cj#348> future of PC? | British Museum on WWW


Richard Moore

Date: Sun, 17 Dec 1995
From: •••@••.••• (Marsha Woodbury)
To: •••@••.•••
Subject: International Internet NewsClips (@)

Hello folks -

     Here are excerpts from this week's edition of my column,
"International Internet NewsClips." The full version plus
archives are at MecklerMedia's Internet World site
(http://www.iworld.com/netday/NATW.html). You can also find my
reviews of books on Internet-related subjects at this site.
     Comments, feedback, etc. most welcome as always.
                                                      - madan

  Madanmohan Rao (•••@••.•••), Communications Consultant,
     United Nations Inter Press Service bureau.

Future Of The PC: "Interpersonal PC" Or Home Appliance?
What will the next generation model of the PC look like? There
seem to be at least two contending versions - the "interpersonal
PC" or "NC" (network computer), and the integrated home
appliance. The home appliance version - pushed by companies like
Sony - will be a device which computes, functions as a TV, and
plays music. The "NC" - pushed by Sun, Oracle, and IBM - will
function as a terminal of a network like the Internet, and call
up any software or information resource from the server using
languages like Java. However, Microsoft and Intel feel that
powerful PCs are here to stay because users may not want to
entrust their data and programs to some impersonal network they
cannot physically see. Either way - whether it is the Internet
terminal worth a few hundred dollars or an expensive PC worth a
few thousand - the race is on for the home computer market in
(AsiaWeek, Hong Kong; December 15, 1995)

British Museum, Arts Board Set Up Web Sites
Britain's Natural History Museum (http://www.nhm.ac.uk/) has
redesigned its Web pages, including some online-only exhibits and
events in addition to regular displays ranging from flesh-eating
maggots to meteorites. Britain's ten Regional Arts Boards
(http://www.poptel.org.uk/arts/) have launched a major Web site
with links to over a hundred arts and cultural Web sites, an e-
mail directory for the arts, and an interactive map with regional
information about the arts.
(The Telegraph, Britain; December 15, 1995)


