Globalization and the Revolutionary Imperative Part II - Introduction, Chapter 4 - preliminary Copyright 1998 by Richard K. Moore 15 September 1998 comments to: •••@••.••• book maintained at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part II - Envisioning a livable world: common sense, not utopianism ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction [509 words] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part I examined the path on which the world is currently headed under the control of the well-entrenched, Western capitalist elite oligarchy. Societies and economies are being systematically and intentionally destroyed by free trade polices and by interventions of the IMF. A global economy is being imposed on the world which is rapidly being dominated by a handful of TNC megacorps. A de facto world government has been established which serves TNC interests, has no democratic representation whatever, and which is backed by Western military power. The Earth is being poisoned and its irreplaceable resources are being squandered in the pursuit of never-ending capital growth. Poverty, starvation, and disease are becoming rampant worldwide while a global regime of KulturKampf is being established to maintain world order in the midst of ongoing tension and strife. As the mass-media is being concentrated into the hands of a few global conglomerates, populations are being fed a steady diet of disinformation, escapist entertainment, and neoliberal propaganda. As Western societies are being dismantled and refashioned in the mold of the Third-World, police-state regimes are being established to contain popular unrest. Factionalism and fundamentalist ideologies are being systematically promulgated worldwide so that groups and nations will struggle against one another rather than uniting in opposition to the global capitalist regime. As the Earth's fragile ecosystems are being pushed to the breaking point, the world is faced with the very real possibility of the total breakdown of civilization and the massive die-off of populations. Alternatively, if the capitalist oligarchy decides to change course and cease the pursuit of unmaintainable economic growth, the world faces a bleak future enslaved under the thumb of global tyranny. Is there any hope for humanity? Can capitalist domination be overcome? Is it too late to change course, restore our environment, and establish livable societies? No one can answer these questions with certainty, but we, the world's people, must make the effort to save ourselves and the Earth. If we fail to do so we are betraying everything decent in humanity's heritage and we are condemning our progeny to either death or subservience. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain by standing up for ourselves and courageously challenging our oppressors. Part III of this book will examine the history of social movements, and of revolutions, and will endeavor to outline a practical strategy for non-violent, global, democratic revolution. In Part II, we will develop the goals of such a revolution -- we will investigate the nature of livable, sustainable societies. A livable society is a society in which people are happy to live -- a society in which people are reasonably well off and in which they feel in control of their lives and destinies. A sustainable society is one that is not living beyond its means, where resources are not being used up faster than they can be replaced. Livable societies are the birthright of men and women everywhere; sustainability is the means by which livable societies can be passed on to our children. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 - Sustainable societies: a realizable necessity [4060 words] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- General principles of sustainability: stability and regulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ With the advent of acid rain, ozone depletion, global warming, and other obvious signs of global-scale disruptions, sustainability is becoming a familiar term. Environmentalists talk about sustainable agriculture and sustainable economics, while globalization's policy-makers talk about sustainable development. "Sustainable development," like most of globalization's euphemisms, means the opposite of what it says. Just as free competition masks a program of monopoly concentration, so sustainable development masks a program aimed not at preserving resources, but at extracting the maximum possible profit out of those that remain. Satellite and field inventories are being collated, models are being built of various ecosystems, and an agenda of "best use" (that is, maximal exploitation) is being prepared. In the calculus of sustainable development, people die of thirst while water is diverted to support agribusiness operations. While sustainable development is merely deceptive rhetoric, sustainable economics and agriculture are in fact necessary societal objectives -- the unsustainable alternative is simply another name for the inevitable collapse of society. But sustainable economies and agriculture cannot be achieved, not in a lasting form, unless society as a whole is made sustainable. Consider for example the indigenous Mayan people in Chiapas, Mexico. Their economy and agriculture were sustainable before Cortez arrived in Mexico and remain sustainable to this day. What has ceased to be sustainable is the political viability of the Chiapas region within Mexican society, as a result of NAFTA. Political sustainability is every bit as essential as economic sustainability, if, as the name suggests, the goal is to last over time. One might also take notice of the fact that two centuries ago nearly all economies were sustainable. Population growth, technological development, and infrastructure changes have been responsible for the acceleration of resource depletion. Wherever automobiles have become widespread, for