Dear cj, The NY Times article (below) talks about the dangers of over-population -- it is basically a "Malthus was right" essay. Malthus' basic thesis is decribed: >Although global food supplies increase >arithmetically, the population increases geometrically -- a vastly >faster rate. > >The consequence, Malthus believed, was that poverty, and the misery it >imposes, will inevitably increase unless the increase in population is >curbed. This seems inarguable, doesn't it? It turns out, however, to be extremely deceptive as a way of understanding poverty and famine today, and was even more deceptive in Malthus's day, when population was a fraction of what it is now. Then, and now, it is basically a rationalization for the famine and poverty caused by capitalism. During the Irish famine of the 1840's, British landowners were exporting tons of food daily from Irish ports. If over-population was to blame for that situation, it was over-population in Britain that was the problem, not over-population in Ireland. Malthus' theory was not relevant, however it served to soothe the consciences of do-gooders in Britain who anguished over the starving families -- they could then pretend that the famine was an unfortunate "Irish problem", and one that nobody could do anything about. Today's India, where 300 million are under fed, exports "everything from wheat to beef and government officials agonize over how to get rid of mounting `surpluses' of wheat and rice -- 24 million tons in 1985, more than double the entire world's annual food aid shipments in a typical year." (Quotes from Lappe: "World Hunger"). "...the reallocation of a mere 5.6 percent of [India's] current food production would wipe out hunger...". More observations from Lappe: - The world today produces enough grain alone to provide every human being on the planet with 3,600 calories a day. That's enough to make most people fat. - Increases in food production in the past 25 years have outstripped the world's unprecedented population growth by about 16 percent. - In every region [of the third world] except Africa, gains in food production since 1950 have kept ahead of population growth. - Surveying the globe, we can in fact find no correlation between population density and hunger. - It is the industrial countries, not the third world countries, that import more than two-thirds of all food and farm commodities in world trade. Malthus' theory may become relevant in the future, if population continues to skyrocket, but it was not relevant in Malthus' day nor is it relevant today. We are in fact unlikely to ever reach the "malthusian limit", because the capitalist system will starve the poor to death before we get that far. Depletion of resources is a function of both population and per-capita consumption: depletion = population x consumption We can break this down into the contribution to depletion from the industrialized world (i) and the un-industrialized world (u): depletion = population(i) x consumption(i) + population(u) x consumption(u) Which terms in this equation is it possible to do something about? population(i): This has stabilized, and there seems little prospect of the industrialized world undertaking a major population-reduction program. consumption(u): This is already too low, causing poverty -- certainly reducing this still further is not a solution. This factor _is, however, decreasing in much of the third world, and that's what we call "famine". population(u): This is the term that malthusians ask us to concentrate on. Certainly _increase in this term is not a good idea, but is _reducing it really a viable solution? If there were fewer poor Indians, would capitalism be likely to feed the remainder? The evidence is to the contrary. consumption(i): This is the factor that would be the easiest to do something about, and it is the term that we in the industrialized world can do something about. Let's consider a scenario. Here in Ireland, nearly everyone has been thrilled with the EU, because Ireland has received considerable "structural funding" from the EU to bring its economy up to European standards. As near as I can determine, nearly all those funds have gone to building highways. In addition, the Irish government implemented a program a few years back where people got big tax breaks if they traded in their old car on a new one. Clearly, turning Ireland into a nation of car-drivers is the agenda at hand, Dublin is becoming insufferable as a result, and newspapers talk about an alarming rise in auto-related deaths. If there were any sense of `ecological limits' at work in the EU planning process, then clearly a major portion of the structural funds should have been used to upgrade Ireland's delapidated, slow, and poorly scheduled rail system (such upgrade is much cheaper than widening roadways!). And good street-cars in Dublin and the larger Irish towns would enable many people to leave their cars at home or use them less often. The fact is that under capitalism, the Western agenda is to _increase consumption as rapidly as possible -- that's what shows up in the books as "economic growth". Capitalism _must pursue economic growth, that's what the system is all about. The fact that MacDonalds can pay more for land than peasants can, so MacDonalds can grow beef a few cents cheaper per ton than they could domestically, is why the peasants don't have land. Over-population in the