Bcc: contributors -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lou & Dr. Bob Wynman" Subject: Re: Worse Than 2000: Tuesday's Electoral Disaster Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 22:02:50 -0800 What do you think ... accurate, hoax or more Ominous Parallels? Sound familiar? "The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life." Adolph Hitler, My New World Order, Proclamation to the German Nation at Berlin, February 1, 1933 -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 23:13:49 +0800 From: Betty Daly-King Subject: re: Petition of VIPs re/9-11 Vote on CNN to question 'do you believe there is a cover up on 9/11?' --<downloaded>-- http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/anderson.cooper.360/ Created: Wednesday, November 10, 2004, at 15:58:54 EST Do you believe there is a U.S. government cover-up surrounding 9/11? Yes - 90% - 6146 votes No - 10% - 682 votes Total: 6828 votes © 2004 Cable News Network LP, LLLP. -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 11:24:55 -0800 To: •••@••.••• From: Chris Thorman Subject: Re: GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION: The liberation of human consciousness Wow. Leaves me breathless. ----------- Chris, Thanks. (Chris is our noble server maintainer, systems guru, and a very dear friend. Also, the only one who commented on the most recent chapter! I guess if "Wow" is the only response, that's not too bad.) all the best, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2004 17:12:02 -0700 To: •••@••.•••, •••@••.••• From: Jim Rough Subject: Re: rkm: some thoughts Cc: •••@••.••• Hi Richard, I read the book segments you sent with great interest. I think the book will be a wonderful contribution. I'm looking forward to seeing it in print. There were two primary areas of feedback I wanted to give you. To me the essential quality of talking and thinking needed in a democracy is different than dialogue, discussion, negotiation, or deliberation. I've given it the name "choice-creating," which is described on my web site at http://www.ToBE.net. Rather than using this term, you addressed the issue by talking about the value of "Dynamic Facilitation," which establishes choice-creating as a way to help achieve "harmonization. I think this approach will prove itself to be hearable by your audience and may be the best approach for your purposes. I think in time people will recognize the significance of this distinction. For the purposes of accelerating this future into being I invite you to use your considerable powers of description on this concept and use this term. I really like how you use the expression "We the People" appropriately. It's about all-of-us-together taking charge of our system. Most people use it non-systemically, as though "We the People" speak when we vote, for instance. Voting is a within-system process. I differ with you in how to achieve a "We the People" of the nation or the world, however. I see the need for an overarching Wisdom Council. I don't think We the People will happen piecemeal as you describe, as a coherence of small group processes. To me it is a systems phenomenon --- understanding that there is a difference between reaching ALL THE PEOPLE and evoking WE THE PEOPLE. Bridging this difference is what the Wisdom Council is designed to do. So, in my mind, there needs to be a national or global Wisdom Council process. Jim ------------------------ Dear Jim, Very nice to hear from you. (Jim is the inventor of Dynamic Facilitation.) Your endorsement of the book and of the term 'harmonization' is very welcome. I hope I can count on you for a blurb for the book cover. I agree that 'choice-creating' best describes the creative part of DF. Perhaps I can work that into my material. I haven't used it so far because the meaning of the term is not particularly self-evident, and also I'm emphasizing the coming-together aspect of DF more than the creative aspect. The issue of a national Wisdom Council continues to be a point of creative tension between our perspectives. The bottom-up approach to harmonization and the national approach are both visionary, and neither can be proven by theory. Just as you don't agree with the piecemeal vision, I can't agree with the national vision. Most people probably see both visions as being unrealistic. Perhaps my reason for going with the piecemeal vision comes largely from my investigation into how a transformed society would operate. From a systems perspective, I'm convinced that a focus on the local is the key to democracy. And I also believe that the means always become the ends. If localism is our goal, then localism must be our means. I'm sure efforts on both fronts can only help! warm regards, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: Catherine Breen To: •••@••.