Dear cj, About two months ago the first version of this article was posted. Since then it's been refined by feedback and updated into a full article. Other parts will follow. rkm ________________________________________________________________ Begin - "China vs. Globalization" - in three parts ________________________________________________________________ China vs. Globalization - the Final War and the Dark Millennium Copyright 1997 by Richard K. Moore 8 June 1997 - •••@••.••• as published in New Dawn magazine July-August 1997 Prolog - Hi-tech arsenal under fast-track development by US ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Future of Warfare - The Economist (8 March 1997) - delves into the subject of hi-tech warfare, of which Desert Storm, we are told, was but a primitive prototype. The most advanced elements are still only in the idea stage, but others are well along in development, or already deployed, and the whole program is on a fast-track priority for the US military: "The world is in the early stages of a new military revolution... "...over Bosnia the Americans have deployed JSTARS, a ground- surveillance system in the sky: a single screen can display, in any weather, the position and type of every vehicle within an area 200 kilometres (125 miles) square... "The revolution in military affairs revolves around three advances. The first is in gathering intelligence. Sensors in satellites, aircraft or unmanned aircraft can monitor virtually everything going on in an area. The second is in processing intelligence. Advanced command, control, communication and computing systems, known as C4, make sense of the data gathered by the sensors and display it on screen. They can then assign particular targets to missiles, tanks or whatever. The third is in acting on all this intelligence in particular, by using long- range precision strikes to destroy targets. Cruise missiles, guided by satellite, can hit an individual building many hundreds of miles away... "The Pentagon already has, or is developing, most of the technologies required for space weapons. For instance it has just awarded a $l.l billion contract for an airborne laser to hit ballistic missiles. if that technology works, it could be adapted for a satellite... "Aircraft carriers, like other surface ships, risk being sunk by cruise missiles. Some will be replaced by 'arsenal ships', semi-submersible, stealthy barges, carrying hundreds of missiles but few sailors..." The technologies mentioned above may not sound strikingly futuristic - after all GPS services are available commercially. But employing them as part of a total system, as we saw in Desert Storm, can provide very effective "control of theater," neutralizing weapons and defenses of the enemy, while permitting one's own weapon systems to have free play throughout the field of battle. One could imagine someone touching a screen in the Pentagon, causing a cruise missile to be launched from a "stealthy barge," and destroying a specific target on the other side of the world - with all the action displayed up-to-date on the screen via secure digital satellite links. These kind of information-intensive systems are as much software as hardware - permitting radical system advances to be deployed very rapidly, overnight in some cases. One must take seriously the Economist's claim that we are indeed in the early stages of a "new military revolution." What's the point of this arsenal? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ More important than the technology details are the why questions... what is all this for?...why the urgency? The Economist's own answers to these questions are both brief and naive on all points: "This embryonic revolution, unlike the development of nuclear weapons, has not emerged in response to any particular threat to the United States or its allies. It has come about because it is there, that is, because generals want to play with new technologies in case a future threat emerges. In that it may resemble Blitzkrieg, which was based on the technologies of the 1920's, when defence budgets were declining and there seemed little prospect of another world war." During the Manhattan Project, the scientists developing the first "atom bomb" were told Germany was making rapid progress on its own atomic research, and thus the Los Alamos team did believe they were rushing against the clock to protect against an enemy atomic threat. But allied intelligence knew the Nazis were stymied in their efforts, and lied to the scientists in order to create a false sense of urgency and keep the project going at full steam. Some of the scientists had serious moral reservations about working on the bomb, and the project might have been in jeopardy if the fiction of an imminent German atomic threat was not maintained. But fiction it was, from the perspective of top-level US strategists. The strategic motivation for urgent development of The Bomb lies elsewhere than Germany. In the film Day After Trinity, narrated by Robert Oppenheimer, he matter-of-factly explains how Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been carefully spared bombing during the war so that they could serve as clean, live-target test sites for the two new types of weapons (U-235 and Plutonium). Following the Hiroshima bombing, the Japanese sent out urgent communiques expressing a desire to discuss surrender - these were blocked by US intelligence in order that the second test could be carried out. And as planned, when the medical inspectors descended on the rubble, they knew that all