third world, such that it exists, hurts them, not us. Our over-consumption, and our production methods, on the other hand, hurt them. As a citizen in the industrialized world, it seems to me that my primary responsibility, as an activist, is to reduce our consumption, or to overthrow capitalism, not to harrass the third world into sterilization programs and the like. And there _is a growing amount of forced-sterilization going on. Capitalists on the other hand, just like American capitalists in the nineteenth century, view the indigineous as "redundant". To them, the best thing that could happen to all those Bangladeshi's and Black Arican's is for them to disappear, just like the redskins, making their land and resources available to support still further growth in Western consumption. From their perspective, third-world over-population is a burden -- it represents an impediment to maximization of growth. The profit-producing consumption of the third-world's poor just isn't worth the land it takes to support them. So what do we have in the third world? Famines, genocidal civil wars, and an out-of-control AIDS epidemic -- in some countries 25% of the adults are infected with HIV. The IMF leads the cavalry charge by systematically creating famines, and Western military advisors and arms sales follow-up with civil war. As for AIDS, there are lots of theories floating around. Here are a few observations... The initial major outbreaks of AIDS in the US followed closely after a special federal "hepatitus innoculation" program in the very districts where AIDS later appeared. Pharamaceutical companies are focusing all their research on expensive treatments for Western AIDS victims. They are not pursuing research into vaccinations for AIDS, which might be cheap enough for third-world distribution. Thus the first world, with its greater condom awareness, and a semblance of a treatment, is somewhat protected from AIDS. In the third-world, AIDS is allowed to take its course, and statisticians simply adjust their population projections downward. There are, reportedly, serious books which establish that AIDS is a CIA plot from start to finish, perhaps even with genetic engineering playing a role in the evolution of the virus. I haven't read those books, but I don't doubt such a project would be feasible. More to the point, it would not be beneath the ethics of the descendents of those who paid a bounty of $3 per redskin scalp (men, women, or children), because it was cheaper than sending in the cavalry. Buying into the malthusian myth makes one an unwitting ally of capitalist genocide, just as with the Brits during the Irish famine. rkm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 08:53:57 -0500 From: Steve Kurtz <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• Subject: NY TIMES: Will Humans Overwhelm the Earth? FYI - ------------------------------------ New York Times December 8, 1998 Will Humans Overwhelm the Earth? The Debate Goes on By MALCOLM W. BROWNE PHILADELPHIA -- Two hundred years ago the Rev. Thomas Robert Malthus, an English economist and mathematician, anonymously published an essay predicting that the world's burgeoning humanpopulation would overwhelm the earth's capacity to feed it. Malthus' gloomy forecast, called "An Essay on the Principle of Population As it Affects the Future Improvement of Society," was condemned by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and many other theorists, and it was still striking sparks last week at a meeting in Philadelphia of the American Anthropological Society. Despite continuing controversy, it was clear that Malthus' conjectures are far from dead. Among the scores of special conferences organized for the 5,000 participating anthropologists, many touched directly or indirectly on the dilemma suggested by Malthus: Although global food supplies increase arithmetically, the population increases geometrically -- a vastly faster rate. The consequence, Malthus believed, was that poverty, and the misery it imposes, will inevitably increase unless the increase in population is curbed. This contention has prompted endless debate. Malthus' critics have argued that man's ingenuity will always keep pace with population growth by finding improved ways to produce food. They cite the success of the "Green Revolution" launched in the 1950s and 1960s by Dr. Norman Borlaug and his associates in developing high-yield strains of rice and wheat. But the scientific descendants of Malthus argue that feeding the world's masses is only part of the problem. Just as dangerous, they contend, is the omnivorous consumption of nonrenewable resources, the irreversible destruction of habitats and species, the fouling of the air and seas and consequent changes in climate, and many other effects of a growing human horde. One of the symposiums held at last week's meeting was regarded as so contentious that a similar conference was banned from the 1994 meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, on the grounds -- said its organizer, Dr. Warren Hern, a Colorado physician and epidemiologist -- that "you may not ask that question." The question, posed as the title of the symposium, was this: "Is the Human Species a Cancer on the Planet?" Hern, the director of an abortion clinic in Boulder, Colo., noticed nearly a decade ago that aerial and satellite views of urban centers taken over a period of