__________________________________________________________________ DEMOCRACY AND CYBERSPACE Copyright 1997 by Richard K. Moore [part 8] Democracy & Cyberspace: strategic recommendations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Pursuant to the goal of improving the quality of our democracies, it seems to me, upon consideration, that the only effective strategy is an old-fashioned one: grass-roots political organizing, creation of broad coalition movements, formulation of common political agendas, and the energetic support of sound candidates - with the objective of re-balancing the elite-people see-saw. In order to restore balance, national sovereignty must be re-instated over economic and social policies, returning to democracy its potency. Coercively and deceptively imposed debut burdens must be forgiven, and corporations must be effectively encouraged by regulation to be good citizens just as people are so encouraged by laws. Laissez-faire deregulation is just a another name for lawlessness - and gang rule is the inevitable structural outcome, as history - unreconstructed - conclusively demonstrates. If popular ascendency can be achieved in this way, then there are all kinds of improvements that could _then_ be made to our electoral systems, and increased direct voting _might_ be one of them. Such a popular resurgence would of course be an incredibly formidable undertaking, but can we honestly expect significant societal improvement by any other means? In the meantime, novel proposals for system-level changes, even the best-intentioned, will only be implemented after being re-formulated by the current establishment - to our peril. Pursuant to the goal of preventing the kind of commercialized cyberspace that has been described above, my recommendation remains the same: broad-based popular political activism. The only way favorable policies can be expected regarding communications, mass media, excessive corporate influence - or anything else for that matter - is for better candidates and parties to be put in power in the context of a sound progressive agenda. Nonetheless, permit me to offer some specific strategic recommendations regarding media and telecommunications policy. The worst aspects of commercialized cyberspace, according to my analysis, arise from monopoly concentration. The indicated policy strategy would be to focus on preventing monopolization - both the horizontal and vertical variety. To be sure there are the issues of copyright, censorship, and others, but I believe those are, relatively speaking, already well understood - the problem is simply to gain some influence over them. The monopoly issue however deserves a few more words. Preventing horizontal monopolies is a matter of insuring that competition exists in each market, and setting limits on the number of markets a single operator can enter. Accomplishing this is not rocket science and has been done successfully before. In fact, recent "reforms", in the case of the U.S., have largely amounted to undoing not-that-bad regulation. Alternatively, one could specifically sanction horizontal monopolies (as with the classic U.S RBOC's or pre-privatization BT), but implement regulation that insures sound operation, and same-price- to-all ("common carrier") operation. Preventing vertical monopolies is a matter of defining "layers" of service, and preventing cross-ownership across layers. If content owners (media companies), for example, are not allowed to own transport facilities, and transport must be marketed on a same- price-to-all basis, then there would be considerable hope of preserving open discourse in cyberspace. Independent operators (eg, ISP's) could then afford (and be permitted) to interconnect to the network and offer affordable services to "the rest of us", as with Internet today. I hope these considerations are found to be useful. [end] __________________________________________________________________ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - PO Box 26 Wexford, Ireland http://www.iol.ie/~rkmoore/cyberjournal (USA Citizen) * Non-commercial republication encouraged - Please include this sig * ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~