picture is lost.  On the other hand,
I want to include supporting material which gives more
detailed treatments and examples of the various points.

In order to do both at the same time, the guide will be a
browser document and will use links in a particular way. 
The guide is divided into two columns, a 'links column' on
the left, and a 'text column' on the right.  The text column
provides the 'fast read' overview, and the links column is
packed with annotated links off to supporting material. 
When you hit one of these links, the referenced material
comes up in a second browser window.  Thus you can keep your
place in the guide while following up a reference.

Each chapter is divided up into sections of approximately
1,000 words, and the sections from Chapter 1 will provide
Science for Peace with their first batch of commentaries. 
New Dawn is requesting an article on 'Vision for a New
Society', which is the topic of Chapter 2.  I'll write the
chapter first and then modify it slightly for New Dawn.  The
synergy is good and I take these serendipitous invitations
as being good omens for the project.

I'm pleased to share these invitations (below) with you. 
David Jones' words I find particularly inspiring and I am
pleased to join in both of these collaborative endeavors.

all the best,

    Sorry to bother you with this, but I'm currently looking for
    some software contracts to tide me over for a while...  if
    you have any leads to folks who might need some web database
    applications done, they'd be appreciated. -rkm

Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 20:12:04 -0500
From: Paul Hamel <•••@••.•••>
To: "Richard K. Moore" <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Greetings and A Request

Dear Richard,

I am writing on behalf of Science for Peace.  We have begun
a weekly commentary series in  which issues and perspectives
typically undiscussed, distorted and/or otherwise "lost" in
the media can be raised.  These commentaries will be between
500 and 1,000 words and will address any number of important
issues including but not limited to nuclear disarmament,
global militarization, economic globalization, human rights,
biotechnology, science and ethics, homelessness, democracy
etc. These commentaries will typically provide a Canadian
perspective on these local, national and international
issues, although important perspectives from other countries
or, for example, the First Nations in Canada, will also
included. They will occasionally be "borrowed" from other
media sources when an appropriate or urgent matter arises.

This week was actually the first one we sent out.  It was
Noam Chomsky outlining and commenting on recent Palestinian
events.  I am hoping to have more like that which combines
an academic tone with some excellent sarcasm, and/or
emotional impact.  I hoping to have the view primarily from
those that have "taken the red pill", do not dither with
apologies or excuses and who will expose the system and its
guardians (sorry, I'm getting out of control there).

I have read a great number of your excellent writings in the
CyberJournal (I'm on your list server) in the past and have
been impressed by both their academic quality and their
insight into the distortions presented in these same issues
by governments and main stream media alike.  I would like to
ask you, therefore, if you would be willing to write a
commentary for the Science for Peace Weekly Newsletter.  I
appreciate that this would be an additional burden on your
schedule.  Please fell free to contact me if you have any
questions or comments and I look forward to your reply. 
Thanks for your consideration in this matter and I hope that
you will overlook this rather informal method for a more
formal request.

Sincerely yours, Paul.

Paul A. Hamel, Ph. D.
Associate Professor &
Executive Secretary of Science for Peace
Faculty of Medicine
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
(416) 978-8741/405-8645
check out:  http://scienceforpeace.sa.utoronto.ca

Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 18:36:15 +1000
To: •••@••.•••
From: (David Jones) •••@••.•••
Subject: re: cj#1146,rn> Overcoming capitalism with new-society visions

Hi Richard

Trust all is well with you.... I've been going through all
my mail and came across one of the more important and
relevant messages: your discussion about building a new
movement and creating the necessary *vision* to unite the
peoples against capitalism and build the new society. I've
felt this is the ONLY way we are going to achieve anything.
There are endless critiques of capitalism but few actual
visions of the new society.  The greatest motivating factors
for people are not 'negative' portrayals of the situation
(although they are vital so that we all understand the
problem and don't delude ourselves), but positive images of
the future we are fighting toward. In fact, real success may
lie in a strategy of formulating coherent -- but not
overcomplex -- models of the new society.

These models would be presented to people in different
formats -- from the scientific to the utopic/paradisical.
Any person with knowledge (or the intense desire to learn)
on a particular area (ie. agriculture, democracy, economics
.... down the scale to single subjects -- permaculture,
conflict resolution, money systems) could develop models for
the new society. The beauty of this system is that those
designing viable models will need to expand their horizons
and understand all other related (interlocking) subjects and
models. This would greatly help to move toward (w)holistic
models and away from overspecialisation and reductionism.

There is also nothing to stop this new movement from putting
the models into practice even while capitalism still rules
the day -- thus creating the new society within the shell of
the old. However, I believe this can only work when the
individuals involved are truly committed to the vision
because this is no place for fence sitters, armchair
revolutionaries or cynics. We all know of capitalism's
resilience and great ability to absorb its opposition.

Richard, we'd be glad to accept an article from you on this
subject. The deadline has passed for the Jan-Feb 2001 issue,
so the Mar-Apr issue would be the place. The deadline for
this issue falls around mid-Jan. Please let me know if
you're interested....


New Dawn Magazine,
GPO Box 3126FF, 
Melbourne, VIC 3001

Richard K Moore
Wexford, Ireland
Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance 
email: •••@••.••• 
CDR website & list archives: http://cyberjournal.org
content-searchable archive: http://members.xoom.com/centrexnews/
featured article, "Escaping the Matrix": 

                A community will evolve only when
                the people control their means of communication.
                        -- Frantz Fanon

Permission for non-commercial republishing hereby granted - BUT 
include and observe all restrictions, copyrights, credits,
and notices - including this one.

