Dear cj, These two pieces are so concise and to-the-point that I'd like to share them, even though they keep us mired in the TWA 800 story... -rkm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Sun, 30 Mar 97 From: Ian Goddard <•••@••.•••> Subject: TWA800: Foreign-Missile Theory, R.I.P. ACTIV-L Article: 8193 THREE NAVY SUBS WERE OFF LONG ISLAND DURING TWA 800 MISSILE HIT I can understand that many people dread to see the U.S. government guilty of wrong doing, and therefore hold out the hope that TWA 800 was shotdown by foreign terrorists rather than by Uncle Sam. However, the desire to shield Uncle Sam from shame cannot alter the facts of the case, none of which support the foreign-terrorist theory. Apart from the fact that, as Jane's Intelligence Review (10/96) stated, NO shoulder-fired missile fits the bill, the foreign-terrorist theory is also nullified by all the other facts. For example, here is a list of just the known U.S. military assets in the area of the TWA 800 accident: 1) NAVY: The ALBUQUERQUE, attack sub 2) NAVY: The TREPANG, attack sub 3) NAVY: The WYOMING, ballistic-missile sub 4) NAVY: P-3 Orion antisub aircraft 5) NAVY: The NORMANDY, missile cruiser 6) USCG: The ADAK, patrol boat 7) NYANG: HC-130 aircraft 8) NYANG: HH-60 helicopter(s) The three Navy subs have surface-search radars, and could also detect any foreign submarine underwater. The P-3 traditionally deploys extensive radar and detection systems. The Navy alone had at least quadruple radar coverage of the area. The facts dictate that they must have known about and recorded every craft below, on, and above the surface of the ocean. The idea that foreign terrorists could slip into this area of heavy U.S. military activity saturated by sophisticated radar and sonar detection systems, knock off a jumbo jet, and then slip out undetected is an idea that far exceeds the realm of the even marginally plausible. IF terrorists did it, THEN they must have done it with the blessing of the U.S. Government. Let's face the facts: There is one logical missile-theory: the Uncle-SAM theory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IAN GODDARD (•••@••.•••) Q U E S T I O N A U T H O R I T Y ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VISIT Ian Goddard's Universe -----> _______________________________________________________________________ TWA 800: THE FACTS --> WACO - WTC - OKC ---> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Sun, 30 Mar 97 From: Ian Goddard <•••@••.•••> Subject: TWA800 Navy-Missile Counter Abolished ACTIV-L Article: 8198 > THREE NAVY SUBS WERE OFF LONG ISLAND DURING TWA 800 MISSILE HIT > > The Number 1 counter argument against the TWA 800 Navy- missile theory is that members of the guilty crew would have come forward to report Navy guilt, and because none have so far, it never happened (a perfect non-sequitur). Well, the Navy at the highest level just came forward to admit, contrary to previous claims, that they DID have three submarines off Long Island during the crash [1]. QUESTION: How many members of the crews of these 3 submarines came forward to blow the lid off of the Navy cover-up by admitting they were in the area? ANSWER: 0 crewmen blew the cover-up Of the three subs in the area of TWA 800, the USS Wyoming holds approximately 173 crew members [2], the USS Albuquerque holds 128 [3], the USS Trepang holds 107 crew members [4]. That's as many as 408 Navy-sub crew members who were aware that their existence was being covered-up, and how many ran forward to blow the lid off the cover-up? 0 crewmen came forward. Ipso facto: 100% obedience to the sub cover-up. Simple mathematics reveals that the factual basis for the Number 1 counter to the Navy-missile theory is null and void. Even worse: the Number 1 counter to the Navy-missile theory is contradicted by the facts in the TWA 800 case, and thus it's "truth- correlation score" is negative. Now the only counter argument to the Navy-missile theory is: the Navy said they didn't do it -- the same Navy that said they didn't have subs in the area, and there were no exercises in the area. __________________________________________________________________ [1] [2] [3] [4] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - PO Box 26 - Wexford, Ireland Cyberlib: (USA Citizen) ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~