------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: •••@••.••• (Bill Blum) Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: cj#851-1/2> gri.c6 -- Collaborative internationalism Richard, You may have mentioned this before, but I forget. Do you have a publisher lined up for your marvelous book? If so, do you have any kind of deadline? Just wondering. Best, Bill -------- Dear Bill and cj, I'm in contact with a publisher, and the editor is working with me to develop the material. They want the material to be developed on a more bottom-up, example-based manner. My style has been to present conclusions, and then add the "evidence" to provide "proof". This is how things are done in math and science. They want something that draws the reader along and "shares the experience of discovery". Examples leading up to conclusions. This seems like a major challenge, but it also makes sense. I'm going to pick a chapter (either 4 or 5) and try rewriting it along these lines. As a first step, I've re-drafted the Table of Contents, with new titles and with chapters 4 and 5 swapped. Let me know what you think. They want the rewriting of sample chapters before they want to discuss contracts. rkm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Achieving a Livable World From corporate rule and global devastation to democracy and sustainability, by means of non-violent democratic revolution Copyright 1998 by Richard K. Moore ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction Part I - Corporate rule and global devastation: understanding the dynamics of today's world Chapter 1 - Evolution of world power: from Pax Romana to Pax Americana, by way of competitive imperialism Chapter 2 - Evolution of political power: from kingdoms to corporate rule, by way of republics Chapter 3 - Evolution of capitalism: the growth imperative, societal engineering, and the finite Earth Part II - Envisioning a livable world: an inquiry into democracy and sustainability Introduction Chapter 4 - Democracy: collaboration and harmonization instead of competition and factionalism Chapter 5 - Sustainable societies: a realizable necessity Chapter 6 - Collaborative internationalism: culture-diversity and the trap of world government Part III - Achieving a livable world: the necessity of non-violent democratic revolution Introduction Chapter 7 Building a global movement: learning from history and moving beyond class struggle Chapter 8 - Engaging the corporate regime: anticipating elite responses and avoiding co-option Chapter 9 - The Democratic Renaissance: making the transition to a livable world ----------------------------------------------------------------------------