Dear cj, Barrie Dowdall and I have submitted a Proposal for Devlopment Funding to the Irish Film Board for our documentary. I'm including summary portions below for your review and comment. I've got networking started re/collaborators, consultants, and informal mentors. Interest has already been expressed by the production team of "Manufacturing Consent", and any suggestions from you re/contacts would also be appreciated. Please don't forward this material. For those especially interested, I have a script outline which can also be forwarded for review. Cheers, rkm ________________________________________________________________ Telwell Productions Barrie Dowdall Richard Moore GLOBALISATION 2000 Synopsis ^^^^^^^^ GLOBALISATION 2000 is a 120-minute documentary suitable for festival screenings and/or as a 3x40min series for television. Globalization heralds a radical, revolutionary change in the historical world order. Far more than simply economic "reform", it represents the dethroning of nation states and their replacement by corporate-run commissions (eg WTO) as the sovereign overlords of the globe. Far from a spreading of democracy (as the destabilization of the Soviet block is portrayed), globalisation leads to the extinction of two centuries of democratic evolution - as democratic republics lose the power to control their own destiny. Far from bringing prosperity and competition, globalisation is about monopoly economics and charging "all the market will bear". The advance of globalisation is profoundly affecting - on a worldwide basis - economic activity, social conditions, cultures and ideology, international military arrangements, and all levels of political structures. But the mass media reports these events not as an observer, but as a partisan supporter of the globalisation process. Bringing the Big Picture together - which most media studiously avoid - is the purpose of this documentary. This is a hard-hitting, no-holds-barred series - it faces the big questions, challenges the sacred cows of modern consensus mythology, and minces no words about the role of corporations and their control over politics, government, the economy, and the public mind. Unique features of documentary: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * emphasizes historical context - traces the roots of current situation * includes spokespeople from all sides - including many seldom heard from * challenges the consensus assumptions - free trade, deregulation, etc. * mega-corporations and their role are singled out for special examination * squarely faces the question of democracy: its peril and its fate * quotes lots of media: media mythology is part of globalisation process Overview of Segments ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ GLOBALISATION 2000 is organized into three segments of 40 min each, with a trailer-bit linking each segment to the next: * Segment 1 Globalism: putting it in perspective Today's "reform" policies turn out to be a rehash of nineteenth century laissez-faire capitalism, and we see the same consequences already unfolding. Sweatshop conditions, economic instability, corruption, and poverty are not just temporary glitches. The very regulatory policies that curbed laissez-faire excesses are the ones being dismantled today - obvious lessons of history are being ignored to our peril. * Segment 2 Free trade: Who is it for? Free trade is not a new idea - it's been in vogue before, always pushed by dominant powers as a way of subjugating weaker economies. It leads not to increased competition and healthy growth, but to monopolization, the cornering of markets, and distorted economic development. Megacorps are the primary proponents of and the clear beneficiaries of globalism, and they're busily setting up their own commission-regime to administer the globe as a collective fiefdom. * Segment 3 The Battle of the Giants: can democracy survive? An implicit partnership has existed since the industrial revolution between nation states and their industries: national development and expansion benefitted both parties, and the citizenry - even if not equitably. Globalization is a declaration of independence by megacorps - the partnership is being terminated, megacorps are assuming global citizenship, the ships of state are being scuttled. Democracy is scheduled to go down with the ship as the commission-regime comes online, and the Third-World becomes the global societal model for the looming Dark Millennium. Directions for future development ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Globalization is so all pervasive - and its consequences are so dramatic and important - that a compelling ongoing series could usefully be devoted to the topic. The three segments above endeavor only to present an overview of the fundamental principles and consequences. Here are concepts for several additional segments: * Global order - Under the guise of peace-keeping interventions, an unaccountable supra-national global police force (based on US and NATO) is becoming the judge, jury, and executioner of international law; this is the military branch of the globalist assault on national sovereignty. Recent interventions are investigated to reveal behind-the-scenes globalist agendas; role of media is examined; roots in imperialism are traced; prognosis for the future is developed. * European Union - Under the guise of a "more competitive Europe" a centralized Federal system is being rapidly installed which is aligned with the globalist agenda; the EU amounts to a two-stage European takeover by corporatism: nations are first seduced into union, and then the EU is to be engulfed in the globalist regime. Myths promoting the EU are debunked; loss of democracy, sovereignty, and economic stability are highlighted. * The China Question - China, the world's most populous nation, is not buying into the globalist regime; a deep-seated nationalism aspires to assert China's "rightful role"as a world power; this is on a collision course with globalist designs and with deep-seated American "national interests"; while China rapidly modernizes its military, America is developing hi-tech warfare systems capable of the "contained destruction" of China. Striking parallels with the pre-World War II situation and the Gulf War are developed; the prospects for an Asian Storm conflict are investigated; sequence opens with likely battle scenario and aftermath dramatized as news-reportage and front-line scenes. * Crime, drugs, terrorism, and the Police State - Widespread civil unrest is an inevitable and anticipated consequence of globalist policies; this has occurred already in the Third World, and repressive police states have been the "solution" adopted there to contain unrest; media-engineered attitudes toward crime, drugs and terrorism are now being exploited to implement the foundations of police states in the First World, a trend being led by the US and UK. * The Crisis of Nation-States: Is Globalism the Only Answer? - There is a genuine crisis of the nation state and of the growth paradigm, but globalism is not in any way an appropriate solution. A panel format is used to explore the scope of the problem and identify appropriate and feasible solutions. ________________________________________________________________ ** Please do not forward: for cj review only - Thanks **