the bizarre injuries and diseases they cataloged could be credited to The Bomb. So in truth, The Bomb was not developed in response to a comparable threat, but rather, quite simply, for the enhanced geopolitical advantage which it afforded. The urgency, as well, did not arise from a threat, but rather from a desire to carry out the tests while there was still an enemy the weapons could be deployed against. The bombings, too, were carried out for reasons other than those found in naive historical accounts. The official party line - that those particular bombings were necessary to shorten the war - does not stand up to analysis. It ignores the fact that the first bomb already cracked Japanese resolve, and that a military target could have been attacked first, with escalation to a city left as an option. On the other hand, the bombings - as carried out - did accomplish two other objectives: they allowed the effects on people and buildings to be observed (of both weapon types), and they demonstrated to the Russians and allies alike that the US had the stomach to use these new weapons in anger against civilians. These objectives related to the postwar geopolitical situation - not to the defeat of Japan. When the cover-story smokescreens have been all cleared away, it becomes apparent that the Manhattan Project - taken in its entirety, including the two tests - was designed to give the US a strong postwar geopolitical advantage: the possession of an unmatched, proven weapon of mass destruction, and a world which knew the US would use the weapon if deemed necessary. Indeed, as was revealed by Daniel Ellsberg, the US has used the serious threat of nuclear attack some half dozen times or more in the postwar era (eg, Khe Shan in Vietnam) to compel submission to US tactical demands. Just as an armed-robber has legally "used a gun" even if he doesn't fire it, so the US has been "using" its nuclear arsenal for the very purpose for which it was designed: to enhance and extend Uncle Sam's ability to control the postwar world. Also contrary to the Economist's theories, Germany's development of blitzkrieg weapons was not a case of "playing" with new technologies and was not carried out with "little prospect" of another war. William Manchester tells the story in The Arms of Krupp: beginning in the 1920's, a select team of engineers, with the connivance of German intelligence and long before Hitler, took on the top-secret task of designing a suite of advanced military hardware that was aimed at achieving military superiority in a specific time-window (late 1930's, early 1940's) - during which period Germany was to regain its honor and further its expansionist ambitions. Krupp supported Hitler in his election campaign, and became Fuhrer of industry in the Third Reich. The scheme came close to working, and the weapons systems can hardly be blamed for Germany's eventual defeat. There is a reason so much space has been devoted to these issues in an article whose topic is China. If we want to understand the strategic significance of America's current rushed development of a next-generation weapons system, then the Economist is right: we should compare it to previous similar developments. In both examples the Economist cited, it turns out the programs were designed to achieve military superiority over known future adversaries, in an anticipated future conflict scenario. The anticipated scenarios did come to pass, and the weapons systems served their objectives rather well. Contrary to the Economist's off-the-shelf historical assumptions, these were examples of well thought-out projects, in pursuit of real strategic goals. Similarly as well, permit me to suggest, America's current hi-tech- warfare developments do not arise primarily from the play of generals nor even the profit-seeking of arms developers. As with both the A-bomb and Nazi blitzkrieg, what we are seeing with hi-tech warfare is the preparation of a weapons suite crafted with particular - and once more not defensive - missions in mind. Missions for the arsenal: (1) enforcing globalization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The end of the Cold War, to state the obvious, has created an entirely new geopolitical situation. In the immediate postwar era the primary geopolitical reality had been the rivalry between the two superpowers; in the post-cold-war era there is not, as yet anyway, any similar rivalry between more-or-less comparable powers. Instead, the US and its NATO allies have become, on a collaborative basis, the world's sole dominant military power. With UN resolutions serving as the source of legitimacy, a multilateral system for policing international "order" has been adopted by the Western powers - the old days of competitive, sphere- of-influence imperialism are long dead. The evolution of the new multilateral policing system can be traced in the headlines of the nineties - in the hot spots of Iraq, Bosnia, and Albania... Desert Storm, although almost entirely an American operation, was carried out under UN approval and no expense was spared recruiting and publicizing participation by allies. In Bosnia, non-US NATO troops carried the multilateral flag most of the time, but the US joined in at a critical moment and provided cruise-missile support which was decisive in assuring a military outcome deemed acceptable to the US and its allies. In Albania we see a multilateral intervention without direct US military involvement and which has, for the first time, an open- ended military mandate. Italy took the lead by suggesting that