________________________________________________________________ Part 2 of 2 -> __________________________________ 2) UNDERSTANDING THE NEW WORLD ORDER by Joshua2 THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS WOODROW WILSON IN THE NEW WORLD -- Wall Street, particularly the Morgan Banking interests insured that their choice for President, Woodrow Wilson would win the office by funding a third party candidate, Teddy Roosevelt, who would split the vote of his main opponent Republican William Howard Taft. ( Sound familiar ? ) The Republicans were considered too close to Wall Street by an angry American voting public sick of the excesses of the Robber Barons and their predatory corporations. The strategy worked ( and continues to work to this day.) and Wilson was elected President. Wilson's chief advisor in the White house was Colonel Edward M. House. House ran the State Department, and helped choose Wilson's Cabinet in much the same way that Warren Christopher helped choose Clinton's first Cabinet. House had strong connections to Wall Street, as well as to politicians and international bankers in Europe. In 1916 Wilson charged a group of specially chosen intellectuals including the Dulles brothers, and Walter Lippmann ( the "dean" of US journalism ) with the tasks of creating the peace terms for a defeated Germany, and creating a framework for a new world order, as stated in the League of Nations Covenant. Both of these endeavors were abject failures eventually resulting in the slaughter-fest known as WWII. John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, Christian A. Herter, were also invited by Colonel House to Paris in 1919 to meet with a group of like minded Englishmen to form organizations in their respective countries that will study international affairs. The Americans incorporated The Council On Foreign Relations in 1921. The stated purpose was to create a "positive US foreign policy" to counteract the " negative foreign policy " which was isolationism. Isolationism restricted international business and kept the US military out of very lucrative wars. THE COUNCIL -- Excerpts from - Who Rules America Now by G. William Domhoff - The largest and best known of the (3) policy organizations is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Founded by bankers, lawyers, and academicians who were fully cognizant of the larger role the United States would play in world affairs after WWI, the council's importance in the conduct of world affairs was well established by the 1930s. The council had about 1800 members (in 1983), half from the New York area, half from the rest of the country. Before 1970 the members were primarily financiers, executives, and lawyers, with a strong minority of journalists, academic experts, and government officials. Since that time there has been an effort to include a larger number of government officials, including foreign - service officers, politicians and staff members of congressional comities concerned with foreign policy. - For all sectors of the economy, the companies with the most members among their ( CFR's ) officers and directors were Morgan Guaranty Trust (16), Chase Manhattan Bank (15), Citibank (10), and IBM (8). - Historical case studies suggest that study groups at the CFR have been at the heart of many foreign policy initiatives. For example, council groups called the War-Peace Study Groups met from 1940 to 1945 in order to develop plans for after WWII. ( Remember, we didn't get into WWII until Dec. 7, 1941 - J2 ) They had a major influence in creating the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the UN. A series of study groups in the 1940s and 1950s helped to establish the consensus wisdom that it was necessary to defend South Vietnam at all costs. Large foundation grants in the early 1960s led to study groups that reconsidered US policy toward China, concluding that the policy must be changed to allow for recognition of its communist government and eventual trade relations. - Council leaders ( Zbigniew Brzezinski, and David Rockefeller ) reacted to the large scale changes of the late 1960s and early 1970s by creating a new discussion group called the Trilateral Commission, which included 60 members from Japan and 60 from Western Europe as well as American members. Its goal was to develop closer economic and political cooperation among the industrialized democracies in dealing with economic competition among themselves and with challenges from underdeveloped countries. G.W.D. " The Trilateral Commission doesn't secretly run the world. The Council on Foreign Relations does that." Winston Lord, President, CFR, "W" Magazine, August 4-11, 1978, Fairchild Publications OLIGOPOLY -- CFR Membership Lists ( I'll limit the lists to those members who are well known.) 