________________________________________________________________ Begin part 2 of 3 - "China vs. Globalization" ________________________________________________________________ Missions for the arsenal: (2) the China question ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In considering why tactical nukes would be deemed necessary by US military planners (not in Libya, but in the long run) - and in considering why the US seeks to advance further its hi-tech capability when it is already so far ahead of the pack - one is led inevitably to look at the China question. China is the only remaining significant wild card in the globalization game. There are small countries which are anti- globalist, notably Cuba, but their size precludes them from challenging the steamroller in any serious way. Medium sized "renegades" like Libya can cause a bit more trouble, but Iraq stands as an example of how readily they can be humbled if they get too far out of line. But China - if it does not conform to the demands of the new globalist regime - could be a significant thorn in the side of that regime. What does globalism demand of China? Economically - to abandon socialism (gradually) and to embrace free-trade (right away); politically - to abandon hopes of creating a Chinese-dominated Asian sphere of influence; human rights and democracy are not a requirement, as "most favored nation" status testifies, rhetoric on the topic notwithstanding. I assume the economic requirement, as stated above, is obvious to everyone - that's simply the public agenda of economic globalism. The political requirement relates to the role of the multilateral police force, whose task it is to maintain a world order harmonious with globalist investment needs. A regionally hegemonous China would be perceived as threatening to a NATO- centric world order, just as Japan's Co-Prosperity Sphere was considered threatening to US and European national interests at the time. The West has traditionally been comfortable when powers balanced one another in Asia, and this attitude has had no reason to change. China seems to be doing well in reaching an accommodation with globalism's economic demands, but China's nationalist aspirations may turn out to be deep-seated and stubborn. There are a pair of articles in Foreign Affairs (March/April 1997) - a Council-on-Foreign-Relations journal highly revealing of the globalist agenda - called The China Threat - A Debate. In the first article - The Coming Conflict with America - Richard Bernstein and Ross H. Munro present the case that armed conflict between the US and China may be inevitable. They tell us: "China's sheer size and inherent strength, its conception of itself as a center of global civilization, and its eagerness to redeem centuries of humiliating weakness are propelling it toward Asian hegemony." And they pass on an ominous sentiment attributed to General Mi Zhenyu, vice-commandant of the Academy of Military Sciences in Beijing: "For a relatively long time it will be absolutely necessary that we quietly nurse our sense of vengeance. We must conceal our abilities and bide our time" - giving fair warning to be wary of what may appear to be softening in Chinese behavior. What makes these observations especially dire is the article's evidently authoritative description of Uncle Sam's attitude on the matter: "China's goal of achieving paramount status in Asia conflicts with an established American objective: preventing any single country from gaining an overwhelming power in Asia. The United States, after all, has been in major wars in Asia three times in the past half-century, always to prevent a single power from gaining ascendency." The implication is clear that the United States can be expected to act decisively to alter what seems to be China's expansionist path, even by warfare if that becomes necessary. This traditional American attitude toward Asian balance-of-power is consistent with globalization's need for an orderly world system, and with Europe's own military traditions. In what follows, the focus is on the US vs. China - but the US role should be understood in the context of the US as the heavy artillery of the multilateral globalist police force. The article tells us that China is spending astronomical sums on military modernization - aimed at the ability to knock out US Carrier Task Forces, as well as dominating Asia. We are told that China's leaders "cannot be counted on to relinquish their monopolistic hold on power" and that "The most likely form for China to assume is a kind of corporatist, militarized, nationalist state, one with some similarity to the fascist states of Mussolini or Francisco Franco." We are shown a map with seven "flash points," and various plausible scenarios are explored, each of which could easily lead to armed conflicts. It is explained that Japan must be our special partner in counter-balancing Chinese hegemony. Robert S. Ross, in Beijing as a Conservative Power, takes up the debating position that "engagement" is the proper