Dear cj, Here are the editorial comments Bob published in "Truth in Media" along with my article "cj#733> Who is the enemy? How do we fight them?". I'd like to invite cj subscribers to respond to Bob. I've got some comments of my own in mind which I can append to your responses. We may or may not change Bob's thinking (or he ours), but by this kind of dialog we can hope to crystallize the root of our differences: the core underlying beliefs that lead to our different perceptions of the political situation. Such dialog is not easy to achieve; this is a valuable opportunity. Usually when I've attempted this in the past, all I got were increasingly strident statements of conclusions; Bob seems willing to focus on points of difference and delve into their roots. rkm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ TiM EDITOR'S COMMENTS: We did not want to interrupt your and Mr. Moore's train of thought until now. But any careful TiM reader should have realized by now that Mr. Moore's missive hits the spot as far as the TiM editorials are concerned. There are some (minor) differences, however, which you may detect in our response to some of his comments. But that's life. In the (so far, luckily) "free world," anyway. We've titled each segment as a separate issue. =========================================== ** re: NWO'S "NEO-LIBERALS" VS. TRUE "LIBERALS" RKM: >From reading Truth In Media, and from many other current publications as >well, I often get the impression that "liberals", especially as represented >by Clinton, are being portrayed as THE guilty party which is betraying the >Constitution and leading us toward a globalist world government. I >believe this a very serious error - one which ignores the bi-partisan >continuity of U.S. policy, and which dangerously divides the opposition to >the New World Order (NWO). TiM: We agree that this would be "a very serious error." Guess Mr. Moore hasn't read the TiM Bulletins or its editor's columns carefully enough? Here is, for example, an excerpt from the TiM editor's WASHINGTON TIMES column, "Dancing 'round the Golden Calf" (8/31/97), also published in the TiM GW Bulletin 97/8-9, 8/25/97): ...The corruption of the American political system by Wall Street's and foreign money, and the "liberals" willingness to sell out true liberalism for a dictatorship of thought, are making the majority of Americans subjects of reverse discrimination. The term "liberal" is in apostrophies above because it is another NWO (New World Order) oxymoron. How can anything as dogmatic as the "PC" terminology ever be truly liberal, given that "liberal" means "freedom of individuals to act or express themselves in a manner of their own choosing," according to Webster's?)" For what it's worth, your TiM Editor would be happy to be labeled as a "liberal" in the 18th century sense. But it's the "neo-liberals," meaning the "latter day (reincarnated) communists," that have usurped a good idea and warped it into the "PC liberalism" for the sake of their own totalitarian designs. --- ** re: TNC's RKM: > TNC's are citizens of the world; their >focus is on global opportunities; the very concept of "home nation" is >out-dated -- to TNC's, all flags are flags of convenience. TiM: We agree again. Here is how the TiM editor ended his Dec. 29, 1996 WASHINGTON TIMES column - "The Nothing Philosophy." (But first, a contextual explanation is necessary. The name of the main character, a fictitious Serbian political leader - Levi Desnic - means Lefty Rightwing in loose translation from Serbian. This explanation was provided in the beginning of this short piece, which you can look up in the "Index of Bob Djurdjevic's Columns"-section of the TiM Web page - the first LINK below). As the Belgrade crowd disperses for the night, after voting for with its feet for 29 straight days, the exuberant Serbian opposition party officials gather around their leader to congratulate him on his speech. 'My, Levi, you really had them going...' one of them says, patting Desnic on his back. 'But surely, you must believe in something?' 'I believe in the same thing Clinton believes in,' Levi Desnic replies. 'Oh, yeah? And what's that?' 'The Almighty Dollar.' 'The Almighty Dollar?' 'Or a Deutsch Mark... Or a Yen... We are not that particular. We'll take anything Wall Street gives us. It's the money that makes the world go around, man! Crosses, crescents, flags, anthems... these are all archaic symbols for the backward masses. In our New World, we'll do away with all of them.' 'The masses or the symbols?' --- ** re: NWO'S "DEMO FARCE" ERADICATES NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY RKM: > Bankrupting the nation and selling out sovereignty have >been bi-partisan affairs. Politicians pretend to have differences -- giving >us a dramatic show debate at election time -- to keep us choosing between >them rather than voting in some real people with guts and integrity. TiM: Mr. Moore is spot on! Here is, for example, an excerpt from the WASHINGTON TIMES column "'Demo Farce' and the American Century," published on Nov. 17, 1996: The Presidential Election 96 had all the excitement of a one-horse race, a big yawn! Ever since the globalist-controlled U.S. media - electronic or print, left or right, green or rusty - massacred Pat Buchanan last February (1996 - after he had beaten the pants off Bob Dole in New Hampshire's primary), the country's electorate faced a choice between a "Stiff" (the "Dull Man Walking"-Bob Dole) and a "Slick" (the "Anything Goes"-Bill Clinton). The outcome was predictable. The Stiff is no longer walking. And the Slick is still running the country. Fielding two horses from the same stable evidently suited the U.S. Establishment just fine. Election 96 was a "demo farce!" The U.S. democracy is turning into a New World Order plutocracy. Or consider the following excerpts from the TiM editor's recent letters to the WSJ and the NYT re. the "fast track" legislation: To the WALL STREET JOURNAL (ostensibly a "conservative" paper), we wrote on Nov. 11: Will the real Wall Street Journal stand up? For almost five years now, you've been beating up on Bill Clinton (justifiably). Suddenly, on the issue of the "fast track" legislation, he is your fair-haired boy, though not tough enough to brow beat the Big Bad Labor ("America's Labor Party," 11/11/97). To the NEW YORK TIMES (ostensibly a "liberal" paper), we wrote the same day (Nov. 11): Will the