Dear cj, I hope you find this posting of interest - sent today to wsn (World System Network) -rkm ________________________________________________________________ Dear wsn, Subsequent to our previous discussion of Huntington, Kulturkampf, etc., I've had a chance to look at "The West - Unique, not Universal" (Foreign Affairs, Nov/Dec 96) and to view a tape of Sam's talk to the Chicago CFR, delivered in January. In addition, I've reviewed my text and video files re/CFR and have again been duly impressed by the decisive and comprehensive policy role CFR has played across the board - from formulation of post-war free-world system, to Vietnam, to China policy... "The Trilateral Commission doesn't secretly run the world. The Council on Foreign Relations does that." Winston Lord, President, CFR, "W" Magazine, August 4-11, 1978, Fairchild Publications I think Huntington's culture-alignment ideology campaign raises several topics which should be of interest to wsn, beyond what we discussed earlier. His thesis and argments - a world-system hypothesis claiming historical substantiation and primary current relevance - themselves deserve further examination and analysis. I find his assumptions and logic very flimsy indeed, and will be posting a concise critique if interest in these topics is expressed on list. That his arguments are deceptive and propagandistic should not be surprising - he himself proclaimed that skillful deception is necessary to carry the short-sighted masses along with enlightened elite designs, to help overcome the "excesses" of democracy. And such spurious scholarship from a recognized authority is equally unsurprising - it is his personal credibility which is meant to carry the weight of a shoddy hypothesis. (Shades of M Friedman). In the case of Huntington, we must clearly recognize that the speaker is as significant as the message. What he says should be viewed more as policy than analysis. His claim that Turkey would be the "natural" core-power for a Muslim sphere, for example, has been backed up by him pushing that agenda personally to the Turks (in preference to pursuing full EU membership), as well as by official US encouragement of intervention-drill by Turkey in Kurdish Iraq. (Similarly when CFR-colleague Kissinger expressed that "The US has never won a war without press control", this turned out to be more a policy announcement than an historical observation - as we learned subsequently in Grenada, Panama, and Iraq.) Huntington is not analyzing natural world-system evolution - rather he's publicizing and lending pundit-credibility to a world-system architecture which has apparently become a CFR-internal consensus vision, and whose imposition would solve certain global-management problems for the ruling elite which were previously solved by super-power antipodal alignments. Huntington actually says as much if you read between his lines and decode his CFR doublespeak rhetoric. Out of all this, what might be most interesting to wsn would be to project forward the scenario prescribed by Huntington - armed with our collective knowledge of word-system dynamics - and anticipate the consequences of a world divided into ethno-cultural spheres, each "led" by a designated "core-power" (his usage). This might well be where the world is being intentionally channeled, and understanding the world-system implications couldn't be more relevant to our interests, or at least I would assume so. As a kickoff to such a projection, I would draw an analogy with how Third-World countries have been traditionally dominated by outside elites. The most common pattern is to identify, recruit, and support a privileged elite within a country. That local elite is helped to gain local control and enjoys the ensuing economic benefits, graft opportunties, and general privileges of power. The local elite becomes dependent on outside support and arms, and develops a repressive posture toward the general local populace, thus burning its bridges re/local constituencies, and cementing its external dependence. It seems clear to me that Huntington's scenario is largely an extrapolation of this formula to accomplish regional control within the context of the coming globalist regime. Returning to the Muslim example, Turkey would be the local elite (within the Muslim sphere), it's military would be favored with superior training and weapons, and US/NATO intelligence and backup would be available when needed. The ongong acceptance of Turkey's role by the likes of Iran, Iraq, and Libya would be problematic, to put it mildly, and Turkey's continued dependence on outside support and direction would be assured. Turkey's role (as with the other designated core powers) would be to carry the yeoman enforcement burden, supplement outside intervention when necessary, and act as a scapegoat when sins are "discovered" and local reorganization is called for (as we saw in microcosm with: Shah, Marcos, Noriega, Saddham). With the US as the Euro core-power, Huntington's culture-spheres would not be equal - the US would be the big boss over the gang of little bosses (mafia dynamics relevant here), and the Euro-sphere would be a macro-elite at the global level, enjoying the same relative advantages globally that the local core-nations enjoy regionally. (Nothing really new in this regard.) The client core powers would not be autonomous local hegemons, and any attempt by them to establish a bold or expansionist sphere (or even an overly harmonious sphere) would, if it didn't fit into globalist schemes, be nipped in the bud, as we saw in microcosm when Noriega defiantly hosted the Contradora conference and sealed his fate. Ethno-cultural alignments are perfectly designed for divide-and-conquer tactics, adding another dimension of convenience and stability to the overall, hierarchical, ws design. >>From another perspective, one might say culture-centricity is a cloning of the proven Soviet-foe model - enabling each sphere to be perceived as threatening from the outside, while remaining divided internally as was Russia from its satellites. Yours, Richard ________________________________________________________________ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - PO Box 26 Wexford, Ireland Cyberlib: | (USA Citizen) * Non-commercial republication encouraged - Please include this sig * * Please Cc: •••@••.••• directly on forwards & replies * ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~