approach to China - "Treat China as an enemy and it will be one." Details are revealed regarding air and sea power, showing that China cannot be any kind of real threat for a long time to come. That provides time to build relationships and seek to integrate China, adequately if not ideally, into an acceptable scheme of things. Recent history is visited, and we learn that China has been acting quite to US benefit in geopolitical terms. It balanced the Soviet Union; it stabilized Southeast Asia when Uncle Sam was forced out of Vietnam. We are urged to "invite China to participate in international rule-making," and to "reinforce China's interest in regional stability and strengthen its commitment to global stability. Engagement, not isolation, is the appropriate policy." Both articles take it as a given that the US has the "strategic interest" - translation: the right - to insure that a "favorable" balance of power is maintained in Asia: it is categorically unacceptable that China achieve outright hegemony and freedom-of- action in Asia. The debate is about means, not ends. I must say that the first article is more convincing - the fundamental case for eventual confrontation seems more solid than the likelihood of namby-pamby coaxing bringing about a paradigm shift in China's thousands-year-old sense of national greatness and sovereign pride. Given the degree of societal dedication to be expected, and the prowess of China's scientific and engineering communities, one might anticipate (in this age where offense dominates defense) that China may be able to achieve some technological leap-frog in the local military balance of power - something as surprising as a Sputnik that neutralizes, at least temporarily many of the American advantages. For strategic military planners on both sides, one must assume that the race has been joined. Can China create a window of opportunity - based on focused achievement of regional military parity - during which time it could establish a firm hold on its own sphere of influence? Could it hold this parity long enough for the new status quo to become accepted by the international community, as has, it seems, the occupation of Tibet? The interwar (pre-World-War-II) parallel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The China scenario - it must be observed - is strikingly similar to the interwar scenario - when there were similar debates regarding engagement vs. confrontation re/ Japan and Germany. China evidently has the same brand of soul-deep national ambition shared then by Japan and Germany, and a similar potential to express it effectively in action. Japan and Germany could only be tamed - the historic lesson seems to clearly say - by complete destruction and unconditional surrender, followed by complete rebuilding under US tutelage. These are precedents that cannot be far from the minds of our Foreign Affairs authors, although their pens would be unlikely to develop such comparisons until closer to the climax. The parallels with the interwar period are only accentuated by what we learn in China preys on American minds - The US this week, Guardian Weekly (6 April 1997). Martin Walker describes the on-the- ground implementation of the engagement agenda. We are told of the Beijing-based US Business Council, "a formidable group of US executives whose corporate lobbies back in Washington have worked hard to ensure that no US politician dare confront the engagement- trade-investment model." We are also reminded of "fat Chinese consultancy fees earned by those former secretaries of state, Dr. Henry Kissinger and General Alexander Haig." Clearly Foreign Affairs (Robert Ross) was providing philosophical background for what turns out to be an already operational corporatist agenda - an investment-intensive era parallel to that of the interwar years. Interestingly, Mr. Walker casts moral derision on this money- grabbing behavior: "There ought to be scandal in the way US corporations scurry to serve Beijing's interests." He reports with explicit admiration some words of Newt Gingrich, delivered recently at the Foreign Affairs College in Beijing: "Americans cannot remain silent about the basic lack of freedom - speech, religion, assembly, the press - in China. In the most basic sense, we are simply asking the Chinese government to enforce its own constitution." Perhaps one can presume Gingrich is replaying the crowd-pleasing Churchill role: espouse the high moral ground, encourage a simmering pool of popular suspicion toward the future enemy, and wait in the wings for the moment of fame when the bugle finally sounds. Like Churchill, he would be seen as morally untainted (as regards what in the endgame is known as appeasement), although I imagine his constituency gets its share of Chinese opportunities in the interim. The interwar parallels are again underscored. The article next reveals an interesting clue as to how the increasingly confrontational climate is to be spun in mass media doublespeak: "The Clash of Civilisations, the book by