example, that in itself has guaranteed the unsustainability of societal energy use. If any part of a society is to be insured sustainability, then the entire society, taken as a living dynamic system, must have certain stability characteristics. This is not to say a sustainable society must be a static society, but there must be appropriate regulatory mechanisms that keep the various elements of society within some kind of balance and harmony. In primitive societies the regulatory mechanisms were natural and cultural. Tabus, religious beliefs, and other cultural norms -- along with the limits of the surrounding environment -- kept populations in balance and resource use within sustainable limits. These cultural norms and economies evolved over time out of the necessity of societal survival. But such societies were relatively static, making stability easier to achieve. Modern societies are highly dynamic, and achieving stability is therefore more difficult. In dynamic systems, stability is achieved through feedback mechanisms. For example, a house is kept within a stable temperature range by means of a thermostat. In order for the thermostat to do its job the temperature sensor must be located in the house and it must be able to control the furnace. In general, a regulatory mechanism must be linked to that which is to be regulated, otherwise the system is unstable and runs out of control. In modern societies the primary feedback mechanism -- the measure that is used to judge economic health -- is GDP (Gross Domestic Product). What GDP measures is monetary transactions, not social well being. It is no surprise that with GDP as the policy regulator, corporate profits increase while social well-being declines. To use GDP as a measure of social well-being is like placing ones thermostat out in the back yard. Just as the furnace would in that case over-heat the house, so does GDP encourage economic growth far beyond societal benefit. Sustainability requires that monitoring mechanisms be designed which are linked to each significant aspect of society, and which then link into regulatory controls which have the power to correct imbalances. These regulatory controls might be laws which prohibit certain activities under certain circumstances, resource allocations which budget the use of critical resources, or variable tax rates which make activities increasingly expensive as they get further out of bounds. Markets can be very effective regulating mechanisms in certain situations and if the markets themselves are appropriately established and regulated. Education can enhance societal stability by helping people to understand how society functions and how their own choices and actions effect society and their own well being. Accurate and timely information enables governing bodies and citizens to respond to changing circumstance and hence to help keep society in balance. The range of feedback and regulatory mechanisms is limited only by human ingenuity, but to be successful, they must be linked to that which they are intended to regulate. The only sustainability imperative is that overall regulation be effective in achieving robust sustainability and societal stability. Sustaining livability: the necessity of democracy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If societies are to be livable -- if they are to achieve social well-being -- then the most fundamental feedback mechanism must be the people themselves. Only people can judge their own well-being, and just as a thermostat must be inside the house, so must citizen satisfaction be the measure of livability. A livable, dynamic society must therefore be a democratic society: only a government of the people can be a government for the people. The failure of most of our existing democracies is due in large part to the inadequacy of their political feedback mechanisms. Citizen political will is expressed primarily through elections that are held every several years, and in which the only information conveyed is a mark which is placed next to the name of one of the candidates. Imagine how poorly a business would run if the only feedback management received was every several years when the accountants said "You're doing well" or "You're doing poorly," without any quantitative information! Just as a healthy business requires frequent and quantitative feedback on its performance, so does a livable society require ongoing citizen feedback -- and that feedback must involve more than candidate selection; it must involve citizen determination of policy priorities, and those priorities must be communicated to and acted on by governing bodies. Businesses require not only frequent feedback on their performance, they also require comprehensive feedback. Each part of the business must be functioning soundly if the business is to remain healthy. Similarly, for a society to be livable, it must be livable locally. As different localities have different needs and preferences, so democracy must be locally based. To return to our earlier metaphor, each house needs its own thermostat -- it makes no sense for one thermostat to turn everyone's furnace on and off at the same time. If livable societies are to be achieved and sustained, the most fundamental requirement is that stable, locally-based, democratic governance be established. Only democracy is based on popular will, only stable democracy can maintain social well being in a dynamic society, and only locally-based democracy can adjust to local requirements. In the next chapter the question of democracy will be investigated further. Self-sufficiency and trade: seeking the right balance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Closely related to sustainability is self sufficiency. A self-sufficient society is not only sustainable, but is also independent of external imports for its essential needs. Self sufficiency is in fact not typically attainable