[resent due to bad line-breaks] Dear cj, Here's an article by "Joshua2" (the nom-de-plum of an American named William Schwartz) which provides a concise yet comprehensive primer to major conspiracy threads behind the New World Order, a kind of "Conspiracy 101" for students of the NWO. These aren't mystical references to an "Illuminati" or "Secret Masonry", but rather, it seems, a well-documented trail of not-that-secret, but outside-the-public-loop, influence and control over global events by concious, organized members of elite circles. (Second part tomorrow.) -rkm ________________________________________________________________ Part 1 of 2 -> __________________________________ From: •••@••.••• (Joshua2) Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 1) UNDERSTANDING THE NEW WORLD ORDER by: Joshua2 CONSPIRACY, CONSPIRACY THEORY, AND THEIR USE AS PROPAGANDA --- This is a very touchy subject and requires a base of clarity. I expect that the reader will maintain a healthy skepticism, in conjunction with an open mind. In the end you will not be disappointed. DEFINITIONS -- So that we are all playing in the same ball park, I'll start by defining the terms... PROPAGANDA - n. 1. information or ideas methodically spread to promote or injure a cause, nation, etc.2. the deliberate spreading of such information or ideas. Propaganda is the systematic attempt to manipulate the attitudes, beliefs, and actions of people through the use of symbols such as words, gestures, slogans, flags, and uniforms. Ideas, facts, or allegations are spread to further a cause or to damage an opposing cause. The factor that distinguishes propagandizing from educating and informing is deliberate selectivity and manipulation. The word propaganda was derived from the title of the Congregation for Propagating the Faith (Congregatio de propaganda fide), established by Pope Gregory XV in 1622, which had jurisdiction over missionary work conducted by the Roman Catholic church. Within modern history, the propaganda machine of the German Nazis under Joseph GOEBBELS is especially infamous. Different Forms of Propaganda Propaganda can take various forms, ranging from overt attempts to influence the public to covert means of persuasion. Psychological warfare is a form of propaganda employed to confuse and demoralize enemy populations. BRAINWASHING is the practice of subjecting individuals to intensive political indoctrination and depends on methods aimed at breaking down the subject's resistance. Considerably less extreme forms of propaganda also exist. ADVERTISING ( less extreme, but much more pervasive - J2 ) for example, has been regarded as propaganda. Information on consumer sentiments toward various products, their packaging, and sales and advertising techniques is obtained through market research. The information is then used to mount advertising campaigns making one-sided appeals to consumer preferences.designed to avert potential dangers. The larger the propaganda enterprise, the more important are such mass media as television, newspapers, and the radio for reaching the widest audience in the most effective way. Mass communication studies that investigate the relative effectiveness and credibility of the various media are frequently used by propagandists when selecting a means of reaching the public. Using a method known as content analysis, the propagandist can quantitatively measure the symbolic content of his or her own propaganda and that of others. Symbol analysis has also been used to estimate the degree of fear and tension within a country. Apparently, at the height of a crisis, editorials concentrate on relatively few main symbols, whereas under relaxed conditions a broader set of symbols is used. ( from Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia- partial ) Mass political propaganda is ALSO successful when it results in INACTION, thus maintaining the status quo. CONSPIRACY - A conspiracy, in Anglo-American common law, is a combination of two or more persons formed for the purpose of committing some unlawful or criminal act or for the purpose of using unlawful or criminal means to commit an act not in itself unlawful. The essence of the crime is the agreement and, in some jurisdictions, the taking of steps to effect the plan (see also COLLUSION). In cases where actual damage is sustained by one or more victims, conspirators are also subject to civil suit for the recovery of damages. ( Grolier's Multimedia Encyclopedia ) If you and a neighbor secretly plan a surprise birthday party for another neighbor, this is not a conspiracy. If you and a neighbor secretly plan a surprise birthday party for another neighbor in the hope that he will get drunk and agree to pay half the cost of a fence that you would like to install, then this is a conspiracy. The point being that a third party is negatively affected by the conscious effort of the conspirators. Conspiracies are a common occurrence. The act of keeping secret the conversation between a lawyer and his guilty client, is a conspiracy. conspiracy (noun) -- Synonyms: PLOT 2, cabal, covin, intrigue, machination, practice, scheme Related words: sedition, treason; disloyalty, faithlessness, falsity, perfidiousness, perfidy, treacherousness, treachery Contrasted words: faith, faithfulness, fealty, loyalty CONSPIRACY THEORY --- I can't find any reference to the term _ conspiracy theory _ in a dictionary, or thesaurus. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm ??? It must be that the powers that be don't want us to understand what conspiracy theory means. This is an excellent example of conspiracy theory. It is not supernaturally based, and is possible in the rational scheme of things. The most famous examples are the JFK assassination conspiracy theories. From Oliver Stone's movie to the deathbed confessions of a Mafia don, one thing is sure, the most unbelievable story is the official one. PROPAGANDA ACCORDING TO LEVEL OF EDUCATION -- Effective propaganda only works if it is tailored to the sucker's frame of reference. In the old days, and among primitive and / or uneducated people, as well as among educated religious people, a belief in the supernatural, where anything is possible, can allow one to believe the single source theory. The single source theory holds that all the evil and malevolence in the story can be traced back to a single source. In that person's world, a cabal ( from the Hebrew,Cabbalah ) of fiendishly clever old Jews, can successfully conspire, organize, and carry out control and domination of the entire world in near total secrecy, even before the age of instant communications. The notion among a fair portion of the American Black community that the White Devils invented Aids to decimate their ( Black's ) population is laughable to educated Blacks and just about all Whites. It's not that White Americans are not capable of doing such a thing, it's that once released into the general population, how does the disease distinguish Blacks from every one else ? If Blacks are more susceptible because of promiscuous sexual behavior, then this is a foolish attempt at genocide since the choice to accommodate the White Devils is entirely in the hands ( so to speak ) of the intended victims. These two examples fall under the heading of " Conspiracies". EDUCATED SUCKERS -- Several months ago C-Span aired a debate between Joe Madison, a Washington DC liberal radio talk show host, and Oliver North, a world famous scumbag. The debate was about the recent allegations that the C.I.A. ( Capitalisms Independent Army) was either responsible for, or complicit in the crack cocaine devastation of the urban poor in California and eventually the urban poor in the rest of the country. If these allegations are true, then that makes North and the national security people mass murderers of their own citizens. There are ample numbers of CIA and DEA agents ready to testify that this is true. This comes as no surprise to the Left, or to Vietnam War Vets, or to the Afghans, or to Israeli Intelligence, or to the Hmong refugees in this country. But this is too hard for ordinary civilians to swallow. It means discarding their essential beliefs in their country and by extension in themselves. If they can be given some wiggle room, then no serious and extensive overhaul need be done to the CIA or themselves. Most of North's conversation was obfuscation and emphatic denial, but on several occasions he accused Madison and the San Jose Mercury News, who broke the story this time around, of buying into and foisting upon the public " conspiracy theories", and even mentioned Oliver Stone. Knowing full well what kind of people watch C-Span, he chose "conspiracy theory", rather than "conspiracy", because it was in fact a conspiracy, and by adding the word "theory" he introduces an element of doubt,( in that a theory is different from a fact,) while painting the accuser as paranoid or gullible. This leaves the intelligent educated audience feeling superior, and the doubt provides the wiggle room to "wait and see" or do nothing. Mission accomplished ! All positions of power, are conspiratorial. Withholding pertinent or empowering information from rivals or subordinates is a main component of keeping the Top Dog on top. Insider trading, price fixing, hidden taxes, political bribery, editorial prerogatives, advertising, AND the strict prohibition against open discussion of wages and salaries among peers in a company, are areas of life that conspiracies affect every day. Covert operations the size of small wars, directed against the very people who pay for them. The unleashing of drugs, bugs, and thugs on an unsuspecting civilian population. A heist so big, that one book on the subject of the S&L whitecollar collusion between congress and bankers, is entitled "The Greatest Ever Bank Robbery" . Even that title understates the amount of money successfully stolen by conspiring businessmen and public servants. Let's turn Social Security over to these people. But enough about conspiracy theories, lets talk about the "Rich". " THE RICH ARE NOT LIKE THE REST OF US " -- The people we are talking about here are referred to by Ferdinand Lundberg as the "Super Rich". Were he writing his book today, it would be titled " The Rich, The Super Rich and The Hyper Rich ". These are the people we see in news clips of $1,000 dollar a plate political gatherings. These are the people who control the Administrative Branch, the Legislative Branch, and have great influence over the Invertebrate Branch of Government also known as the Supreme Court. These people should be viewed as a social class because they intermarry and have common interests. The two most common interests they have are ... 