years bore a striking similarity to images of cancerous tissue -- particularly melanoma -- invading the healthy surrounding tissue. In his presentation last week, Hern argued that in many parts of the world the increase in human numbers is rapid and uncontrolled, that it invades and destroys habitats, and that by killing off many species it reduces the differentiation of nature. All of these features are characteristic of cancerous tumors, he said. This assessment was applauded by another member of the panel, Dr. Lynn Margulis of the University of Massachusetts in Boston, who is the co-author of another highly debated theory, the Gaia Hypothesis. The hypothesis, the brainchild of an English theorist, Dr. James Lovelock and Dr. Margulis, who is a microbiologist, is that the earth deploys feedback mechanisms to maintain an environment hospitable to life. In this it resembles a gigantic living organism, proponents of the Gaia idea believe. Life on earth has survived many crises, including mass extinctions caused by the impacts of asteroids and comets, Dr. Margulis said, and life will continue despite the threats created by humanity -- but with reduced diversity. She agreed with the notion that the human race is a kind of self-destructive cancer. "For millions of years," she said, "the earth got along without human beings, and it will do so again. The only question is the nature of the human demise that has already begun." Dr. Margulis quoted a line from the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche: "The earth is a beautiful place, but it has a pox called man." A different but complementary perspective was offered by Dr. Compton Tucker, a physical scientist at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Goddard Space Center. Tucker is an analyst of images of the earth made by Landsat and other orbiting spacecraft. In particular, he keeps track of deforestation and other anthropogenic changes in the global habitat. "In many regions, we've seen astonishingly rapid change since 1975," he said. "Vast tracts of both rain forest and dry tropical forest have disappeared in the Amazon Basin as human communities expand and clear the land for cattle ranching. This has led to a monoculture dominated by cattle breeding, with losses of immense numbers of the species deprived of forest habitat." Several speakers cited U.N. statistics indicating that population growth rates in underdeveloped countries averaged only 1.77 percent per year between 1990 and 1995. The expectation for that period had been for a growth rate of 1.88 percent. But since 1930, when the world population was about 2 billion, the population has nearly tripled, and each doubling of the population has occurred in a much shorter time than the previous doubling period. The U.N. report projected that the world population could reach 9.4 billion by 2050. Demographers say that the population increase has leveled off in China, where the government limits family size, and that the rate of population increase has declined in Bangladesh and other populous countries. But recent U.N. statistics identified 28 countries -- 20 of them in Africa -- where fertility rates increased during the past decade. Among the countries was the United States, which has the third-largest population after China and India, and where the fertility rate increased from 1.9 percent to 2.1 percent, largely because of Hispanic immigration. All the speakers at the symposium had expected vigorous criticism from the audience of anthropologists, but were surprised to encounter few strongly negative comments. "Arguments over the accuracy of Malthus' views, future population trends and the earth's carrying capacity are never-ending and never resolved," one speaker said. "Many people prefer to just forget about the big questions involved, and get on with their lives." Population pressure is partly a question of perception, said Dr. Bernice Kaplan, an anthropologist at Wayne State University. "I ask my students how they feel about being increasingly crowded by the growing population, and they reply, 'We're not crowded,"' Dr. Kaplan said. "That attitude results from being young and not having experienced the changes old people have seen during their lives. Whatever environment you're born into is the one that seems normal. "You don't seem to realize the problems created by population pressure until you get old," she said, "and then nobody listens to you. We are a species that doesn't respond to threats until it's too late." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ a political discussion forum - •••@••.••• To subscribe, send any message to •••@••.••• A public service of Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance (mailto:•••@••.••• ---------------------------------------------------------- Non-commercial reposting is hereby approved, but please include the sig up through this paragraph and retain any internal credits and copyright notices. .--------------------------------------------------------- To see the index of the cj archives, send any message to: •••@••.••• To subscribe to our activists list, send any message to: •••@••.••• Help create the Movement for a Democratic Rensaissance ---------------------------------------------- crafted in Ireland by rkm ----------------------------------- A community will evolve only when the people control their means of communication. -- Frantz Fanon