Dear cj anb Bcc friends, My attitude toward cyberjournal has been a bit on the lax side, in terms of devoting dedicated time to it. Typically I've waited until something special came across my desk to forward, or until I happened to be in the mood to put down some ideas or to send out a batch of reader comments. But I'm now beginning to feel some weight of responsibility with our influx of new subscribers (now 958), spurred by a promo put out by TipWorld (see cj#725). Perhaps this is a good time to redefine the "mission" of cyberjournal, and to redefine my level of dedication in pursuing it. If 950 odd people (:>) are willing to listen or participate (at least on a trial basis) then I take it as a challenge to make it worth their while. Let me start by stating my own personal mission. There is a sufi saying that with knowledge comes responsibility. If you see a fire that others don't, you have a responsibility to raise the alarm. With knowledge you lose your innocent-bystander status. My mission comes from knowledge I have - a danger I can see clearly - and my mission is to raise the alarm and point out where the firehose is. Cyberjournal (the list and web site) is an online channel for raising the alarm, as oldtimers are aware. What is this knowledge? And how do I "know" it? Let me address the second question first... By following a particular methodology of investigation - particular techniques of analyzing events - I've found that certain patterns come into unmistakable focus. It's like Copernicus and elliptical orbits - once you learn how to look at the situation in a certain way, the obvious becomes inarguable. It's not a matter of believing or being convinced, it's a matter of being open to looking and seeing and expanding your tools of perception. The methodology is not a matter of detailed analysis, nor of deep theoretical reasoning - it's simply a matter of learning how to see the obvious, how to trust your own common sense, how to distinguish between what is primary and what is secondary, how to read between the lines of media propaganda, and how to see the emperor's naked amibtions. I've attempted to describe this methodology in a piece below, in the form of a "WRITER'S RESUME". I'd be happy to discuss that further if interest is expressed. In the meantime my intention is to explain what I "see" - to convey in various ways what I feel to be urgently-needed "knowledge". If this material resonates with your own inner knowledge and experience, and if it helps you to see even more and trust yourself even more, then cyberjournal may be of considerable value to you. Even more important, you may begin to realize that you are someone with knowledge that must be acted upon, according to your personal resources. I'm including a second piece below ("Cover letter to potential publisher") that concisely summarizes the world view that to me is infinitely obvious. It's so obvious that my response to rebuttals is not a matter of searching for arguments - it's a matter of explaining what has been misunderstood. As to whether my perceptions are valid or not you must be the judge. If something contradicts your own understanding then say so, and say why, and one or both of us will learn something in the exchange. Similarly write if you think I'm not dealing with the most important/useful issues. --- I'm now working actively on four projects in pursuit of my goals: 1) Book on Globalization (publisher being sought) 2) Film documentary on Globalization and another on Cyberspace (funding proposals submitted; co-producer being sought) 3) Interactive web-site on Globalization (funding proposal submitted) 4) cyberjournal (ongoing, pro bono) My intention is to begin work on the book right away, and just keep working on it while Carolyn and I search systematically for the right publisher. The book material is also the content-base for the web site, and the book research is directly applicable to the documentary. Substantive work on the documentary must await funding: even recruitment of interviewees would be counter-productive without the credibility brought by signed-up funding sources. --- Let's now beam ourselves up one meta level. What's been going on in the above material is a demonstration of my investigative method. What I wanted to "see" was the proper agenda for cyberjournal within my work. I didn't want to "decide" what to do, I wanted to "see" the "right action" that is inherent in current circumstances. This isn't the same as "seeing" the world situation, because that's an outward observational task. Deciding what to do is a creative task - but again it amounts to observation, albeit internal: observing objectively what your knowledge of circumstances is, surveying honestly your available resources, and persisting in the investigation until you "see" the common-sense solution fall solidly into place. In this case I see the following solution: I'll post the book outline (with feedback invited) and then I'll go through the outline, point by point, posting a series of essays - each essay being an abbreviated first draft of that part of the book. The essays may be new, or they may be selections from previously published material, but they'll represent my best-quality treatment within the size constraint. [Accolades to Carolyn Ballard for clipping pieces out of previously published articles and sorting them into the outline structure]. This scheme enables the book to proceed at maximum pace, gives cj the benefit of first-exposure to the ideas, and provides an opportunity for discussion and feedback so as to correct, refine, and expand the material prior to print publication. I think the discussion would be totally on-topic - in harmony with what we've been talking about all along on cj - and would be of value to the web-site as well as the book. Part of the web-site plan is to make it easy for visitors to send in comments (and to forward material for inclusion). Rather than starting with a blank slate, we could pre-load the comment-tree with logs of our cyberjournal discussions. Existence of live