Dear cj, It was on 5 Feb that I announced the shift of focus for cyberjornal. Has it been only three weeks? much has happened. I'll post two other messages very soon, an update on Iraq and one on MAI. The traffic there is getting heavy, and I hope soon to have a website system going so that information can be made available beyond what can be posted. There are of course web references in many of our postings, but cyberjournal should have a good web presence of its own in these areas, with links to other sites. -=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=- There have been many good contacts made to the Canadian anti-MAI movement, and some local assistance has been offered in coordinating the workshop/conference. The working title of the gathering is "Seeking a Democratic Response to Corporate Globalization" and I'm still trying for Prince Edward Island (PEI) as a location. My original reason for choosing PEI was symbolic: PEI was (as I understand it) the first Province to come out against the MAI. Since then I've learned the symbolism goes deeper: PEI is evidentally recognized as the Birthplace of Candadian Demoracy - the Charlotte Town Conference (c. 1860) was the moral equivalent of the American colonists signing of the Declaration of Independence. (If I've got this wrong I'll post a correction - let me know). Meanwhile, we are beginning to identify potential delegates to the workshop. The idea is to include people with diverse viewpoints and backgrounds from around the world, people who are in the leadership of activist movements, and people who have a good sense of vision and strategy. If consensus can be reached in such a group, given the diversity, one can then hope that the result would be worth promulgating for more general global review, endorsement, and refinement. Part of our research is finding out about similar efforts that have been carried out or that are now underway. My sense, so far confirmed by early findings, is that good preliminary work has been done, and that useful momentum exists - but that the "revoutionary step" has not been very often taken. That is, anti-globalist activity is currently focused on pre-revolutionary activities. Such activities include public education, appealing to current leaders, opposition to current policies, aiming for specific victories, etc. What we aren't seeing much of is REVOLUTIONARY CONSCIOUSNESS: acting from the knowledge that the POWER IS with the people, that complaints MUST be turned into PLATFORMS, and that only a lack of WILL and UNITY keeps us from dethroning the elite fat cats ALTOGETHER. We are not the oppressed minions, we are the sleeping GIANT, and we've HAD ENOUGH. The purpose of the workshop, through the Manifesto that will be adopted, and through the organizational network that will be started, is to launch the development of a global coalition aimed at the democratic reversal of the suicidal elite/corporate path the world is now following. -=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=- The elite, let me assure you, are well aware of the revolutionary seeds (collateral damage, if you will) planted by globalization. They know you can't exploit without upsetting the exploited, and they have been implementing counter-measures to popular revolt for quite some time. There's the radical erosion of civil liberties, paramilitarization of the police, wholesale building of prisons, emergency executive powers, ever-more sophisticated propaganda, etc. But in terms of our coalition efforts, the elite tactic of most concern has been the systematic encouragement of factionalism at both the international level and within national populations. It was the US that engineered the installation of the fundamentalist Ayatollah in Iran. It is the US that facilitates, covertly and overtly, constant tension and instability in the Middle East. It is US media propaganda that continually demonizes Muslims and encourages Western fear and hostility towards them. It is the elite's darling Samuel P. Huntington who openly preaches a doctrine of regional factionalism, as a means to geolopolitical stability in a globalist world. And it is the US-NATO hi-tech strike force that will exploit this factionalism as a cover for its globalist geopolitical adjustments. Within national populations we have European National Fronts and other neo-fascist movements, devolution movements, fundamentalists of various stripes (Christians, "libertarians", various cults), narrowly focused special-interest groups, Militias, Patriots, etc. One can argue the degree of elite covert encouragement behind all this factionalism, and I would argue for quite a bit, but the consequence in any case is that overcoming factionalism is a major task of a wide-reaching coalition effort. Factions divide the population into "chunks" which can then be played off against one another by the corporate media, neutralizing and mocking popular power. But beyond this, factions provide a mechanism to undermine popular revolutionary consciousness. For example, the concept of the NWO - the New World Order - has been successfully identified in the popular mind, due to media spin, with alleged right-wing conspiracy kooks who fantasize about liberal conspiracies to implement world socialism, and who swap pirate videos of UN blue-helmets training in black helicopters somewhere in Montana. Meanwhile the NWO - the overturning of the principle of territorial sovereignty - is being carried out right before our eyes in Bosnia and Iraq without being identified for what it is. The television images of paranoid conspiracy nuts, with the words "New World Order" on their lips, served as a vaccination, preventing the development of the dreaded disease, Seeing The Truth. We must realize that people aren't really the stereotypes they may seem to be - it is not only "us" (whoever _your_ "us" is) who are "real people" underneath. Just because "they" seem captivated by bizarre and dangerous beliefs does not mean they lack common sense or that they are incapable of learning or that we can afford to dismiss them. -=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=- This is why, ever since the 16 November posting "Who is the enemy? How do we fight them?", I've considered it important to persue communication with groups many of us have dismissed as being beyond the pale. That piece, under various names, made it into militia and patriot newsletters and has led to some very positive and interesting responses. By far the most intriguing was a