Harvard professor Sam Huntington, may not have hit the bestseller lists, but its dire warning of a 21st century rivalry between the liberal white folk and the Yellow Peril - sorry, the Confucian cultures - is underpinning the formation of a new political environment. "To adapt one of Mao's subtler metaphors, Huntington's Kultur- kampf is becoming, with stunning speed, the conceptual sea in which Washington's policy-making fish now swim." Mr. Walker lays out for us - and this seems to be the official mass- media party-line - the proposition that the only reason for the US to be concerned about China is the question of human rights, and that the only other reason conflict might develop is due to some mythical notion of inevitable cultural warfare. Nowhere in this party-line is mentioned the fact, so obvious to not-so-mass-media Foreign Affairs, that Western balance-of-power interests (not human rights, culture, or ideology) will be the primary counter-consideration to investment opportunities, vis a vis China policy. Teddy Roosevelt said "Walk softly, and carry a big stick." The more profitable version of this admonition, as carried out in the interwar years, in Iraq, and apparently again with China, is: "Profit through engagement, then deliver a just-in-time death blow." The popular-consensus/media-propaganda version of history looks nothing like what we've been talking about. According to the consensus myth, WW II was caused by a pair of maniacal monsters - Fanatic-Yellow-Peril and Racist-Nazi-Demon - who were driven by disturbed psyches (personal and collective) more than normal national ambitions, and whom the other nations of the world were compelled to subdue - solely in the interests of freedom, democracy, and human rights. People don't want to fight to obtain balance-of- power adjustments, but they'll fight valiantly if they can be sold a cover story that taps into appropriate emotional-response triggers. An offensive war by a modern democratic society must always be represented to the domestic population as being defensive, in pursuit of lofty goals, and necessitated by a maniacal aggressive enemy, or at least that's been the pattern to date. As previously with Nazi-Demon and Yellow-Peril, a new mythology is being prepared for us to justify the final round of major geopolitical adjustments. Sam Huntington, via his KulturKampf Clash of Civilisations, is the canonical proponent of this new mythology. As with the previous mythology, there is ample factual basis for its thesis - but its overall effect is to distract from the larger operative forces. Yes there are real cultural differences between China and an idealized West, but the cultural differences could be accommodated - what may not be so easily accommodated is China's culture-independent nationalist aspirations. Balance-of- power realpolitik is not dead - not yet. Kultur-Kampf is the mythology to be foisted on the public to cover the real motives behind the anticipated violent adjustment of great- power relationships - ie. the coercion of a destroyed and re- engineered China into the global system on globalist terms, by replay of the Japan-Germany unconditional-surrender scenario. The propagation of a Kultur-Kampf Big Lie - especially with China being likened to the already demonized Arab states - provides a sound basis for evoking the emotional climate appropriate for war popularization. With the bass-drum of Kultur-Kampf beating a steady rhythm in the popular media, the pace can be jazzed up with juicy Chinese atrocity stories whenever necessary, and the warpath-kettle can be kept just below boil. This is astute war-preparedness, as regards strategic propaganda. What, in fact, America (leading proponent of globalization) seems to be doing with China is to consciously replay the interwar scenario: profit maximally from trade and investments in China, encourage US public opinion to maintain a simmering hostility toward what may become a future enemy, tacitly facilitate China's military development, closely monitor developments - and most important - be sure that the US, together with its projected allies, maintains strategic dominance militarily. In this last regard, the US may have skirted danger in WW II more closely than it will need to this time around. This time around the US is on a continual wartime footing, with fleets sufficient for simultaneous conflicts, nuclear submarines, satellite superiority, strategic missiles, and the new gadgets the Economist tells us about. This is a far cry from the comparative state of US preparedness in the interwar years. And - due to the Grenada-Panama-Iraq precedents - the US has field-tested formulas for arranging hostilities with favorable publicity at any time of its own choosing. The first step in preparation for actual military engagement with China would be a demonization campaign, and it would need to be a globally effective campaign, not just for US consumption. Need I point out how incredibly easy that campaign would be? Slave labor camps, all but outright