real New York Times stand up? For almost four years now, you've been beating up on the Republicans and Newt Gingrich. Suddenly, on the issue of the "fast track" legislation, he is your fair-haired boy, along with Bill Clinton, while the Democrats are the bad wolves whose "narrow political interest has carried the day" ("Fast Track Is Derailed," 11/11/97). To BOTH of these papers, we wrote the same day (Nov. 11): Capitol Hill's three-ring circus during the weekend of Nov. 7-9 was one of the best examples of the "demo farce" which our democracy has become - a plutocratic system in which all political front runners race for the same stable owner - Big Business. Gingrich, Dick Armey, for example, ostensibly Republican congressional leaders pulled out all stops trying to help Clinton, ostensibly their political adversary, push the legislation through which would take away some of the power from them (Congress) and give it to the President. Marxist dialecticians would have marveled at Gingrich's twisted logic - that a pro-"fast track" vote would mean a defeat for Clinton. ...During the 1980s, the Fortune 500 companies shed three millions jobs. In the 1990s, they will eliminate another two million (the Wall Street Journal, 9/20/96). But while corporate America was downsizing and shipping these U.S. jobs to Latin America, China or Southeast Asia, etc., the "upsizing of America" was taking place - from the bottom of our economic pyramid. Some 21 million new jobs were created by SMALL entrepreneurs. They are the reason our economy is prospering, not the Big Business, as the New York Times would have us believe. That is why so many Congressmen who don't work out of Big Business's pockets have turned against the globalist puppets, like the President and the House Speaker. They did not all do it necessarily for the sake of the Big Labor (though some did). They did it for the sake of the Main Street America - evidently an alien territory for your elitist editors. But the fact that Big Business happens to be the New York Times' "bread and butter" advertiser - and thus the one thing that binds the liberal and the conservative media - further diminishes the credibility of your arguments. --- ** re: NWO'S WOULD-BE MASTERS ARE ALSO PEOPLE RKM: >The agenda of BIG MONEY is neither >liberal nor conservative, it is corporate. And the political battle of the >day is not between liberals and conservatives, it is between corporations >and the people. TiM: We agree with Mr. Moore's first point. But aren't corporations also owned and run by PEOPLE? The INDIVIDUALS who run the TNC's are the PEOPLE to whom we referred as "The Princes of the 20th Century" in several of our pieces which dealt with globalization and the role which the multinational companies play in the world today. These PEOPLE - from George Soros to David Rockefeller to the various Rothschilds..., etc. - are the "financial elite" who are the would-be NWO masters. --- ** re: "NEO-COLONIALISM" VS. "CORPORATE FEUDALISM?" (Whatever the term of preference, Main Street is the loser as the "Perfidious Uncle Sam" replaces the "Perfidious Albion") RKM: >This power grab by TNC's -- and the transfer of sovereignty to their >centralized bureaucracy -- is what GLOBALIZATION is all about. It amounts >to the replacement of democracy by a modern corporate variety of feudalism. TiM: We agree again, though we'd prefer to call it "neo-colonialism," rather than "corporate feudalism." Here is a comment we sent to a TiM reader, an economics professor, re. "The Great Asian Banking Crisis" recent TiM GW Bulletin: "...(US Treasury Secretary Rubin's letter warning Japan not to export its way out of trouble) merely exposed the contradictions inherent in Washington's 'free trade' arguments on the one hand, and in its protectionism of the American industry, on the other hand. Remember the auto quotas of the 1980s? (which the Japanese supposedly voluntarily imposed on themselves [(ho, ho!], but only after some heavy arm-twisting by Washington). Wasn't that also a direct contradiction with our government's alleged 'pro free trade' stance? Of course, our trading partners know duplicity when they see one. Just as your students or talk show audiences do. Which is why they regard the U.S. as a neo-colonial power - kind of like the 'Perfidious Uncle Sam' replacing the 'Perfidious Albion' (the British Empire)." --- ** re: NOT ALL TNC's ("PRINCES OF THE 20TH CENTURY) ARE CREATED EQUAL RKM: >The consequence of globalization is that ALL countries (in the First >World as well) are to be treated by TNC's as colonial plantations. TiM: True. But not all TNC's are created equal, as you can see from the above Japanese example. --- ** re: CRACKS IN THE NWO ARMOR RKM: >We need a revolution of a new and different kind, a revolution that >responds to this unprecedented state of emergency. We don't have much >time, because the chips of power are being transferred rapidly to the NWO >bureaucracies, and the game is for keeps. TiM: True, again. But cracks are showing up in the NWO armor. The looming global banking crisis is proving that the NWO is not a monolithic organism. So why not let them taste some of their own ("divide and conquer") medicine? And let them fight greed with greed? It will be easier that way for "all the little people" to clean up the mess afterward. RKM: >But we have to understand that we -- all the little people -- are in this >alone, we don't have big business as a natural partner in nationhood any >more. They've left home and taken the bank account with them, and we must >call them to account. TiM: And so we shall! But patience, is a virtue. As is the stalking an intended target before a deadly strike. Just ask a tiger... [Hopefully not an "Asian (business) tiger"... :-) ] ---- Bob Djurdjevic TRUTH IN MEDIA Phoenix, Arizona e-mail: •••@••.••• LINKS: (Truth in Media home page) (Djurdjevic's Oct 1997 FORBES column, "Bet on Asian Large Caps") (Djurdjevic's Nov 1997 IM column, "Welcome to Asia/Pacific... and Buckle Up" - IM is a WASHINGTON POST publication) (Annex Research home page) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - PO Box 26, Wexford, Ireland (USA Citizen) * Non-commercial republication encouraged - Please include this sig * ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ To leave cyberjournal, simply send (from the account at which you're subscribed): To: •••@••.••• Subject: (ignored) --- unsub cyberjournal