
Richard Moore

Dear cj,

APFN is a source whose reliability varies.  Sometimes they offer
perspectives and analysis which seem worth looking at, and which can't be
found readily elsewhere.  I hope you find this one to be of interest.


Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998
From: American Patriot Friends Network <•••@••.•••>
To: ""•••@••.•••"" <•••@••.•••>

Subject: Council on Foreign Relation's GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS

Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 16:08:33 -0400
From: roundtable <•••@••.•••>
To: •••@••.•••

Real-To:  roundtable <•••@••.•••>

Have members of the Council on Foreign Relations, and their branch
organizations in other nations engineered the latest GLOBAL ECONOMIC
CRISIS, as an excuse to rationalize the institution of an International
Reserve System?

The summit meetings of industrialized, market-economy democracies (the
Group of Seven or G-7), began in 1975. They have become important annual
world events and have evolved into a major world institution. The summit
is a forum in which the leaders of the world's seven major industrialized
countries and the European Union (formerly European Community), assisted by
their foreign and finance ministers and personal representatives, set the
agenda, then debate and make decisions on economic, political,
environmental, security.

A good article that describes the relationship of the G-7 to the United
Nations (UN)  Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade (GATT), GATT's successor, the new World Trade Organization (WTO), and
other international organizations and events can be found at

 G-7 Summit Member Nations are:

          United Kingdom
          United States
          A representative from the European Community.

 Representatives at the G-7 summit often include members of the Council on
Foreign Relations or CFR branch organizations in the other G-7 nations.
Prime Minister Blair of Great Britain, who is now the Chair of the G-7, and
President Clinton are membersof the Bilderberger Group. The Bilderbergers
are an international organization made up of Council on Foreign Relations
members and members from CFR branch organizations such as the Royal
Institute of International Affairs, the Canadian Institute of International
Affairs, the Japan Institute of International Affairs, and Italy's
Institute of International Relations.

On September 14, Council on Foreign Relations member Bill Clinton,
addressed the Council on Foreign Relations, at CFR headquarters in New
York. http://www.esotericworldnews.com/clintoncfr.htm

His address included the need to strengthen the World Bank, the IMF,
and EX-Im bank. The International Monetary Fund will be used to fine-tune
the global economy in the same manner that the Federal Reserve is used to
fine-tune the American Economy. The Federal Reserve was established and is
run by the Council on Foreign Relations.

In his address CFR member Bill Clinton, tasked CFR member Secretary of the
State Robert E. Rubin, and CFR member Chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan
J. Greenspan,  to "recommend ways to adapt the international financial
architecture to the 21st century." Next week CFR member Clinton  will meet
with Bilderberger member Prime Minister Blair, and Prime Minister Prodi of
Italy at New York University law school to discuss extending the benefits
of the world economy.

Unfortunately the benefits of the world economy are going to be extended to
only one small group -- the members of the Council on Foreign Relations and
their branch organizations in other nations ( about 60,000 people in all).
The rest of the world will have to suffer war, famine, genocide, terrorist
threats, and global economic upheavals, so that CFR member munition,
medicine, media, energy, and food businesses at home and abroad can
maximize their profits.

 In his speech, CFR member Clinton informed the Council on Foreign
Relations members:

 "Therefore, I believe the industrial world's chief priority today,
plainly, is to spur growth. It seems to me there are six immediate steps we
should take to help contain the current financial turmoil around the world,
and then two longer-term projects in which we must be involved.

 To take the immediate first, we must work with Japan, Europe, and other
nations to spur growth. Second, we will expand our efforts to enable viable
businesses in Asia to emerge from crippling debt burdens so they can once
again contribute to growth and job creation. Third, we've asked the World
Bank to double its support for the social safety net in Asia to help people
who are innocent victims of financial turmoil. Fourth, we'll urge the major
industrial economies to stand ready to use the $15 billion in IMF emergency
funds to help stop the financial contagion from spreading to Latin America
and elsewhere. Fifth, our Ex-Im Bank, under the leadership of Jim Harmon,
will intensify its efforts to generate economic activity in the developing
world immediately, in the next three months. And sixth, Congress must live
up to its responsibility for continued prosperity by meeting our
obligations to the International Monetary Fund...

[CFR member] Secretary Rubin has been working with his counterparts in the
G-7 to get cooperative support for several of these measures. I understand
[CFR member] Chairman Greenspan is also consulting with his counterparts on
these items as well...

 Above all, we must accelerate our efforts to reform the international
financial system. Today I have asked [CFR member] Secretary Rubin and [CFR
member] Federal Reserve Board Chairman Greenspan to convene a major meeting
of their counterparts within the next 30 days to recommend ways to adapt
the international financial architecture to the 21st century...

 Today, I'm asking [CFR member] Secretary Rubin to work with other
financial authorities and international economic institutions to enhance
efforts to explore comprehensive plans to help Asian corporations emerge
from massive debt where individual firms have been swept under by systemic,
national economic problems, rather than their own errors. We need to get
credit  flowing again. We need to get business back to making products,
producing services, creating jobs.

 I just want to emphasize again that even as we respond to the urgent
alarms of the moment, we must speed the pace of this systemic work as well.
That is why I have asked [CFR member] Secretary Rubin and [CFR member]
Chairman Greenspan to convene the finance ministers and central bankers of
the G-7 and key emerging economies in Washington within 30 days to develop
a preliminary report to the heads of state by the beginning of next year
on strengthening the world financial system.