individual Western powers volunteer to join in an Albanian intervention. The troops - primarily from Italy and Greece - don't have their hands tied by restrictive rules of engagement. From The Militant (28 April 1997): "The occupying troops have been ordered to shoot 'if they face dangerous situations.' The plan for the...intervention, drafted in Rome by the participating governments, lists potential 'dangerous situations.' Among them are 'involvement in clashes between government forces and the rebels and attacks by armed civilians that may attempt to appropriate the humanitarian aid.' Among the 'potential problems' that the [participants] expect are 'planted mines at regional roads and the chance of facing guerrilla warfare.' "Italian Adm. Guido Venturoni, who is commanding the operation, told reporters April 14 that the force 'will not go into Albania as the blue helmets went into Bosnia, where they were constrained to stand by during grave acts of violence without intervening because the rules of engagement did not permit it.'" Thus, under the auspices of the UN and NATO, the world now has a de facto official policing force. The force is of, by, and for the dominant Western powers, and there is no effective court of appeal to protect the sovereignty of any country this police force decides to invade. To the rebels in Albania, and for the Third World in general, there would seem to be little difference between this new regime and traditional European imperialism. Instead of competitive, sphere-of-interest imperialism, there is now a collaborative arrangement - but the result is a system where the Euro- American powers take it upon themselves to to intervene when and where they desire, maintaining global "order" according to their own criteria. With ongoing tension in the Muslim world, chronic civil war in black Africa, near chaos in the former Soviet sphere, and a rising sense of activism on the part of the new policing partners, the prospects are for collective intervention - or the threat of same - to become routine, rather than for emergency use only. This policing regime is the military branch of globalization. The US and the European powers make up the multilateral force and they are also the prime instigators of globalization. As the legislative/administrative branch of globalism (WTO, GATT, IMF, etc) consolidates its dominion over planning the world's future, the military branch is coming online just in time to assure that the globalist designs will not be thwarted by upstart Third-World peoples who have more nationalist or socialist agendas than globalism finds acceptable. Some readers may find this assessment a bit harsh - after all, haven't NATO interventions been for humanitarian purposes? To be sure, the humanitarian angle has been emphasized in the media, and it is humanitarian sympathies that create support in Western populations for the interventions. But a close look at the interventions - how they were carried out, their timing, which local parties were favored - reveals that humanitarian concerns played very little role, and that the real purpose has been to promote regimes that are favorable to globalism (ie international capital investment.) The much-delayed intervention in Bosnia, for example, could hardly have been worse-timed to reduce human suffering, but succeeded quite well in promoting the territorial gains of the Western-preferred Croat side. The globalist program for the Third World has become very clear. IMF guidelines require explicitly that social spending be cut, as part of focusing Third-World finances on debt servicing. Meanwhile, corporate employers pay starvation wages to their Third-World workers and offer very little economic stability - moving their plants whenever they find a better deal elsewhere. As if that weren't enough, the free-trade agreements wreak havoc with Third- World economies, as internal markets are lost to cheap imports, and export markets become unpredictable. The squeeze on Third-World peoples is immense, and globalism - both in policy and practice - seems intent only on tightening the screws still further. This is a sure-fire formula for social unrest, and insurgencies of one stripe or another are in fact already widespread, as we see in Albania, Mexico, Columbia, Peru, and elsewhere. As the globalist squeeze continues, one can only expect the constituency of these insurgences to increase. There is a common focus for the discontent: neoliberalism, the IMF, corporate policies, and repressive governments subservient to outside interests. International capitalism itself - and its globalist agenda - is increasingly being perceived as the root cause of the troubles. Whereas in the old communist world anti-capitalism was a subject of public indoctrination and rhetoric, in much of the Third World it is becoming a heartfelt general sentiment. Keeping the populace under control has become the primary occupation of many Third World governments, and sophisticated arms and training are routinely supplied by Western powers to facilitate this mission - increasing the local debt burden in the process. But when an insurgency grows to civil-war proportions - as in Bosnia, Albania or Zaire - it then shows up on the globalist radar screens, indicating that elite global leaders (euphemistically referred to as the international community) had better formulate a tactical approach to the situation, and alert the media to begin producing whatever emotional news stories (riot scenes, suffering refugees, strutting dictators, whatever) are appropriate to