thick posted package of literature that arrived this week from a feisty woman many of you may know about - one Carolyn Chute, Secretary to the Border Mountain Militia and the Second Maine Militia. She is one "gas lady", as they say with great affection here in Ireland. Her hand-drawn flyers and newsletters are strewn with folksy emblems, logos, and cartoons higlighting such gems as: * Big Biz EATS People for Lunch * Border Mountain Militia - Your No-wing Militia, Your Common Sense Militia * The 2nd Maine Militia - "Your Wicked Good Militia" * We are nice but we are _not_ pushovers * No More funny business! * Working Class and Proud of it She has serious, clearly written articles, under such headings as "If You Like NAFTA and GATT, You'll _Love_ MAI", and "Dear Revolutionary ABBY". There's good discussion of corporations, small business, the potential power of the people, and elite divisive tactics. There's a 9 page broadsheet headed in 4-inch letters by "NOTICE TO ALL PATRIOTS" which presents a good analysis of capitalism and reviews the experience of the turn-of-the-century Populist movement. There is a lot more in the package she sent me, and it exudes correct understanding and revolutionary consciousness, at least as I see it. I'd paste all her stuff into Cyberlib if it wasn't non-electronic and non-scannable. Her return address is embellished with "NO PHONE, NO FAX, NO PAVED ROAD - WRITE". I will indeed. Among the literature was hidden a personal note, the kind you don't run across every day. Excerpts... ~=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Dear Roger [!] We of the Border Mountain and 2nd Maine Militias take our hats off to you. Your article in TAKING AIM was great. A lot of militia movement people have gotten stalled on a few issues (just like the liberals do) or blaming the liberals or Democrat politicians or this or that dang-fool small thing. The "faceless finaciers" being so faceless don't attract much attention. A lot of people are allergic to ragweed but they blame goldenrod because they SEE goldenrod. Ragweed is made invisible by its coloration and so on. You have a little different perpective on history than most of us in the Maine No-Wing Milita movement have, but that harldy matters. Your vision of a unified people, all us ordinary people, is EXACTLY what we are working for...painfully...painfully slow. -=-=-=-=-=-=~-<snip>-~=-=-=-=-=-=- If you are ever in Maine, PLEEEEEEEZ let us Know, please come see us. We'll send you directions. We would love to yakk about this with you. -=-=-=-=-=-=~-<snip>-~=-=-=-=-=-=- We are no-wingers. We are working class people who are not into Capitalism or Communism or Socialism but we all share the wish of getting the government to represent the people not faceless financiers and their corporations. A We-The-People government might come up with an entirely new economic system...perhaps different regions live best with different economic systems that reflect their needs...barter, cooperative...who knows? But what we got now isn't working, only for the 'faceless financiers' and thier corporate elite. -=-=-=-=-=-=~-<snip>-~=-=-=-=-=-=- I think all of us who think this way should get together. The faceless financiers get together all the time to figure ways to keep us down. Nothing wrong with us all getting together to try and figure ways to free the people. -=-=-=-=-=-=~-<snip>-~=-=-=-=-=-=- Yours in Revolution, Carolyn Chute ~=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ I've met, perhaps, a cosmic opposite - a woman, a low-tech approach, a working-class orientation, a hands-on organizer - but at core with the same perceptions, the same fundamental strategy, and with the same vision of how to get started with the next level of revolutonary realization. I WILL visit the 2nd Maine Militia and Ms Chute WILL make her unique contribution at the Revolutionary Workshop. Or I'll eat my hat live on the web. How serendipitous that Maine is right next to PEI. -=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=- I don't mean to go x-files on you, but there has been a portentous serendipity accompanying all these developments. The package from Carolyn dropped through my mail slot just moments after I had added to my To Do List the item "Begin outreach to diverse activists". And a few moments after I sent out a request for contact information regarding Maude Barlow of the Council of Canadians, a paper invitation arrived from the States to a Book Launch she is giving next month. And there were other similars. Coincidence or not, I'll take these as signs that we are going with the The Tao (or The Force if you prefer). By "we" I refer to the fact that the endeavor I'm describing is increasingly becoming a collaborative one. I don't want to give a "credits list" at this time because it's still early days in terms of developing our working relationships and getting the various sub-projects underway. Suffice it to say that members of the cj community, whose names are familiar to you, are rolling up their sleeves for the revolution, and paying their own postage. We are always seeking additional volunteers, in all categories of skills and interests. If anyone feels they would like to contribute, they are always welcome to contact me. There are creative opportunities for all, but this kind of endeavor requires grunt work at times as well - there is a real job to be done with deadlines that are beyond our control. The Titanic Western Democracies have been torpedoed by the globalist elite, and the bulkheads are flooding at an alarming rate. This collaborative process is a microcosm of the larger coalition project. Now we have people learning to work with one another in a revolutionary endeavo. Later we will have groups and organizations learning to work with one another as they define a larger revolutionary endeavor. The time is right. The need is urgent. The opportunity is real. What is more important? In Solidarity, Richard ~=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by: Richard K. Moore | PO Box 26, Wexford, Ireland •••@••.••• | * Non-commercial republication encouraged - with this sig * ~=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, indeed it's the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead To leave cyberjournal, simply send (from the account at which you're subscribed): To: •••@••.••• Subject: (ignored) --- unsub cyberjournal To join cyberjournal, simply send: To: •••@••.••• Subject: (ignored) --- sub cyberjournal John Q. Doe <-- your name there