 We must develop policies so that countries can reap the benefits of
free-flowing capital in a way that is safe and sustainable. We must adapt
the IMF so that it can more effectively confront the new types of financial
crises, minimizing their frequency, severity, and human cost. We need to
consider ways to extend emergency financing when countries are battling
crises of confidence due to world financial distress as distinct from their
own errors in policy. We must find ways to tap the energy of global markets
without sentencing the world to a cycle of continued extreme crises.

 For half a century now in our national economy, we have learned not to
eliminate but to tame and limit the swings of boom and bust. In the 21st
century, we have to find a way to do that in the global economy as well.

 I've discussed this in recent days with [fellow Bilderberger member] Prime
Minister Blair of Great Britain, who is now the Chair of the G-7. He shares
my belief that this is an urgent task. It is critical to the mission that
he and I and Prime Minister Prodi of Italy will be discussing next week at
the New York University Law School in a very interesting meeting that the
First Lady and others in our administration helped to organize on how to
extend the benefits of the world economy to all and how to strengthen
democracy in a time of such sweeping economic change." 1

On September 16, Reuters released an article titled "Financier Soros Warns
Global Crises Far From Over."
The article tells us Soros,

            "said the U.S. Federal Reserve may need to cut interest rates
to spur growth, and called on the U.S. Congress to give $18 billion to the
IMF to replenish the lending agency's reserves, drained by bailouts for
Russia and three crisis-hit Asian states.

             But Soros told the House Banking Committee that even a fully
funded IMF could not end the market turmoil. "Replenishing the capital of
the IMF will not be sufficient to resolve the global financial crisis."

 Council on Foreign Relations member George Soros is one of the world's
richest men (estimated worth: $10 billion) and probably the biggest
international investor of all time. 1995, Senator Alfonse D'Amato, as
head of the Senate Banking Committee, issued a report about the Clinton
Administration's $20 billion loan to Mexico. The reason given for the loan
was to prop up a staggering Mexico because any default on loans would end
foreign investment in all developing countries.   The real reason was to
rescue American and Mexican investors who had thrown their money into the
craps game of high-interest Mexican Government bonds. For a year before the
loan was ordered, on January 31, 1995, top Treasury officials and President
Clinton were telling us how great things were going economically in Mexico.
It was a cover-up to prevent Congressional defeat of the North American
Free Trade Agreement, to bolster the Mexican and US administrations in
upcoming elections in both countries, and to protect the major speculators.

An article from Newsday , "Peso Hits Record Low As Bailout Is Debated"
(Karen Rothmyer - 1/31/,95) identifies some of the Council on Foreign
Relations members involved in the cover-up. They were "Former Presidents
George Bush, Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford  [who] signed a declaration of
support for the [bailout] plan. Also endorsing the plan was George Soros,
probably the world's most influential international investor."

 George Soros is also a member of the Carlyle group. The Carlyle Group is
an investor team led by Ronald Reagan's Defense Secretary Frank C. Carlucci
III and funded in part by the Mellon family. The managing director of the
Carlyle group is George Bush's White House Office of Management and Budget
Director Richard Darman. A partner in the group is George Bush's  Secretary
of State James A. Baker III. Another member of the Carlyle group  is
Richard Nixon's White House Office of Management and Budget Deputy Director
Frederic Malek.  George Bush Sr.'s son George Bush Jr., former CIA Director
Robert Gates and current SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt are advisors to,
investors in or board members of Carlyle's companies. Included in Carlyle's
press kit are Vernon Jordan and Bob Strauss.

Carlucci, Darman, Gates, Jordan, Malek and Strauss are Council on Foreign
Relations members. The Carlyle group has exploited their governmental
connections and ties to turn itself into one of the twenty-five largest
defense contractors in the world. All the members of the Carlyle group have
been part of dubious investment activities. Many have been exposed in
scandals that involve the Central Intelligence Agency.

Soros uses some of the money he steals to fund a group of international
foundations. Foundations are used by The Council on Foreign Relations to
funnel corporate and personal wealth into the policy-making process.
Foundations are tax-free. Contributions to foundations are deductible from
federal corporate and individual income taxes. The Foundations themselves
are not subject to federal income taxation. Foundations control hundreds
of Billions of dollars of money that would normally go to pay federal and
individual income taxes. In 1970 there were 7000 foundations that
controlled $20 Billion in assets. Nearly 40% of these foundation assets
were controlled by the top 12  foundations [ Ford Foundation, Lilly
Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Duke Endowment, Kresge Foundation,
Kellogg Foundation, Mott Foundation, Pew Mutual Trust, Hartford Foundation,
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Carnegie Foundation]. The top twelve
foundations  were controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations. 2

Abortion and legalization of drugs are among the policies being promoted by
Soros Foundations.One Soros Foundation, the Open Society Institute (
(http://www.soros.org/),  is issuing grants to promote abortion. The grants
encourage programs that use abortion as a method for family planning. In
November of 1996 the California voters passed Proposition 215 - the
Compassionate Use Act. It allows the marijuana to be grown and used for
"any illness for which marijuana provides relief." The Campaign for the
"Compassionate Use Act" to legalize medical marijuana would not have been
successful without the funding of billionaire Council on Foreign Relations
member George Soros.3


[1] THE WHITE HOUSE, Office of the Press Secretary  (New York, New York),
Foreign Relations Building, New York, New York, September 14, 1998,
[2] Dye, Thomas R., Who's Running America?, Prentice-Hall, 1976, pgs 103-107
[3] Levine, Daniel, High on a Lie, Readers Digerst, April 1998, pgs 73-77

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