generating support for the chosen tactics - tactics appropriate to the scenario... If there is disagreement as to which side to back (as in Zaire) then the tactic might be to let the locals fight it out, making money on arms sales in the process. In this case the media's job is to paint the situation as confusing, with no clear good guys and bad guys - too messy to "entangle ourselves" in. If an unfavored side gains more territory than the West deems appropriate, as did the Serbs in Bosnia, then the tactic might be to call in the multilateral force to tilt the battlefield toward a more global-friendly side, as we saw with Croatia. In this case the media's job is to demonize the unfavored side with regular atrocity stories, while portraying the favored side as victims. Finally, if a general popular uprising threatens to overthrow a global-friendly government, as in Albania, the tactic may be to rush to the support of the government, beef up its security infrastructure, and make sure the rebels get the message that their antics won't be tolerated. In this case, the media's job is to sensationalize scenes of anarchy and disorder, to portray the operations of the multilateral force as being "defensive" actions against "unruly mobs," and to leave out mention of the political content of the uprising. It should be clear that the media can easily spin the news coverage in any direction called for by the interventionist agenda. In Bosnia, for example, the Croats could have been demonized just as easily as the Serbs - the Croats practiced large-scale ethnic cleansing, raped and pillaged, and carried out mass executions of civilians; they also provided excellent demon sound-bites with their overt fascist rhetoric and nazi salutes - but the camera goes where it's directed to go, and the Serbs have socialist leanings. Elite corporate interests openly control the major news distribution channels, own much of the media outright, set the overall globalist agenda, control the flow of investments and loans to the Third World, are the major players in the international arms business, and have intimate ties with the Western governments and intelligence services which set the agenda of the multilateral force. It should not be at all surprising that news coverage, official pronouncements, and interventionist operations are all coordinated smoothly so that when intervention occurs, it seems natural and inevitable - perhaps even too little and too late - to the general public. So we can expect the multilateral force to be used wherever the perpetrators of globalism see fit - the media can always find material to paint the picture as required to achieve popular (and UN) acquiescence in whatever missions are proposed. The only danger to this well-polished military/media policing scheme is the spectre of friendly casualties - when Western boys start coming home in body bags, non-interventionist sentiment can be expected to arise spontaneously, putting the operation on the defensive in the media, and perhaps causing domestic political difficulties of all sorts. Minimizing Western casualties is a strategic political necessity to the globalist planners, and this ties back in to the significance of next-generation hi-tech weaponry. The task of global management can be expected to involve conflicts of various sizes, from anti-"terrorist" operations (Tripoli bombing), to brushfire civil wars (Bosnia), to restructuring of "renegade" regimes (Grenada, Panama) - all the way up to full scale wars (Desert Storm and worse). To handle flexibly this wide range of conflicts - and without sacrificing too many of "our boys" - one can understand why the US needs its multi-faceted, hi-tech, C4-based arsenal. The US will most likely specialize as the heavy artillery of the multilateral force, to be brought in when only the latest weaponry can do the job without major risk to multilateral personnel. But why does this arsenal need to be upgraded with such urgency? Isn't it already far ahead of all comers? Didn't Iraq (which had a highly-rated military) find itself totally immobilized by the weapons the US already had available in the early nineties? Who is the anticipated adversary, and what is the anticipated scenario, which could explain the strategic sense behind this intensive buildup? One thing is clear, and that is America's determination to upgrade its military prerogatives on the world stage. A trial balloon was sent up not that long ago whose aim was to add nuclear capability to the internationally-approved war chest. I refer, of course, to Libya and its purported biological warfare plant, a plant which seems, significantly, to no longer be of serious concern. If that balloon had not met with international alarm, Libya might well have become the next in the sequence of America's field-test blitzkrieg deployments - this time bringing tactical nukes (precise and clean?... but of course) into the arsenal. Once that precedent is achieved, by whatever means, tactical nukes will, presumably, be thereafter a routine tactical option, albeit used reservedly, of the multilateral force. ________________________________________________________________ End part 1 of 3 - "China vs. Globalization" ________________________________________________________________ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - PO Box 26 Wexford, Ireland Cyberlib: | (USA Citizen) * Non-commercial republication encouraged - Please include this sig * * Please Cc: •••@••.••• directly on forwards & replies * ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~