The Alliance (arising out of Ronnie Dugger's "Call to Citizens") is making a sincere effort to get its act together as an organization, and become a democratic movement of some value. I've found the discussion on their list to be unusually focused, with noise at a minimum, though the traffic is heavy. I've been making whatever contributions I can, since this is exactly the kind of movement I'd been hoping would develop. In terms of aikido politics, the Alliance is a place where some appropriate individual contributions might accelerate forward a movement whose time has come. And the Alliance, similarly, could accelerate forward the latent aspirations of us discontented masses. Below is a Statement of Purpose I've proposed to them. Perhaps some of you may find it of interest, or want to offer some feedback. Thanks again to Joe Ferguson for introducing us to the Alliance. -rkm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Sat, 17 Feb To: •••@••.••• From: •••@••.••• (Richard K. Moore) Subject: Platform> Statement of Purpose Wade asked, in his "MODERATOR'S QUESTION #2": >Whether it is adopted prior to or at the founding convention, >DOES THE ALLIANCE NEED A ONE-SENTENCE MISSION STATEMENT, AND IF >SO, WHAT SHOULD IT BE? We certainly need to know what we stand for, and we need to be able to express that to others. A Mission Statement, taken in isolation, is tough -- tough to capture enough substance, and tough to reach agreement. I believe there should be a longer Statement of Purpose (about a page), which summarizes our basic values, goals, view of power relationships, and agenda. The Mission Statement should then be designed to capture and communicate the essence of the Purpose, and would be easier to agree on if an acceptable Purpose had been nailed down. Here's my off-the-cuff Statement of Purpose for the Alliance: -------------------- The Alliance - STATEMENT OF PURPOSE -- (a proposal) The deeds of our Founding Fathers, and the whole impetus of the American Revolution, had the express purpose of realizing a new vision of democratic governance, a government of, by, and for the people. The American experiment, based on a formal Constitution and Bill of Rights, understood from the beginning that power corrupts, and elaborate balance-of-powers mechanisms were built in, hoping to prevent usurpation of democracy by power-seeking individuals and groups. Ultimately, the people themselves are explicitly enjoined to adjust the mechanisms of governance, as necessary, to preserve the original intent of the Republic. To this end, the right to petition Congress, to organize politically, and to modify the Constitution are carefully enshrined rights of the people. Corporations, in particular, were clearly understood to be a threat to democracy and freedom, due to their tendency to accumulate wealth and power, and their predeliction to pursue asocial, self-serving objectives. The entire colony of Pennsyvania, for example, had been a privately owned corporation, and the early Americans were well aware of the threat of over-reaching corporate power. Until 1886, corporations were not considered to have civil rights under American law, and they could be restrained by simple statute. A regrettable and unprecedented Supreme Court decision then imbued "personal rights" to corporations, and collective corporate power over our society and political institutions has subsequently grown to awesome proportions. We believe that American democracy has decayed nearly to the point of total collapse, and that all democracy-loving citizens have both the right and the obligation to rally to the cause of its re-vitalization, and to rededicate the Republic to the humanistic and democratic mandate upon which it was founded. We further believe that corporate control over the economy, over the flow of public information, and over the allocation of national resources -- together with its corruption of the political process -- constitute the most dire threat to American democracy and to social well-being. We therefore declare that curbing corporate power, limiting its influence over the political process -- and reforming the granting of charters and "rights" to corporations -- must be at the forefront of any agenda hoping to restore the health of the Republic. At the international level, we recognize the growing interdependence of the global economy, and the inevitable tendency toward some new set of globally-organized political arrangments and structures. Unfortunately, we observe that this global power vacuum is being filled not by democratic, socially conscious institutions and arrangements, but rather by corporate-dominated commissions (GATT, NAFTA, IMF, WTO, etc.) and by elite-dominated military alliances (NATO et al). Besides being undemocratic in itself, this corporate-sponsored "new world order" scheme undermines national sovereignty, transferring power to these unrepresentative, feudalistic institutions and commissions. Meanwhile, we see an increasingly concentrated, corporate controlled, global mass media delivering a constant propaganda diet which defames and ridicules democratic institutions, while trumpeting the purported efficacy of "free trade", "market forces", and deregulation. We believe that the best hope for a democratic and progressive world is for each nation to pursue its own best path to democracy, and for national sovereignty to be strictly respected. We believe that a "world government" -- no matter how promising a panacea it may seem to be -- would concentrate power to such a dangerous extent that it would be impossible to prevent it being fatally corrupted by elite concentrations of power, particularly multinational corporations. In particular, we decry the current corporate-globalist, market-forces bandwagon as being anethma to democracy, national sovereignty, and human rights. As concerned citizens, we call out for America to reverse its support for such anti-democratic, laissez-faire internationalism, and to instead dedicate its global leadership postion to the promotion of regional harmonization, the humanization of international financial institutions, and the encouragement of locally-directed efforts to improve the lives and welfare of people in general, not just social and economic elites. Though eager to collaborate with like-minded people around the globe, we as American citizens see our primary job as being the reconstruction of American democracy and the reform of American foreign policy. To that end we have formed the Alliance, a grass-roots movement for popular political mobilization. Through the Alliance, which is dedicated to the principles outlined here, we seek to give voice to millions of citizens who see themselves as being disenfranchised by the current political system. We hope to facilitate new polical alignments and coalitions, thereby encouraging a new generation of socially-minded political leaders. By working for the election of such leaders, we intend to revitalize America's democratic institutions, and re-invent government as the responsive agent of the people, a bulwark against abusive corporate power, instead of its humble servant. Richard Moore 16 Feb 1996 •••@••.••• @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@