except in very primitive societies or in very large societies which are fortunate enough to possess a wide variety of resources. Trade with other societies is, generally speaking, a necessity. For sustainability to be achieved when trade is part of the equation, then two conditions must be satisfied. First, that which is exported must be sustainably obtainable. Second, the ongoing availability of needed imports must be assured. Within those constraints trade can be of great benefit to a society. An excess of one resource or product can be traded for another in short supply, and a society can specialize in certain kinds of production, to the benefit of itself and its trading partners. Little more need be said regarding the benefits of trade, since those are so frequently praised in existing capitalist societies. What needs to emphasized here are the the conditions (above) which need to be satisfied for trade to be sustainable, and the value of a stabilizing degree of self-sufficiency in essentials. Assuring the availability of needed imports can never be fully under the control of a given society. Making use of relatively inexpensive imports may provide economic advantages to a society, but over-dependence on imports threatens the long-term stability of society, especially in periods of general economic hardship. Sustainability is most reliably achieved through self-sufficiency in essentials wherever that is feasible. Whenever a society becomes highly dependent on a given import, it may make sense in terms of both economics and societal stability to develop a domestic production capability. This kind of development -- the building of self-sufficiency -- is the opposite of what development has come to mean under capitalism. Development today means the building of capital-growth vehicles, and the encouragement of global over-dependence on trade is itself the most fundamental growth vehicle for capital. International trade, and the financing of same, is heavily dominated by TNC's. xx% of all trade is carried out internally to TNC's. Having a domestic alternative increases a society's bargaining power in those cases where it chooses, for economic advantage, to trade beyond its needs. If imports are not offered at reasonable terms, then the domestic alternative can be expanded. For several reasons, then, a healthy dose of self-sufficiency is essential for robust sustainability. Keeping external dependencies within manageable bounds is one of the regulatory requirements of a sustainable society. Trade is one part of a society's wider relationship with other societies, and a sustainable society -- a society with sustainability awareness -- naturally approaches its relationships with other societies from that perspective. For example, if timber is needed as an ongoing import resource, then the importing society would be eager for its trading partners to employ sustainable forestry practices. Non-sustainability radiates outward, destabilizing other societies. In a capitalist world, there must be competition among societies in pursuit of relative advantage; in a sustainable world, there is more likely to be collaboration among societies in pursuit of mutual stability and benefit. When the economic basis of inter-societal relationships shifts from competition to collaboration, that spirit will affect those relationships generally, including the political and cultural aspects. Marx may have exaggerated in saying that all human relationships are determined by economics, but there is considerable evidence that he was not far off the mark. Consider for example Western Europe, which had been involved in endless internal warfare during centuries of competition, both before and during the era of capitalism. But following WW2, when competitive imperialism was abandoned, the sprit of collaboration and cultural exchange grew ever stronger, leading ultimately to the European Union. In Chapter 6, we will look in more detail at the question of collaborative internationalism, what kinds of difficulties might be expected to arise, and how they might be effectively dealt with. For now, let us presume that in a sustainable world political relationships between societies will be primarily collaborative and mutually supportive. There may be tensions of various kinds, just as there are among people in a community, but it is in each society's best interest to maintain stability and to keep tensions under control. One source of obvious tension arises from the principle of self-sufficiency itself. Suppose for example a society decides that it wants to deploy wind-power generators in order to achieve energy self-sufficiency. It might then choose to subsidize development of generator-producing enterprises. When a production capability is achieved, the society might then impose a tax on energy imports so that market forces would then lead to the deployment of generators and eventually the achievement of the desired self-sufficiency. This kind of selective protectionism has been used effectively by many nations, and was crucial to the industrialization of Britain, the United States, Germany, Japan, Korea, and others. Free trade has always been a late-stage capitalist agenda, aimed at destabilizing the self-sufficiency of weaker economies to the relative advantage of stronger ones. In a sustainable world, a protectionist project might be disturbing to trading partners who had come to depend on a particular export trade. But there would be mutual understanding of the desirability of self-sufficiency -- the trading partner would not interpret the project as a competitive ploy aimed at relative gain, and would not be inclined to "retaliate" with tariffs of its own. Presumably the project would be discussed well in advance of execution, and time would be allowed for adjustments by all sides. Such is the nature of collaboration. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [continued...]