-------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2005 11:08:10 -0800 From: Connie Fogal <•••@••.•••> Subject: A Speaking Itinerary for Connie Fogal, Leader of CAP/PAC , and William Krehm, founder COMER Connie Fogal, Leader of the Canadian Action Party/parti action Canadienne, CAP/PAC, and Bill Krehm, a founder of COMER, Committee of Monetary and Economic Reform, join presentations in a series of public meetings and lectures in November 2005: Ottawa,On., Prince George B.C., Surrey , B.C., Vancouver ,B.C., Victoria, B.C., Gabriola Island, B.C., Port Alberni,B.C., Nanaimo, B.C., Duncan B.,C.Their detailed itinerary is set out below following the summaries of their presentations. --- Victoria Organizer Derek Skinner writes: MONEY MONEY MONEY We need to know more about Money - who creates it - who controls it. The manipulation of the form and power of money - it's various forms from the primary concept of a standard unit of exchange to ease barter and trade in goods - to the philosophical definition as a currency or scrip issued by a government for the common good, based on trust and confidence, and acceptable at par for the payment of taxes - to the present day bastardised commodity bought and sold in its own right, - is a subject deliberately concealed and obfuscated through false economic doctrines by those who profit from peoples ignorance. It is time to take the covers off and shine some light on the critically important and darkly hidden secret life of Money. Come hear international authority and speaker Bill Krehm, Editor of the COMER Journal, speak on this vital subject. Bring your questions. - Why do we pay some 26% of Federal Tax revenue as interest to the private banks and agencies when we could be using our own Government owned Bank of Canada to hold our federal debt virtually interest free.? - Who is controlling or even looking at the gambling in derivatives by the banks, trust companies, mutual funds and stock market operators which then create massive debts and losses which we have to bail out by taxes? - Is your pension secure? - Do you know that the cure lies sleeping, in the Bank of Canada Act? _________________-------------------------------- Connie Fogal, leader of CAP writes: Did you know we are losing our capacity to utilize our own Bank of Canada as a result of a trilateral arrangement in process that will strip Canada, USA ,and Mexico of their respective sovereign capacities over their money supply? "Did you know our three levels of government in Canada are facilitating the creation of a North American Union of Canada, USA, andMexico Under the Direction of 150 of Canada's leading Corporations, the CCCE?" "Did you know: That the enforcement mechanism for the North American Union is a police state? That its tools are "anti-terrorist" laws? That anti terrorist laws strip the citizens of civil liberties? Do you know why? Did you know it is to prevent dissent against the new regime? Did you know that the camouflage is 'security', 'safety'?" I would like to talk to you about these matters. I would like to discuss the facts of how our own government is facilitating the metamorphosis of Canada into a North American Union which sabotages the independence and sovereignty of Canada, and tears asunder the core of our constitutional protections and rights. I would like to present to you information that shows that the chief executive officers of 150 of the largest corporations of Canada pull the strings in Ottawa from which dangle all the representative parties, and especially the Liberals and the Conservatives. On the website of the the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, the CCCE, posted or updated November2, 2005 as News and Information, there is a discussion paper released April 2004. There you can see that the chief executives of the 150 leading corporations of Canada are the puppet-masters manipulating the strings of the politicians to dance to the tune of the corporations. The choice of words of the puppet-masters discloses their attitude that corporations do indeed rule the continent, and certainly that the 150 from the CCCE are shaping and directing the decisions for Canada- not in the people's interest, but in the interest of the corporations. The CCCE spearheaded the FTA and NAFTA. Their current project is called The North American Security and Prosperity Initiative (NASPI). They are developing a strategy for shaping Canada's future within North America and Beyond. They announced the project in January 2003. See: http://www.ceocouncil.ca/en/view/?document_id=365&area_id=7 In April of 2004 the CCCE disclosed that both the Martin Liberals and the Harper Conservatives support the CCCE initiative for a North American structure that will serve the corporate agenda. . The CCCE paper states: "While 2004 will bring elections in both Canada and the United States, political interest in new approaches to North America crosses partisan boundaries. Prime Minister Paul Martin has made clear his intention to reinvigorate Canada's relationship with the United States as part of a broader strategy for strengthening Canada's influence in the world. Stephen Harper, the new leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, has called for a continental "strategic partnership", one that would link freer flows of goods, services, labour, capital and technology with improvements in continental security." Martin (Canada) , Bush (USA) and Fox ( Mexico) signed The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America in March 2005. In June 2005 the top ministers of the three countries reported to their leaders in a document called The Report of Ministers to the Leaders -SPP- North America June 2005 See: http://www.fac-aec.gc.ca/SPP-report.PDF It is signed by three ministers from each of Canada USA and Mexico. For Canada they are : Anne