1961 --- John F. Kennedy, President - Dean Rusk, Sec. of State - Douglas Dillon, Sec. of Treasury - Lyman L. Lemnitzer, Chairman: Joint Chiefs - Allen W. Dulles, CIA Dir. - Averell Harriman, Ambas. at Large - McGeorge Bundy, Special asst. for National Security - Chester Bowles, Under Sec. of State - Paul H. Nitze, Asst. Sec. of Def - - George W. Ball, Und. Sec. of State for Economic Affairs - John J. McCloy, Disarmament Admin. - Edward R. Murrow, Head: U.S. Information Agency ( propaganda) - Adlai Stevenson, UN Ambassador - John Kenneth Galbraith, Ambass. to India. The Nixon Administration had 110 CFR members. Anti-communist Nixon opened China. 1977 --- ( Will Include (T)rilateral (C)ommission ) James E. Carter Jr., Pres. TC - Walter F. Mondale, VP TC - Cyrus Vance, Sec. State TC - W. Michael Blumenthal, Sec. Treas. - Harold Brown, Sec. Def. TC - Joseph A Califano, Sec. H.E.W. TC - Zbigniew Brzezinski, Nat.Security Adv. TC - Andrew J. Young, UN Rep. TC - R. James Woolsey, Under Sec. of Navy - Elliot L. Richardson, Ambass. at Large TC - Warren M. Christopher, Dep. Sec. of State TC - Richard C. Hollbrooke, Asst. Sec. of State TC - Admiral Stansfield Turner, CIA Dir. TC 1992 --- William J. Clinton, Pres. - Al Gore, VP - Warren M. Christopher, Sec. State - Madeleine K. Albright, UN Ambass.- R. James Woolsey, CIA Dir. - Alice Rivlin, Budget Dir. - Laura Tyson, Head: Council of Econ. Advisors - Bruce Babbitt, Int. Sec. - Samuel Berger, Dep. Nat. Sec. - Roger Altman, Dep. Sec. of Treas.- Les Aspin, Sec. Def. - Anthony Lake, NSA - Strobe Talbot, Dep. Sec. of State - Henry G Cisneros, HUD -LLoyd Cutler, Pres. Legal Advisor - David Gergen, Press Secretary If your dice were this heavily loaded, you'd be shot for cheating. These are the most powerful positions in the world. If they were all occupied by wine tasters you would wonder about what might be going on here. If they were all Black you'd really worry about ulterior motives. If they were all Jews, well .... it would be time to look at your old copy of the " Protocols of the Elders of Zion" with a more discerning eye. NATIONAL POLICY DECISIONS ORIGINATING IN THE CFR ( partial ) -- - U.S. entry into WWII. - Determining U.S. world area of interest. - Dropping of the Atom Bomb. - Marshal Plan - United Nations - International Monetary Fund - World Bank - NATO - U.S. involvement in Vietnam. - Ending the Vietnam War. - Cuban missle crisis. - Overthrow of Guatamala. - Overthrow of Iran's democratically elected government. - The Cold War - Overthrow of the Allende Regime in Chile. - Disarmement - Support of Aparthied South Africa - Israel / Egypt peace accords. - NAFTA /GATT - Gulf War - Overtrow of Noriega, and the retaking of the Panama Canal. - Oslo peace accords ( another CFR disaster in progress - J2 ) THE CFR IN THE MEDIA -- David Gergen Ted Koppel Diane Sawyer Barbara Walters John Scali Robert McNeil Jim Lehrer Charlene Hunter-Gault Hodding Carter Daniel Schorr Bill Moyers Laurence A. Tisch Dan Rather Richard C. Hottelet Tom Brokaw David Brinkley John Chancelor Marvin Kalb Irving R. Levine Harry Reasoner William S. Paley Charles C. Collingwood William F. Buckley George Will Meg Greenfield WASHINGTON POST ( partial ) Katharine Graham Arjay Miller Nicholas deB. Katzenbach Arnold DeBorchgrave Walter Pincus N.Y. TIMES (partial) Richard Gelb James Reston A.M.Rosenthal James Greenfield Max Frankel David Halberstram Walter Lippmann Adolph Ochs Harrison Salisbury A.Hays Sulzberger HOW MANY STORIES HAVE ANY OF THESE PEOPLE DONE ON THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PRIVATE POLICY GROUP IN THE UNITED STATES ??? LOOK FOR THE UNION LABEL -- In South Korea, France, Israel, (Corp.Cap.) Russia, Germany, and everywhere that Corporate Politicians are attempting to cut into, and weaken the rights of Labor, Unions and their supportive populations are in the streets and ready to fight against the erosion of their standard of living. Conspicuous by their non-action are the beaten working people of the United States. Here's why..... UNION BOSSES IN THE CFR -- ( past and recent ) I.W.Abel - Pres. United Steel Workers of America also TC Sol Chick Chaiken - Pres. I.L.G.U. also TC Thomas R. Donahue - Sec./ Treasurer AFL-CIO also TC Murray H. Finley - Pres. Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Victor Gotbaum - A.F.S.C.M.E. Lane Kirkland - Longtime President AFL-CIO also TC Howard D. Samuel - Pres. Industrial Union Dept. AFL-CIO Marten J. Ward - Plumbers and Pipe Fitting Industry USA & Canada Glen E. Watts - Pres. Communication Workers of America also TC Leonard Woodcock (wishful thinking)-Pres. United Auto Workers also TC Jerry Wurf - Pres. A.F.S.C.M.E. FOX IN THE HENHOUSE -- Look at what has happened to most of these unions since the ruling business elites got their Neo-Liberal policies rolling. There is NO ONE in American politics to represent working people. WHAT THEY HAVE IN COMMON -- - They are all Rich by middle class standards. - They are influential in the society at large. - They are all Corporate Capitalists ( as opposed to small business Capitalists ). - They benefit handsomely from the status quo. - They are Upper Middle to Upper Class socially, despite humble beginnings for some. - The Jews in this group are almost all " Assimilated Jews ". - They ALL SEE THE NATION STATE AS OBSOLETE. - They are striving to reorganize the world community into Trading Blocks, WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED, EVEN IN THE "DEMOCRATIC" NATIONS. - Their justification is the claim that this will bring world peace, despite a dismal record of failure, and a history of starting wars and destabilizing Sovereign States to advantage multinational corporations which they own. - For the first time in history it is technologically possible to establish a world wide system of communication capable of global organization. They are organizing the worlds economies in a manner which will keep them in control in order to exploit the resources and labor of ALL nations, not just the third world. - This process is antithetical to democracy, but the illusion of democracy is required where possible to prevent insurrection. Where " democracy " doesn't work, dictatorial puppet governments are installed and maintained as long as they serve MULTINATIONAL CORPORATE INTERESTS. These are described by the media as NATIONAL INTERESTS, as defined by the groups under discussion here, and disseminated through the mass media for public consumption. RECOMMENDED READING --- TRAGEDY AND HOPE - Carrol Quigley THE RICH AND THE SUPER RICH -- AMERICA'S 60 FAMILIES - both by Ferdinand Lundberg CONSPIRACIES, COVER-UPS AND CRIMES: Political Manipulation and Mind Control in America. - by Johnathan Vankin THE CARTER PRESIDENCY AND BEYOND - by Laurence H Shoup THE TWILIGHT OF SOVEREIGNTY- by Walter B. Wriston, former chairman of CITICORP WHO RULES AMERICA ? WHO RULES AMERICA NOW ? - both by G. William Domhoff THE BUYING OF THE PRESIDENT - by Charles Lewis & Cntr. for Public Integrity DEMOCRACY FOR THE FEW - by Michael Parenti WHEN CORPORATIONS RULE THE WORLD - by David C. Korten IN A FEW HANDS monopoly power in America - by Estes Kefauver THE TRAP -Sir James Goldsmith WHITE COLLAR CRIME - Edwin H. Southerland THE BIG FOUNDATIONS - W.A. Nielsen FOUNDATIONS - Rene Wormser TRILATERALISM - by Holly Sklar The following are extreme Right Wing publications of the paranoid, in one case anti-Semitic, commie under the bed variety. They are nevertheless excellent source material, and pointers to other publications. NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY - by G. Allen, L. Abraham CALL IT CONSPIRACY - L Abraham THE INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT - by Dan Smoot TRILATERALS OVER WASHINGTON - A. C. Sutton, P. M. Wood THE NEW WORLD ORDER - by Pat Robertson ________________________ The End ________________________________________________________________ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - PO Box 26 - Wexford, Ireland Cyberlib: ftp://ftp.iol.ie/users/rkmoore/cyberlib (USA Citizen) ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~