Dear cj, Bob identifies some current global examples of how nationalist sentiment is demonized and isolated in the media, preventing it from becoming part of the "legitimate" spectrum of political discussion. For their part, the nationalist movements seem often to be excessively reactionary (xenophobic, racist, etc.), making them easy for the media to dismiss. rkm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Sat, 06 Dec 1997 To: •••@••.••• From: Bob Djurdjevic <•••@••.•••> Subject: "Trials and Tribulations of Being a 'David'" (TiM GW Bulletin 97/12-1. 12/06/97) FROM PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA --------------------------------------------------------------------- Truth in Media's GLOBAL WATCH Bulletin 97/12-1 6-Dec-97 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Topic: GLOBAL AFFAIRS ----------------------------- Taking on the New World Order "Goliath" TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS OF BEING A"DAVID" PERTH, Western Australia, Dec. 5 - Two recent unrelated stories half a world apart tell the tale of trials and trobulations which a "David" can face when confronting the ruthless New World Order "Goliath." Two others, also half a world apart and dating back several years, serve to confirm it. In Israel, a brave investigative journalist, Barry Chamish, who exposed what he believed was a conspiracy to murder Yitzhak Rabin, threw in the towel after receiving warnings and death threats. His main beef - not enough other brave "Davids" willing to join him (see his "I quit" letter below). "There is no one in a position of authority to turn to," he writes. "I am saddened by the fact that not one person with inside influence has the courage to expose the coverup. My leaders have abandoned all pretense of integrity and I am alone." In Australia, a brave member of Parliament, Pauline Hanson, a former Queensland businesswoman who became a champion of patriotic Australians last year, was gored by the globalist establishment media - also after receiving numerous death threats. Not the quitting kind, however, this modern-day Joan of Arc took on the Speaker in the Australian Parliament last week - and won. The Speaker had tried to make her withdraw some of her feisty remarks critical of the establishment politicians. Ever since, the Australian media have been trying to bury her as a political force to be reckoned with. In Russia, the world first heard the name Vladimir Zhirinovsky in the fall of 1993, when this Russian patriot stunned the NWO Goliath by outpolling his "reformist" politicians in the vote for the Duma (the Russian Parliament). Immediately, the NWO "Agitprop" (Agitation and Propaganda department) machine went into overdrive, trying to paint Zhirinovsky as a dangerous "ultra-nationalist" (as if being a nationalist, i.e., a patriot, was something inherently bad?). In the U.S., the same fate befell Pat Buchanan who suddenly became a dangerous populist after taking the lead in the polls in February 1996 during the Republican Primaries. Dangerous to the NWO Goliath, that is, certainly not to the majority of Americans for whose rights and interests Buchanan fought. ------ Meanwhile, back in Australia, it all started on Nov. 25 with a video which Hanson had taped in case she were assassinated. "Fellow Australians, if you are seeing me now, it means that I have been murdered," she said in the 12-minute video. "For the sake of our children and our children's children, you must fight on. Do not let my passing distract you for one moment. We must go forward together as Australians. Our country is at stake." These dramatic words have evidently driven a large stake into the hearts of the bland, colorless globalist aliens to whom any idea of earthly patriotism is anathema. They seized the chance to ridicule Hanson, and suggest that she is already dead (politically speaking). According to the Australian establishment media, the popularity of her party - One Nation - founded earlier this year, has dropped from a high of 9% in May, to about half that, THE AUSTRALIAN reported on Nov. 25. Seeing Hanson's face on the front pages of the local establishment press, listening to attacks on her by both the Liberal and Labor members of parliament (i.e., supposedly the Right and Left in Australia, yet both the NWO Goliaths lapdogs, just as the Democrats and the Republicans are in the U.S), one cannot help but recall how a similar pack of NWO hyenas - from the Wall Street Journal (supposedly the Right) to the New York Times (supposedly the Left) united to gore Buchanan almost two years ago. How can "coincidences" like that occur in four independent and sovereign countries (Israel, Australia, Russia, America) each of which bearing the unmistakable imprints of the same NWO Goliath? Only one logical explanation comes to mind: These are no longer independent and sovereign countries, all trappings and appearances to the contrary notwithstanding. Bob Dj. ---------- Bob Djurdjevic TRUTH IN MEDIA Phoenix, Arizona e-mail: •••@••.••• LINKS: (Truth in Media home page) (Djurdjevic's Oct 1997 FORBES column, "Bet on Asian Large Caps") (Djurdjevic's Nov 1997 IM column, "Welcome to Asia/Pacific... and Buckle Up" - IM is a WASHINGTON POST publication) (Annex Research home page) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - PO Box 26, Wexford, Ireland (USA Citizen) * Non-commercial republication encouraged - Please include this sig * ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~