genocide against minorities such as the Tibetans, killing off infant females, religious suppression, massacre of peaceful demonstrators, legions of political prisoners, no semblance of human rights or free press by Western standards, heartbreaking behavior, perhaps, toward Hong Kong, a dictatorial regime - the mix may change over time, but China will for quite a while be a very easy target for modern demonization campaigns. The immediate war-initiation scenario might not be much different from that which brought the US into WW II. Sinking a carrier task force would have the same emotional impact on the US public as did the attack on Pearl Harbor, and no holds would then be barred the US military by domestic opinion. We saw how China's recent belligerency toward Taiwan (one of Bernstein and Munro's seven flash points) resulted in the dispatch of American fleets which then flouted their electronic superiority to the chagrin of the Chinese navy and the embarrassment and frustrated anger of Chinese leaders. A more assertive China with a more formidable military capability - and this is where we're most likely heading - would make similar confrontations both more likely and more dangerous. And for the US to back down from what it perceived as strategic challenges would be to yield to that very Chinese hegemony which Foreign Affairs informs us is categorically unacceptable to "American Interests." The combat scenario; hi-tech arsenal considered mandatory ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Let us consider the parameters of the hypothetically resulting military conflict. The US strategy would have certain mandatory objectives, which one can presume, based on common sense and precedents, would include: (1) no nuclear strikes tolerated on US soil (2) nuclear annihilation of China not desired (3) tactical nukes in China OK (4) land war in China out of the question (5) unconditional Chinese surrender a must For such a full-scale offensive, encumbered with such objectives, to be feasible, the US would need to quickly achieve the same total mastery-of-theater that it obtained in Iraq. The US could achieve its objectives only if it could suppress all air-defense measures, prevent China from launching strategic weapons, and have the unrestricted ability to pound China with cruise missiles and bombs - nuclear armed in the case of unusually large, hardened, or strategic targets. China is a good bit bigger than Iraq, and would be much better prepared, and so the Desert Storm technology would need to be radically upscaled and refined. The race to re-invent C4 (hi-tech warfare) systems, as reported recently by the Economist and others, seems to be a straightforward strategic imperative for US planners. Armaments and public opinion are both being systematically prepared, apparently, for the anticipated conflict. There will be no time to build a thousand bombers and no dissension will be tolerated - when the decisive moment for action arises. When the "innocent" US fleet is blown out of the seas, as it rushes, say, to protect Taiwan, Plan B (blitzkrieg warfare) must be ready for instant execution - there will be critical first-strike missions that cannot be allowed to fail. And once the show starts, the pace will not slacken. It would have to be planned as a one-campaign war, a full-court press all the way. The modern warfare model is a blitzkrieg model, and we saw its field tests in Grenada, Panama, and Iraq. All weapons systems, including those of the endgame, must be in full readiness at conflict start. We can therefore expect C4 development to continue to accelerate over the coming months, and expect at least one additional test prior to the big event, timed to suit the requirements of systems evaluation more than any real geopolitical emergency. Hence the media (and US foreign policy) endeavors to keep demonization quotients at chronically high levels for Iran, Iraq, Libya, and North Korea - so that a sizable weapons test can be arranged quickly and conveniently whenever needed. After the final war - or, perhaps, after China submits peacefully to globalist authority out of an unexpected prudence - we will enter the era which some prematurely claim we have already entered - a post- national context in which other primary forces will be allowed to shape the global architecture in new ways, as fades the structuring force of competitive nationalism. The "other" structuring force, it should be clear, is megacorp-dominated globalism. (Megacorp: n. large transnational corporation) ________________________________________________________________ End part 2 of 3 - "China vs. Globalization" ________________________________________________________________ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - PO Box 26 Wexford, Ireland Cyberlib: ftp://ftp.iol.ie/users/rkmoore/cyberlib | (USA Citizen) * Non-commercial republication encouraged - Please include this sig * * Please Cc: •••@••.••• directly on forwards & replies * ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~