••• Hey Richard, At the moment, and for as long as it takes, I am learning as much as I can about the world behind the Matrix, both part and present. Of course with my ignorance that will take time, but I think it will be time well spent if I want a solid sense of the world around me and my place within it. I also want to be ready so that when it comes to revealing the truth to others, I will be well equipped in my responses to their perhaps hostile reactions/questions, because lets face it, the Matrix is not just the world around them, it is deep in their psyche ever since birth, living like a parasite within their thoughts. People are not going to abandon the matrix easily, it will take an extremely complete and convincing presentation of fasts, such as those within your book. I have complete faith that you can do it. I am going to go back to your book this evening and read it again from the beginning, slowly this time. I will read it, not from the perspective of a person who knows nothing, as I said before I would, but rather from the perspective of someone whose mind still operates within the Matrix. Those people, the vast majority, are your target audience, or should be, and these will take the most convincing. This way I will see what, if anything, in my opinion, needs tweaking, or if I feel you need to expand on something, or whatever. One major thing about the book is I feel it is vitally important to the credibility and success of your book that to prove everything you say as much as you can, especially the 'radical' stuff. You really do need to uses references to good sources, otherwise people simply won't listen to or believe a word your saying. I can't stress it enough. It took me a while to believe you, and I consider myself open-minded compared to most. I don't see it being much of a hassle to do, you found the information once, you can do it again, and it won't take nearly as long as it took you to write the book. Another general comment is that in order to reach the public, you will need to capture their imagination, just as Michael Moore did. Michael Moore has the advantage of being extremely funny and humour is one of those universally appealing things, despite the fact that Michael Moore's topics themselves are far from funny. You will have to identify YOUR way of capturing the public and ensure you use it strongly in your book because as we both know, the attention span of the public leaves much to be desired. I will also keep this in mind as I read it again because unfortunately, how you present your ideas is at least as important as the actual content of the ideas, as far as the public is concerned. Anyway, I'm getting a bit dizzy now, told you I wasn't used to emailing. Love & life, Katt -------- Katt, Many thanks for your contribution. I hope you overcome your dizzy spell and email more often! (Katt is a student in Cork.) The hope of the future is in the youth, and I'm so glad to see that the spark of transformation has kindled in your soul. Although I don't see you as being at all 'ignorant', an attitude of 'ignorance' is by far the best attitude for learning. I find that the 'wise and clever' on the Internet are the ones who never seem to learn anything. Your points are refreshing and very much on the mark. Yes, there will need to be references. Check out the ones at the bottom of "Escaping the Matrix" and let me know if you see those as being a good start. As for humor, I'm not sure if that will work for me for this material. Michael Moore is poking at hypocrisy, while I am trying to do something different. Yes people need to have their imagination captured, but they do not always need to be tickled to accomplish that... I hope! again, many thanks, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2004 08:23:58 -0800 From: Janet McFarland X-Accept-Language: en-us, en To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: rkm: some thoughts Hi richard, i'm sorry i wasn't able to respond to your writing. i got part way through and thought it was wonderful. i just don't have time and mental space to process much outside my own personal life and recovery from 18 years of marriage, get my architectural practice up and running, keeping my spirits up so I can work, keeping my kids going. it sucks, actually, altho I am doing a little better all the time. divorce decree came through yesterday. looking forward to the book and someday having the mental space and actual means to think, respond and act. i'm sure we are looking at another 8-10 years of increasingly worse abuse in the world before the inner work, the local work such as you describe, starts to make an appreciable impact in many people's daily lives. it's a depressing outlook. i'm glad you have the spirit to keep thinking and feeling and making an impact. love, janet ------ Dear Janet, Your depression in the wake of the second Bush coup, and being overwhelmed by the demands of daily life, seem to be experiences shared by many. Perhaps I can lend you a bit of encouragement by challenging your estimate of "8-10 years". The history of social revolution shows us that when change comes, it comes surprisingly fast, catching everyone by surprise. The collapse of the Soviet Union is one recent example, but there are many others. Once the right meme / movement gets started, under the right set of conditions, it can spread like a fire in dry grass. The massive global disillusionment with the current American regime is precisely the 'right set of conditions' to enable rapid transformation. The darkness brings the seeds of the dawn. have hope, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2004 12:36:34 -0500 (EST) From: Nick To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: rkm: some thoughts rkm > In light of the previous paragraph, perhaps some title with 'guidebook' in it would be appropriate, something like "Global Transformation - A Guidebook". Or perhaps, "Harmonization and Global Transformation--a Users Guide". I've also considered, "A Message