@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ >From: •••@••.••• Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 To: •••@••.••• Subject: When Corporations Rule The World Great reading. Much of what you need to know to understand the push for globalized economies, Multinational Corporations, behind the scenes planning groups like the Council on Foriegn Relations, Trilateral Commision, and the Bilderberg group in Europe. This is history- not for conspiracy buffs. The author David C. Korten is a rare animal indeed. A conservative business type intellectual with a brain, a heart, and a functioning empathetic nervuos system. If you don't have much time to research this second or third most important human event in our brief history, then this is a good primer. When Corporations Rule the World - by David C. Korten Thanks for listening, Joshua2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ From: •••@••.••• Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 To: •••@••.••• Subject: Why U.S. is in Bosnia There have been several insightfull postings about why the U.S. is sending it's military abroad yet again. Some suggestions were - to preserve NATO - to juice capitalist economies - welfare for the Military Industrial Complex - a political diversionary tactic by Clinton to keep the U.S. public's mind off of Whitewater, and a sluggish economy, etc. There is truth in all of these. Perhaps the cumulative "positive" results top off the real reason, which is not to jeopardize the still shakey European Union ( E.C. ). Let's remember that this part of Western Asia is the most violent place on Earth, and has not seen a century of peace in all of it's history. Now the New World Order planners are trying to make Europe a cohesive Superstate, and the centerpiece of the One World Economy. These people's ambitions and greed far outweigh their logic. A religious based ground war in the middle of Europe could easily be handled by the countries that fought World Wars 1 and 2. The problem is, whoever backs the loser may be upset enough to pull out of the E.C. If the Muslims come out the big losers, that would upset Turkey and the Arab oil connected Multinationals. If the Croats come out short than that would upset the Germans ( who started this round of violence by prematurely recognizing their old Nazi allies, thus forcing the other factions to scramble to establish national borders.). The Germans are not yet comfortable using their own military in Europe. So they are again renting ours. That leaves the Serbs who have been made the fall guys because their backer the Soviet Union has devolved into Russia who at the moment can't find it's ass with both hands. Having said that, the planners don't want to give the Russian ultra nationalists an issue to hang their hat on. So the solution is simple. Put it all under the U.S. banner, because the U.S. has the responsibility of being the only Superpower ( whatever that means ) and any blame for fuck ups and masacres and usual resedues of war can be blamed on them ( U.S. ) thus allowing the European partners to continue cementing the relationship. Thanks for listening, Joshua2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Thu, 7 Dec 1995 04:26:47 -0800 Sender: •••@••.••• (Kathleen Geathers) Subject: Re: cj#325> NWO Doublespeak Reviewed I appreciate your message on doublespeak. I have told people for quite some time that they need to think very carefully before they extol what they describe as democracy. Presently, most of the populace doesn't want troops in Bosnia, but the government goes ahead anyway. What we really have is a bunch of elites who dominate and exploit the masses. Kathleen @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 To: •••@••.••• From: •••@••.••• (Jim Warren) Subject: GovAccess.208: debt.list; DemRepInd; Bosnia; leginfo; phone$; grass ~--<snip>--~ C-SPAN, One of the *Best* GovAccess Tools - Bosnia Billions & *Lots* More Troops I caught some of last Friday's gavel-to-gavel Bosnia hearings on C-SPAN, before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee - far more than the content-free voice-over videoclip fantasies seen in teevee news - and noted tidbits stated by Gen'l John Shalikashvili and Secy Perry in their testimony. "20,000 Troops"? DON'T YOU BELIEVE IT! There will be 20,000 American troops in Bosnia, itself. There will be another 5,000 stationed in Crotia. There will be "2,000 or 3,000" in Italy and another 7,000 "support" troops moved into Hungary and other nearby areas. That sounds to me more like 35,000 U.S. troops for our Bosnia world police oprn. "All volunteer army," implying volunteer full-time military? DON'T YOU BELIEVE IT! At least 3,500 reservists are being called up to work in civil affairs, military police (wonder how many are civilian police - oh well, we don't need 'em for U.S. crime prevention), etc. Apparently our massive full-time military isn't well enough staffed to actually even *approach* a possible podunk conflict. Cost to U.S. taxpayers? $1.2-billion for the Bosnia operation. Another $300M for the air operation. Another 1/2-billion for support operations in Hungary and some adjacent nations. "Around $2-billion" sez Secy Perry. And oh by the way, that doesn't include operations of a carrier fleet that will also provide support, "since they are already in the area." 3,5000 troops and at least two billion tax-payers' dollars. And I didn't hear any mention of how much Clinton has already promised to have U.S. tax-payers pay to rebuild Bosnian infrastructure. The $2-bil minimum was just for our military operation. --jim @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore <•••@••.•••> Wexford, Ireland (USA citizen) Editor: The Cyberjournal (@CPSR.ORG) See the CyberLib at: http://www.internet-eireann.ie/cyberlib See Cyber-Rights library: http://www.cpsr.org/cpsr/nii/cyber-rights/ You are encouraged to forward and cross-post messages and online materials for non-commercial use, provided they are copied in their entirety, with all headers, signatures, etc., intact. ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~