1) How to keep from losing any of their money. 2) How to get a lot more, and keep from losing that too. These are truly worthy endeavors, and keep these people busy and out of our lives ... except around election time. "Clinton sits on the White House seat. While many work to ensure his defeat. But only few know, He's on the third row, Of the American Power Elite. ( anonymous ) " The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes." Felix Frankfurter -- Supreme Court Justice, CFR " I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire,... The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply." Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild THE NEW WORLD ORDER -- Most people think that George ( Skull and Bones ) Bush invented the phrase after the Gulf War. In fact, the New World Order was initiated over one hundred years ago in Colonialist Great Britain, at the peak of empire. If this statement is true, then how is it that so few people know about it ??? A SNOOTY MEN'S CLUB -- Cecil Rhodes went to Oxford University where to the amazement of no one, he learned that, "the British upper classes possessed a glorious tradition of beauty, decency, education, law, and self - discipline ". ( Tragedy and Hope -- Carroll Quigley ) After a solid education at Oxford, he was now prepared to steal as much as he could from the native peoples of Africa. With the financial backing of the Rothschild banking interests he founded the Consolidated Gold Fields, and DeBeers diamond empire in southern Africa. He also founded a country wittily named Rhodesia. Towards the end of his life he had a personal yearly income of $ 100,000,000 dollars in today's money. HE HAD A DREAM -- He desired " to federate the English - speaking peoples and to bring all the habitable portions of the world under their control. For this purpose Rhodes left part of his great fortune to found the Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford in order to spread the English ruling class tradition." ( Quigley ) To these purposes Rhodes formed a private secret society with some very heavy hitters. Lord Balfour, Lord Gray, Lord Esher, Lord Rothschild, and Lord Milner (who organized a group called the British Round Table). " From 1884 to about 1915 the members of the group worked valiantly to extend the British empire and to organize it into a federal system... Stead (one of the group) was able to get Rhodes to accept, in principal, a solution which might have made Washington the capital of the whole organization or allow parts of the empire to become states of the American Union. The American branch of this organization ( a.k.a. the " Eastern Establishment ") has played a very significant role in the United States in the last generation ( pre-WWII ). The chief backbone of this organization grew up along the already existing financial cooperation running from the Morgan Bank in New York to a group of international financiers in London led by Lazard Brothers. Lord Milner became a director of the precursor to the giant Midland Bank. He became one of the greatest political and financial powers in England with his disciples placed throughout England in significant places, such as the editorship of the Times, the editorship of the Observer, the managing directorship of Lazard Brothers, various administrative posts, and even Cabinet positions. Ramifications were established in politics, high finance, Oxford and London Universities, periodicals, the civil service, and tax - exempt foundations." ( from " Tragedy and Hope " by Ivy League luminary, historian Dr. Carrol Quigley ) THE ROUND TABLE GROUPS -- After the death of Cecil Rhodes in 1902, Lord Milner became the executor of Rhodes' trust. He organized " discreet " discussion / study / work groups known as the Round Table Groups throughout the Empire, including America. In 1919, these groups established the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The Council on Foreign Relations was the U.S. affiliate of the R.I.I.A. and the other Round Table Groups. "The New York branch was dominated by associates of the Morgan Bank. For example, in 1928 the Council on Foreign Relations had John W. Davis as president, Paul Cravath as vice president, and a council of thirteen others, which included Owen D. Young, Russel Leffingwell, Norman Davis, Allen Dulles, George Wickersham, Frank L. Polk, Whitney Sheperdson, Isaiah Bowman, Stephan P. Duggan, and Otto Khan." ( Quigley ) These men had economic and cultural ties to the British state and aristocracy. That they were Anglophile is obvious, but they were also Internationalists and admiring of European culture. They are Episcopalian and highly urbane. They are the models for the old "high society" characters epitomized by William Powell in the movies. These people came to dominate the most important institutions in our society. They were powerful Wall Street lawyers like the Dulles brothers, who looked after the foreign investments of their super rich clients. Especially their investments in Europe, and more especially their investments in German corporations building Hitler's new war machine. At first with the backing of the Morgan Bank, and later with the Rockefeller Banks ( Chase Manhattan, and First National City Bank, now called Citicorp ) the CFR had a healthy start in life. It was and continues to be nourished by the giant tax averting foundations of the super rich, and direct donations from the Fortune 500. THE FOUNDATIONS -- Why are there " philanthropic foundations " ? Why would people who dedicated their lives to accumulating wealth and by extension, power, want to give it away ? The following are excerpts from -- The Rich and the Super-Rich - By Ferdinand Lundberg. - Public Relations - The founder may have been publicly disliked, like John D. Rockefeller I, or not very well liked, like Andrew Carnagy. But the forming of foundations had the effect of altering opinion in an unsophisticated population, turning the supposed bad guy into a supposed good guy. - Tax Avoidance - Nearly all of the American foundations have come into view since the enactment of the income tax and estate laws: The foundations are completely exempt not only with respect to income taxes but also capital gains taxes. One does not know in each case that the founder sought to escape taxes, but common reason would indicate it. Many standard tax advisory services explicitly point to these factors as attractive features of foundations. - Corporate Control ... which would otherwise be undermined by tax laws, is preserved to perpetuity by many foundations, permitting the hereditary transmission, tax free, of vast corporate power. - Education and Propaganda - The foundations extend the power of their founders very prominently into the cultural areas of education ( and propaganda ), science, the arts and social relations. ( If you doubt this, you only need look at the credits of PBS' programming. - J2 ) While much that is done in these areas under foundation auspices meets judicious critical approval, it is a fact that these dispensations inevitably take the form of patronage, bestowed on approved projects, withheld from disapproved projects. Recipients of the money must be ideologically acceptable to the donors. F.L. In other words, he who pays the piper calls the tune. The various foundations also fund the "Think Tanks" where hired brains rationalize, and publicize current trends across the narrow spectrum of their employer's world view. One of the more famous think tanks is the Brookings Institution. Brookings is utilized as the liberal or left, when in a debate with the conservative or right American Enterprise Institue. These debates are most often seen on "thinking person's" news programs such as the News Hour on PBS, or Nightline on ABC, or the talking heads shows like Crossfire, Meet the press, etc.. This type of presentation gives the appearance of ballanced coverage of the issues at hand, but are really two sides of the same coin since all the major think tanks are funded by major corporations, foundations, or directly by the rich. How many times have you seen Noam Chomsky, or Michael Parenti, or Gus Hall, debating Norm Ornstien on Nightline ? It should also be understood that when hugh amounts of money are excluded from the tax base, then a greater tax burden falls on the rest of us. If the poor don't have it, and the rich don't pay it, then an unfairly large proportion of the tax burden falls on the struggling middle class. " The grant-making foundation can exercise enormous power through the direct use of its funds. Moreover it materially increases its power and its influence by building collaeral alliances which serve greatly to insulate it against criticism... These dangers to our society relate chiefly to the use of foundation funds for political ends; they arise out of the accumulation of substantial economic power and cultural influence in the hands of a class of administrators of tax-exempt funds established in perpetuity. An " elite " has thus emerged in control of gigantic financial resources operating outside of our democratic processes, which is willing and able to shape the future of this nation and of mankind in the image of its own values and concepts. " ( Rene Wormser, author of " Foundations ", lawyer, and professional anti-communist ) And lastly, there is a revolving door between the foundations ( Trusts ), the Ivy League and elite academic institutions, and the highest posts in the federal government. Robert S. McNamara, and McGeorge Bundy ( Dean of faculty, Arts and Sciences Dept. at Harvard ) are two well known examples of many. SOME FOUNDATIONS -- FORD FOUNDATION - ESTABLISHED 1936 ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION - 1913 DUKE ENDOWMENT - 1924 DUKE POWER LILLY ENDOWMENT - 1937 ELY LILLY PEW MEMORIAL TRUST - 1948 SUN OIL W.K. KELLOGG FOUNDATION -1930 KELLOGG'S ( cereals ) CHARLES STEWART MOTT FOUNDATION -1926 UNITED STATES SUGAR CARNAGIE CORPORATION OF NEW YORK -1911 ALFRED P. SLOAN FOUNDATION -1934 ANDREW W. MELLON FOUNDATION -1969 ROCKEFELLER BROTHERS FUND -1940 CHARLES F. KETTERING FOUNDATION - 1927 NEMOURS ( DUPONT ) FOUNDATION -1936 OLIN FOUNDATION - FEDERAL CARTRIDGE CORPORATION WOODS CHARITABLE FUND - SAHARA COAL DANFORTH FOUNDATION - RALSTON PURINA SARAH MELLON SCAIFE FOUNDATION - FIRST BOSTON HENRY J. KAISER FAMILY FOUNDATION - KAISER INDUSTRIES, KAISER PERMANENTE HMOs ________________________ To be continued... ________________________________________________________________