to We the People". Ideas welcome. Don't shoot yourself in the foot, Richard! The first two of those are snooze titles, virtually guaranteed to ensure a low volume of sales. And the third one is too problematical. I'll try to come up with an idea sometime (i'm not creative today) but in the meantime, your current title is far superior to those. For one thing (and this is important), nine out of the twelve words in the title are one-syllable words. It might have even more appeal if it read "Global Transformation: Why We Need It, and How We Can Get It". Nick. p.s. Adding the comma and de-capitalizing the conjuction were intentional. It makes the title sound less formulaic (and may even suggest to a potential buyer: `hmmmm, it's like I'm getting two books!'). ----------- Dear Nick, Thanks for the feedback. Perhaps your ideas will inspire others(?). At this point, I'm fairly happy with Parts II and III, all the stuff about harmonization. As I look back over Part I (the Why We Need It part) I'm not as happy. I'm considering using "Escaping the Matrix" instead (available on our website, http://cyberjournal.org), with a few modifications. That material has been very successful... I still get enthusiastic letters from people who run across that article. I might even use "Escaping the Matrix" as the overall title. How does that grab you? thoughts? rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2004 18:52:20 -0800 From: Lynette Subject: Re: "Now is the time for your tears" To: •••@••.••• What would you perceive our role to be in the face of the elitist agenda? I have been telling people since about 1997 that when the IMF and World Bank had completed structurally adjusting the Third World, that they would begin on us in North America. Logic had to dictate this because Reagan began undermining the American standard of living in the early eighties with his attack on labour. Once the unions were decimated and workers gave corporations concessions because they did not want to depart from materiality, the die was cast. The American workforce has been gutted bit by bit by the multi-lateral corporations who are not yet done since they have been given a mandate to continue to do so by their electorate who apparently not only lack discernment but are still the most politically gullible people in the world. How the hell else could anyone buy the bill of goods espoused by Bush without being gullible. I believe you are correct when you say we sit on the cusp of chaos. I do not believe that there is any way to avoid it now. I already had made my mental decision as to what I would do facing an Orwellian scenario of surveillance and deceit. I have no intention of participating in such a society. The only way this can be prevented now is if Americans have a revelation of what their future is going to like. There is still a window of opportunity, but I think the neo-cons will slow down their agenda to lull people into false security, and then 'will put the screws to them', so to speak just before people think they are rid of them. Given the huge split in the vote, I think the neo-cons have to do this because they knows that if they try to move too quickly now that it will stir up those who are opposed. They still have not managed to disarm the American people and they cannot do that forcibly from my perspective. My experience with Americans is that the right to bear arms is as firmly entrenched in their psyches as their 'cowboys and Indians' mentality. Given the situation in the Middle East, I am inclined to agree with you that any attack on Iran will be answered smartly by them with whatever they think is fair. It could start a fracas that will eventually end up on our unsullied soil. Quite frankly, I think we're skewered. I hope Grandmother Earth takes over before they get started. We are way beyond transformation unless there is a shift in mass consciousness very soon. Peace to You Lynette ------ Dear Lynette, Thanks for sharing your analysis with us. I agree fully with your view that 'structural adjustment' is scheduled for the West, just as it has been applied in the third world. This is required by capitalism's growth imperative. Elites really have no choice. Either they continue on their course or they must give up capitalism. The latter is of course quite beyond their ability to imagine, nor would they see it as being in their selfish best interest. Their view is that we need to get rid of 80% of the world's population. That's their answer to resource scarcity, and that's what depleted uranium shells are about. Our current elite has the same mentality as those who massacred the Native Americans in order to facilitate 'Winning the West'. I don't believe the American people are all that gullible. After all, Bush handily lost this last election. Massive voter fraud was required to enable this second coup. And note above that 90% seem to understand there is a 9/11 cover-up. People aren't as stupid as the media leads us to believe. One of the missions of the media is to mislead us about the reality of public opinion. By believing 'everyone else' is gullible, we are in fact being a bit gullible ourselves, and I admit to falling into that trap myself from time to time. As for "What would you perceive our role to be?", that is of course what my book is about. As I said to Janet above, the conditions are highly favorable to transformation, more favorable than