@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Mon, 12 Aug 1996 Sender: Frank Chartrand <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#558> On U.S. Hegemony (thread, fwd) If the US could reduce China to rubble - they will if not already have the capability to do much the same to us. This grand advance in the last 3 years. Or perhaps Korea - who stands on the threshold of nuclear agency ... a development the US has opposed but nonetheless .... or the ME - and iran with the desire for nuclear devices ... or Russia - a nation moving back toward the old Soviet system ... a nation that is gobbling up by hook or crook those separated states, slowly but consistently. IMHO, while theoretically what you say seems plausible ...the US is - aside from monetary/economics ... a paper toger. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Dear Frank, Yes, once nukes become an "acceptable" weapon, there are many global situations where that option, under certains circumstances, might be seriously considered. I don't see any relevance to "the last 3 years", unless you're one of those trying to pin on Clinton the crimes of the past several decades. As for the U.S. being a paper tiger, I can understand why you might say that, but must protest that it is not the case. It is true the media is always portraying the U.S. as "under attack" from diverse sources: terrorists, drug gangs, ungrateful nations, etc. -- so there's always a feeling generated that Uncle Sam lets himself get pushed around. (Of course, if Uncle Sam didn't see the world as his imperial domain, he wouldn't feel personally insulted by events in every far corner.) It is also true that during the long period between Vietnam and Grenada, U.S. overt militarism was mostly on hold. But the sequence of episodes: Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Bosnia demonstrate a systematic escalation of the level of U.S. operations, and of U.S. sophisitication in manipulating global public opinion re/ those operations. The U.S. has field-tested its cruise/stealth/satellite/laser/fuel-air weapons systems, and is managing to get increasing blank-check authorization to use them in global "trouble spots". Militarily decisive, semi-permanent U.S. forces are stationed in both Bosnia and Iraq, with no clear limits on what actions those forces might take. The world has all but officially designated the U.S. as the official global police force, with NATO or the UN pulled in when convenient. The 100,000 plus Iraqis who died under U.S. bombardment would not consider this tiger to be paper. Nor do the Chinese, who considered the U.S. cruise-by's to be substantially provocative, not just empty insults. -rkm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1996 Sender: •••@••.••• (John Lowry) Subject: Re: cj#558> On U.S. Hegemony (thread, fwd) On China: As I understand it, 90% of US population is concentrated on 5% of the landmass, while in China, only 10% of the population is concentrated on 5% of the land. This means that our sophisticated and extensive nuclear arsenal could not obliterate Chinese civilization, under any circumstances, while China's (relatively) primitave nuclear weapons could devastate ours. In the aftermath of the Tienenman Square uprising, when the Western world united in harsh criticism of the regime, they (the Chinese old men) said 'stop this criticism or you will start a war.' And, presto, the criticism stopped. In the recent "spat" between US and China, I saw no US reference to nuclear escalation of the episode, while I did hear of such a Chinese reference. But I agree with the thrust of what you are saying, and I think the Chinese learned an important lesson about modern Capitalism when Clinton's boys educated them on the importance of "intellectual property" -- they learned that we are madmen who base our business on absurd theories. --John @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Dear John, When the U.S. sent a naval force near China recently, they "pinged" the Chinese navy over-the-horizon in such a way as to demonstrate to them that the two nations technologies are not even close to the same league. It's not just that the nuclear weapons are primitive, but all the guidance systems etc. are generations behind. They don't even know the full extent our electronic counter systems, and they're aware of that. The U.S. knows where every Chinese submarine is on a daily basis, and has air-launchable nuclear torpedo capability that could destroy them all at once. The U.S. would choose a first-strike strategy and could probably destroy nearly all Chinese nuclear capability before it could be launched. I don't see that "obliterating Chinese civilization" would be anyone's goal. Certainly the military, governmental, communications, transportation, and irrigation infrastructures could be destroyed readily. The problem would become one of keeping China from starving, rather than dealing with a counter-attack. I think it is incorrect to see the West as having "backed down" from Tienenman Square. No one in government in the West seriously thought the Chinese regime was going to permit a student Free-Speech-Movement (shades of Mario Savio) to carry on forever. They were glad to have China demonize herself in the media, which may come in handy later. The decision had already been made to accelerate Western trade with China, and the Tienenman incident was mainly a delaying embarrasment to the West -- they had to go through the charade of condemning the events, knowing they would be dropping it from the agenda as soon as they could get by with it. There may well have been no reference to "nuclear escalation" in the recent "spat", but when a U.S. battle group sails in, its own nuclear capability is well known, and the standard U.S. practice of "backing up" its forces "as necessary" is well-known to everyone. -rkm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@