Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 Sender: •••@••.•••, symbolic analyst <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: "Moon Artifacts" -- is this a spam spoof? :Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 :Sender: "Ruben G. Remus" <•••@••.•••> :Richard, for obvious reasons I was interested in learning more about :the above message. I searched the net, but found no evidence such :press conference had taken place. The message is not very logically :consistent, I'm afraid it may be some kind of a joke. But, if you know :of any further info I would be interested in it. It's not a spoof. It could be spam but I think its unlikely since I haven't seen it posted much. It's not a spoof, but it's crackpot anyway. This "ancient sturctures on the moon" business is the work of the same guy who did the "faces on Mars" stuff, Richard Hoagland. Hoagland was a space reporter for CBS during the Moon shots 25 years ago. There was actually a press conference at the National Press Club, even though it wasn't listed on the NPC's web site. The presentation did receive some reports, from USA Today to the Seattle Times. It's not a hoax because they haven't made up any evidence. They just took old photos, found blurry spots on them, and re-interpreted it with their vivid imaginations. For more information: and -- home page of the "Puerto Rican yeti", the pets of aliens who supposedly visited Earthlings thousands of years ago. These winged "pets" now maraud and harass cattle. your friendly neighborhood X-Filer, -- Andrew Hagen, symbolic analyst e-mail •••@••.••• PGP Key ID: E4A58DB