at any previous time in history. positive affirmation helps, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jeff Keiffer" To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: "Now is the time for your tears" Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2004 14:02:43 -0500 Dear Richard, After hearing the election results I was distraught but when Kerry conceded without so much as a jab, I knew something was amiss. When Kerry asked all American's to stand behind George W. Bush, then I knew that the Democrats were in league with the stolen election. I thought about moving to Canada or Europe, perhaps even South America, but that soon passed and I am more resilient than ever to see this house of cards unfold. There are some movements within the US to be happy with, one such movement is for True Democracy. http://www.populistamerica.com/home This is what I envision: True Democracy where every citizen votes on every law, this movement can start at the local level. Local laws (eventually) will override any state laws and local and/or state laws overriding federal laws. No law will be passed that takes away the rights of an individual, protected by the Bill of Rights. By removing the power of the few over the many I believe we will be heading the the right direction. It won't be easy, it will have to have a grass roots movement, word of mouth over the Internet, handing out flyers around the country, getting people elected into office that will fight for the True Democracy movement. It will be a lot of work but I am not willing to allow a nation as powerful as America to rule with an iron fist over the rest of the world because of what a few elites in America want. I do hope this is the beginning of a mass awakening movement in the world, over the last few years I have seen it and up until four years ago I was also part of the sleeping world. Regards, Jeff ----------- Dear Jeff, Thanks for your contribution. I fully agree about basing sovereignty at the local level, but I disagree about 'voting' as being the basis of creating the rules of society. If we vote, who decides what we vote on? If We the People don't draft the legislation, then we are at the mercy of those who do. Democracy needs to begin with the drafting process. And if We the People do the drafting, why would we need to vote? In the process of drafting we have already made our choice. cheers, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 13:06:59 -0800 From: Janet McFarland To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: rkm: "Now is the time for your tears" Hi Richard, thanks for your analysis. I remember 1989 when the soviet union closed its doors. while everyone was rejoicing I was protesting "who will stop us now?". Most people I know just aren't willing to wrap their minds around the full real situation. As the economy gets steadily worse will we start to come together in mutual aid and support? My neighborhood now has an e-tree and there is interest in community building activities. It would be cool if we could achieve some unity here where classes and people of different colors live side by side, at least until the weakest get gentrified out. The middle class has been running on fear for their personal well-being for so many years now without really asking why they feel so threatened. If there could be a clear defeat maybe we could start to act in solidarity, but I don't think we're there yet. I'll pray for the coup! Love Janet -------- Janet, hello again! The evidence seems to be that the coup isn't going to happen. It seems to have only expressed itself in the many, many whistleblower accounts leading up to the non-election. I am intrigued by your neighborhood e-tree and interest in community building. It would be great if you could encourage a harmonization session in your community. Below are some useful links for such a purpose. best regards, rkm http://cyberjournal.org/cj/authors/tree/DynamicFacilitation.Group.html" Tree Bressen, "Dynamic Facilitation for Group Transformation" http://www.ToBe.net/" Jim Rough's Dynamic Facilitation workshops http://www.rvwc.org/" Rogue Valley Wisdom Council http://www.co-intelligence.org/CIPol_Index.html Tom Atlee's politics and democracy pages: http://www.democracyinnovations.org/" Co-Intelligence, Democracy and Holistic Politics and Innovations in Democracy http://www.co-intelligence.org/S-Canadaadvrsariesdream.html" A Canadian experiment in citizen's councils http://thataway.org/index.html" National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bernd Hamm" To: •••@••.••• Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2004 11:42:41 +0100 Subject: Re: Worse Than 2000: Tuesday's Electoral Disaster Dear Richard, thank you very much for this - i do distribute the article and use it in my teaching. All the best, Bernd -------------- Dear Bernd, Nice to hear from you. I'm glad you're making use of the material published here. That's what it's for. Plug for your new book below. best regards, rkm Devastating Society - The Neo-Conservative Assault on Democracy and Justice, edited by Bernd Hamm. London: Pluto 2005 (january), 320 pp., ISBN: 0745323618 £ 17.99 / US$ 26.95 PAPER -------------------------------------------------------- From: jim Macgregor Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 07:19:55 EST Subject: Re: Worse Than 2000: Tuesday's Electoral Disaster To: •••@••.