material would probably make it easier to engineer the necessary html structures. [Accolades to Chris Thorman for donating world-class web-engineering skills, server resources, and his services as project manager]. You - dearest cj readers - have the right to remain silent, but whatever you do say (addressed to cyberjournal) may live forever in some well-publicised region of cyberspace. --- Feedback on this plan is invited. Forwarding/cross-posting of this series will be encouraged (and please include the sig so that contacts can be developed). And anyone with ideas about funding sources or collaborators is invited to write in. rkm ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ re/INVESTIGATION METHODOLOGY: ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-= [WEB PROJECT] [w/ Chris Thorman as project manager and web engineer] rkm "WRITER'S RESUME" submitted as part of web-site funding proposal to the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ My background has been in the computer R&D business, designing and implementing software for each new wave of hardware technology - mainframes, minicomputers, timesharing, personal computers, multimedia, etc. While hardware has always trended toward faster, smaller, and cheaper, software has trended toward bigger, more expensive, and more complex. Survival in software R&D has called for the ability to conceptualize and create increasingly complex systems, and, perhaps more difficult, to be able to comprehend and repair complex systems created by others. In this kind of work one develops a sixth sense regarding how systems are constructed - just by using a piece of software one can intuit how the system is put together and what kind of stratagems the designer employed. The deep structure always shows through, in subtle ways, to the surface of system behavior. A colleague of mine was actually threatened with a lawsuit because he had figured out details of the Microsoft operating system that they thought could only be known by looking at their proprietary code. A well-developed sensitivity to systems and their underlying mechanisms is one of the main lessons I took away from my software experience, and it's a lesson that applies to many other domains. In particular one can look at the world as a collection of interacting systems - as we all know from ecology, which looks at the natural world as a system of interacting species and environments. One of the systems that most attracted my attention over the years was the global political system, with its many layers and diverse centers of influence. I found myself discounting the interpretive aspects of news reporting, and focusing instead on the raw underlying events being chronicled. I began to perceive a degree of consistency in the behavior of governments and institutions that was far greater than what one would detect from the interpretations of news reports, pundits, and official statements. I was beginning to make out the rough contours of underlying strategies and goals which made seemingly random phenomenon - such as U.S. foreign policy - not only understandable but frequently predictable. At the same time, in contrast to my perception of underlying reality, news reportage itself began to take on a new meaning. Rather than simply being shallow and biased, which is presumably obvious to any serious observer, I began to perceive a consistency in the distortions and selectivity of the media - the rough contours of propaganda/PR strategies began to become apparent. So over the years I began to develop my own model of what "the system" was about - who the various players are, what their relative powers and relationships are, what their various goals are, what their modus operandi are, what they want people to believe, etc. Not being in a hurry - this was a hobby - I was able to refine the model over time, to debug it, if you will, by testing it against years of unfolding events and an ever-growing reading diet of histories, biographies, and political analysis. Eventually I got to the point where I felt that my "findings" were worth writing about, or otherwise communicating to people who I felt could benefit from them. I left my career and environment (Silicon Valley), moved to Ireland, and began to use Internet as a learning channel for writing and further analysis. I joined several online discussion forums, launched a few new ones of my own, and began spending full time debating and learning about political perspectives from all comers - including historians, political scientists, and people with all sorts of attitudes and agendas. I further clarified my analyses/perceptions and learned how to express them cogently. My postings to Internet evolved into respectable essays, and I began to receive invitations from print (and online) publishers to turn some of the essays into articles. Now some three years into my writing career, I'm more convinced than ever that I do have something useful to offer, something that isn't being said by others. The "big picture" of world systems - the overview perspective - is often attempted (poorly) by simplistic conspiracy theorists and by establishment- funded think-tank propagandists, but seldom, alas, by serious independent observers. I believe there are two primary reasons for this. One has to do with analytical tools, and the other has to do with academic specialization. Analytically, most observers simply lack the necessary paradigms of understanding. If they try to understand the big picture at all - and most don't - they typically look for models that are too simple - they are still stuck in nineteenth century science, seeking "Newton's three laws of motion" as applied to society. They don't understand that complex systems require a different mode of analysis, one not so narrowly reductionist. In terms of specialization, there is an academic bias toward "deep analysis" - devoting an entire erudite book to what could be effectively established in a short, comprehensible article. One has to read several deep volumes by Chomsky, for example, before