McLellan, Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness; David Emerson, Minister of Industry; and Pierre Pettigrew, Minister of Foreign Affairs. They begin their report by saying that the leaders on March 23, 2005 asked their Ministers to create an architecture to enhance the security of North America. This report shows how these Ministers are emasculating Canada to make it a gravy train for corporations and a sweat shop for the people. Every single discontent you have about the loss of benefits for Canadians and the erosion of our way of life is rooted here- from the dismantling and de-funding of our Medicare and hospitalization to the funding of a war economy . It is not true that we have no money for our cherished way of life and social programs. The truth is the Liberals and the Conservatives have the will to dismantle it, not to protect, preserve and deliver it. The NDP have some will, but have no spirit, no fire in the belly. The Bloq Quebecois appears to welcome any movement that would facilitate Quebec's separation from Canada. All of them refuse to utilize our hidden jewel, our own Bank of Canada. Why? Because to do so would be to emasculate the corporate agenda. I would like to share with you my conviction that contrary to the corporate view, it does not have to be that way. Ignorance is our enemy.The path out of this mess is not just knowledge and information; not just more exposure of the lies and deception of our reigning political parties . The route out is via a legitimate political vehicle- an action plan- The Canadian Action Party. VENUES FOR JOINT SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS _________________ Nov 15/05- Tuesday : Ottawa, Ont- Public Meeting. Tuesday November 15, 2005 384 Bank Street Ottawa 7pm - doors open at 6:30pm. Organizer: Robert Cooper, candidate , Ottawa Centre e mail: •••@••.••• phone: 613-233-3226 fax: 613-233-5993 toll free 1-866-919-0063 _________________ Nov 23/05 - Wednesday: Prince George, B.C. Public Meeting U.N.B.C. Canfor Theatre 7:00 PM Organizer : Bev Collins, Candidate Prince George E mail : "bev collins" <•••@••.•••> Tel: 250 962 8695 _________________ Nov 25- Fri: Vancouver , BC Public Meeting Mount Pleasant Community Centre 800 East Broadway Vancouver BC 7:30 pm Organizer : Isabel Minty , member 604 266 5153 _________________ Nov 26/05- Saturday : Surrey, BC Public Meeting Guildford Library 15105 -105th Ave. Surrey BC 2:00 pm Organizer :Pat Meloy, CAP member and organizer •••@••.••• pager 604 623 0687 _________________ Nov 27/05 Sunday, Victoria Fisher Building, Room 100 Camosun College Foul Bay Road and Lansdown 2:00 pm. to 5:00 pm Admission by donation to cover room rental, insurance and P.A. system (suggested $5, students $1.) Organizer: Derek Skinner , COMER member, and former CAP candidate, e mail: •••@••.••• tel: 250 381 7553 _________________ Nov 28,2005, Monday evening, Gabriola Island Connie Fogal and Bill Krehm will present immediately following a short Film produced by Paul Grignon and United Financial Consumers, ufc.ca, Money As Debt tentative details : AGI Hall or Community Centre or Women's Institute 7:00 pm Organizers: Paul Grignon, videographer and internet reporter, Tel: 250 247 8350; Jeff Warr, candidate Nanaimo Cowichan , CAP/PAC, e-mail: •••@••.•••, mobile tel: 250 739 8863; and Marc Bombois, CAP Vice President, former candidate. _________________ Nov 29/05 Tuesday Port Alberni BC Hansen Hall 3940 Johnston St. 7-9pm Organizers: Stephen Bradley and Jen Bradley, mayoralty candidate, Port ALberni, e mail: Jen and Stephen Bradley <•••@••.•••> _________________ Nov 30/05 Wednesday Nanaimo BC Connie Fogal and Bill Krehm will present immediately following a short film produced by Paul Grignon and United Financial Consumers, ufc.ca, Money As Debt St. Pauls Church 100 Chapel St. 7-9 pm. Organizer: Jeff Warr CAP candidate, Nanaimo- Cowichan, e mail : •••@••.•••, mobile tel: 250 739 8863 _________________ Dec 01 /05 Thursday , Duncan ,B.C. the Heritage Community Hall 375 Brae Road in Duncan 7:00 pm SHORT FILM "MONEY AS DEBT" - by Paul Grignon of Gabriola and 2 important Canadian leaders and activists speaking on: "Deep Integration with the United States and Mexico" "Did you know our governments are facilitating the creation of a North American Union of Canada, USA, and Mexico under the Direction of 150 of Canada's leading Corporations?" - with Connie Fogal, leader of the Canadian Action Party "The Bank of Canada, history, creation of money, debt, and how to return to the proper use of the BoC to finance our public, government-approved projects." - with William Krehm, founder of COMER - the Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform, and senior authority on money matters in Canada, who will take your questions. YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE YOUR EYES OPENED AND ASK THE QUESTIONS THAT ARE IMPORTANT FOR CANADIAN SOVEREIGNTY Sponsored by the Cowichan Citizens Coalition and the "Duncan Initiative" on monetary reform. Organizers: Bill and Celia Abrams, COMER , E mail: •••@••.•••, Tel: (250) 748-8992 __________________________________- FOR INFORMATION ON THESE EVENTS, PLEASE CALL OR E MAIL THE ORGANIZERS IN EACH VENUE. PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TELEPHONE HEAD OFFICE OR TELEPHONE OR E MAIL CONNIE FOR THAT INFORMATION. MEDIA MAY REACH CONNIE AND/OR BILL KREHM VIA CONNIE'S CELL PHONE :(778) 891-4919 OR VIA THE ORGANIZERS IN EACH VENUE -- -------------------------------------------------------- http://cyberjournal.org "Apocalypse Now and the Brave New World" http://www.cyberjournal.org/cj/rkm/Apocalypse_and_NWO.html Posting archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?date=01Jan2006&batch=25&lists=newslog Subscribe to low-traffic list: •••@••.••• ___________________________________________ In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.