••• Dear Richard, many thanks for subscribing me to your mailing list. I had read Palast's stuff and this other material is additional dynamite. A few of us here in Scotland are plugging away and I recently wrote to The Herald (Scotland's broadsheet) suggesting the elite were neo-fascist. A flurry of correspondence followed. I attach a follow up letter from John O'Dowd which is undoubtedly the longest The Herald has ever published. It would be nice to see correspondence from you. I keep in regular touch with John who has a great interest in American politics and has been helping me to a better understanding. Would it be possible for you to add him to your mailing list also, or would you rather he contacted you first? If you have any other Scottish contacts, perhaps we could get in touch. If you are considering a visit across here at any time, it would be great if we could meet you. kind regards jim -------- Dear Jim, Congratulations on getting the dialog started in The Herald. I'd love to get to Scotland sometime, but alas money is tight again! someday, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dr John O'Dowd" To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Cyberjournal Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 20:46:49 -0000 Hello Richard, My friend Dr Jim MacGregor directed me to you - and thanks to Jim for that. I really enjoyed your Matrix metaphor - it works really well. I have subscribed to your theory for many years, but have rarely seen it expressed so lucidly. I have many of the books you refer to, ( and a good collection of Chomky, Gore Vidal, Pilger), and in particular I am enjoying Howard Zinn's History of the American People, Chalmers Johnson's Blowback and The Sorrows of Empire. I also found Todd's After The Empire useful in parts, and have a good regular read at ZNet and Palast, Monbiot etc. Enjoying your site too now -thanks to Jim. The web is really helping us all make the right connections. I've published a number of letters recently in the Herald Glasgow much along your lines (but you cannot overstep a hidden mark - or you don't get published - mainstream - part of the Matrix ) Keep up the great work, Best, John O'Dowd ----------- Dear John, Thanks for your note. I've subscribed you to the list. Thanks also for the various references. stay in touch, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: Tony Oí Reilly To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: The liberation of human consciousness Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 13:29:13 +0000 Richard, Despite my downbeat and negative email of yesterday, I'm just writing to say Congratulations on the last chapter of the book! I know you intend rewriting some of it, but it must feel nice anyway to have emailed out the last segment. I look forward to having the final product in my hand... maybe I will be able to use it to 'recruit' a like-minded individual or two. If anyone reads your book and is inspired or encouraged by it, then that's a person I could work with. And I really believe that we need people to work with. My ideas of starting discussion groups got nowhere because I can't do it on my own. People who 'achieve' have supporting teams behind them. Look at what the Skull & Bones society 'achieves'. Look at what the neocon nutters have 'achieved'. They work together and stick together. Individuals forming groups forming networks - it seems to work for the 'bad guys'. Let's hope one day it will work for the good. Again, well done for the book, Tony, Cork. ---------- Tony, Nice as always to hear from you, and thanks for the encouragement. I know what you mean about needing someone to work with. Hopefully you and Katt may be able to work together. And I'm not that far away if I can contribute. best regards, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- -- ============================================================ If you find this material useful, you might want to check out our website (http://cyberjournal.org) or try out our low-traffic, moderated email list by sending a message to: •••@••.••• You are encouraged to forward any material from the lists or the website, provided it is for non-commercial use and you include the source and this disclaimer. Richard Moore (rkm) Wexford, Ireland "Global Transformation: Whey We Need It And How We Can Achieve It", current draft: http://www.ratical.org/co-globalize/rkmGlblTrans.html _____________________________ "...the Patriot Act followed 9-11 as smoothly as the suspension of the Weimar constitution followed the Reichstag fire." - Srdja Trifkovic There is not a problem with the system. The system is the problem. Faith in ourselves - not gods, ideologies, leaders, or programs. _____________________________ "Zen of Global Transformation" home page: http://www.QuayLargo.com/Transformation/ QuayLargo discussion forum: http://www.QuayLargo.com/Transformation/ShowChat/?ScreenName=ShowThreads cj list archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?lists=cj newslog list archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?lists=newslog _____________________________ Informative links: http://www.indymedia.org/ http://www.globalresearch.ca/ http://www.MiddleEast.org http://www.rachel.org http://www.truthout.org http://www.williambowles.info/monthly_index/ http://www.zmag.org http://www.co-intelligence.org ============================================================