one can begin to make out his overall world view. He has the right analytical tools, but his brilliant insights are overly concealed by the specialization-bias of academia. =-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-= Publications (1994 to present): [most on cyberjournal web site] New Dawn (magazine) Common Sense and the New World Order Human Rights and the New World Order Doublespeak and the New World Order The Fateful Dance of Capitalism and Democracy America and the New World Order China vs. Globalization - the Final War and the Dark Millennium The Information Society - An International Journal Cyberspace Inc. and the Robber Baron Age Toward Freedom (magazine) Closing the Information Highway talk at Teeside University (to be published by Teeside) Democracy and Cyberspace enneagram monthly (magazine) Physics and the Enneagram The Life-Cycle of Creative Endeavors Inventing Enneagrams - the dramatic story and two- force analysis oii SPECTRUM (journal) Bento - a container for electronic documents ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ re/THE "KNOWLEDGE": ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ [BOOK PROJECT] [w/ Carolyn Ballard as co-author and editor] Proposed title: "Globalization and the New World Order -- democracy at a crossroads" Cover letter to potential publisher ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If one thinks back these days to the Cold War era, one cannot avoid a certain nostalgia for an interval of relative stability and security - even if one didn't appreciate it as such at the time. Since the Reagan-Thatcher-Friedman- neoliberal revolution, and especially since the Gulf War and the fall of the Soviet Union, we seem to have been caught up in a whole maelstrom of rapid societal changes on a global scale and over a wide spectrum of domains. We've seen a general decline in Western economies and qualities of life, a tightening of the screws on Third-World peoples, the systematic disempowerment and looting of governments, a vaguely defined and ominous "new world order" in international relations, a reckless plunge into laissez-faire economics, a declining respect for traditional liberal/democratic institutions, and frustrating increases in the problems of personal isolation, crime, drugs, and terrorism. Things, to put it simply, seem to be very largely out of control - or perhaps in control of a Frankenstein's-Monster version of market forces - but in any case out of "our" control. It's as if a wave has crashed over a sand-castle world and we can't be sure yet just how much is going to be washed away, and we don't know how the new world is going to be architected. This book - drawing on the past two centuries for historical perspective - seeks to demonstrate that globalization (properly understood) is in fact a coherent, conscious, and radical re-invention of global society: the overthrow of the sovereign nation-state system and the breaking of the implicit social contract between capitalism and First-World populations. The conclusion seems to us inescapable that democracy itself is being dismantled by globalization, to be replaced by something resembling feudalism, with corporations in the role of medieval royalty. Globalization bodes to be the next significant re-organization of the global system's power arrangements - in the same league with the fall of Rome, the Treaty of Westphalia, and the Enlightenment. The authors believe that making this case for a "coherent globalist scheme" turns out to be rather straightforward. Indeed, most pieces of the argument/investigation have been published already by many worthy scholars. But the overall pattern is in need of well-documented articulation, and that is the mission of this book. In the hopes of leading the reader to a personal sense of involvement and responsibility, the authors have endeavored to make the story intriguing and meaningful to even the moderately literate "layman", provided only that he or she has an open mind (and maybe even if they don't). What is presented is simply a common-sense review of history and current events, accompanied by a straightforward identfication of the obvious parallels and consequences, based on clear historical precedents. The authors feel a kinship with Thomas Paine - not unforutunately in eloquence - but in the shared objective of explaining what seems complex in terms that would make sense in any village square, as it were. Paine sought to widely popularize radical Enlightenment ideas, and the primary barrier was overcoming the conditioning people had endured regarding the legitimacy and necessity of the monarchial paradigm. The conditioning had to be cleared away so that the situation could be seen with fresh eyes, and the (rather straightforward) Enlightenment vision could then be presented. In the case of globalization, it is the whole mind-control conditioning of the mass-media that needs to be cleared away - the conditioning that calls social suicide "reform" and defines democratic government as "waste". The technique used to overcome this conditioning is to step way back from the trees, historically speaking, so that the forest can finally be seen, and then to zoom in ever so carefully on various details of the scene, returning frequently to the "forest view" to consolidate perspective. As the cobwebs of media conditioning are gradually cleared, the reader naturally begins to see media doublespeak for what it is - the arrogant attempt to distract most of the people all of the time while they're being robbed blind in broad daylight on Main Street. Opposing the onrushing tide of globalization will require critical thinking and radical political activism -- goals which <publisher> strives to inspire in its readers. These are the very same objectives which the authors aspire to with the publication of this work. ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - PO Box 26 Wexford, Ireland (USA Citizen) * Non-commercial republication encouraged - Please include this sig * ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~