@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 08:40:47 -0700 Sender: •••@••.••• (Joe Ferguson) Hi Richard, I just wanted to touch bases to let you know I'm here and have been following CJ - I just have been too busy to comment (and I often feel that I have more to learn than to offer, on many of the threads). A while back I made a statement about the division between "left" and "right" as an artifice of the manipulators. You acknowledged there was something to this, but rightly observed it doesn't go too far in itself. I agree, and just wanted to illustrate the thinking further. What I'm looking for in discourse is substance and direction. Examples are your writings on the corporate facism trend, and that book I recently reviewed, "The Death of Common Sense." In both cases, there is no effort I can detect to take a left or right side or to advocate either. There is substance of ideas: in the former, illustrating how big, greedy and wealthy powers are exploiting the general population; in the latter, illustrating fundamental folly in how Americans utilize law and process in government administration. There is direction: in the former, for people to rediscover the value of democratic government and to take it back as a force for serving the whole population; in the latter, for people to restore human responsibility, judgement and experience to the administrative process and to remake government into a more efficient and sensible apparatus. Too often, when I read or hear the words "left" and "right" it seems to be a substitute for actual substance or direction, and it seems like buying into the manipulators' game. An appropriate use of these categories I think is in pointing out the errors of the extremes: on the right, to abandon the tool of government, thinking the powerful will let us all be free; on the left, to suffocate individuality by eliminating all personal reward from society. Either way you end up with totalitarianism. It is only in a middle ground, where people pursue substantial ideas to address the needs of the diverse population of the world, where we can make any progress. When I read your ideas, they appeal to me as sensible, which to me is a moderate, universal attribute. I have never heard you say that all personal property is evil, that all individual reward is evil, or that people should enjoy luxury without earning it. What I have heard you say is that greedy people should not be able to starve and evict poor people from the world, and get a free ride; that government should provide help and service to people who need it, and not give away all the wealth of the land to the rich, while taxing the hungry. What I have found in substantial, honest discourse is a universal acceptance of values learned from old-fashioned stories like Aesop's fables, Jesus' parables and even popular pulp literature like the books of Edgar Rice Burroughs, or the Conan stories. The point is that there is room for people who are strong and achieve personal rewards, but these people can co-exist with poor, weak people - and don't have to feel threatened by them to the extent they feel they must be evicted, banished or imprisoned. In other words, people are allowed to live in a subsistance mode, like an indigenous community, or just plain poor people who would rather play with their children than work their butts off or spend all their energy forming finacial strategy; and people are allowed to work and save and build. There's room and resources enough for us all, and it is simply evil to prey on the weak (an extreme "rightwing" thing) or to forbid individuals to rise (an extreme "left- wing" thing). Arun has captured the essence of the point in his quote of Gandhi: "There is enough in the world for man's needs, but not for his greed." This works if one can imagine people having personal desires without wanting "all the marbles." That's what I believe is the basic nature of most of humanity, with an acknowledged massive variation in what people desire or perceive as "valuable." - Joe @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore <•••@••.•••> Wexford, Ireland (USA citizen) Editor: The Cyberjournal (@CPSR.ORG) World Wide Web (shared with cyber-rights): http://jasper.ora.com/andyo/cyber-rights/cyber-rights.html http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~hwh6k/public/cyber-rights.html FTP: ftp://jasper.ora.com/pub/andyo/cyber-rights You are encouraged to forward and cross-post messages and online materials, pursuant to any contained copyright & redistribution restrictions. For commercial re-use, contact the appropriate author. ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~