Folks, The "Liberation of Baghdad" posting was very interesting, if it indeed was inside strategic information from the Iraqi resistance. This next piece, following on the same date, from the Washington Post, confirms that the resistance is operating with a new level of organization that "resembled those once employed by the Iraqi army". What puzzles me about the modern age is that we can track much of the current intelligence info, which in cold war days would have been unthinkable. And it makes no difference. Things go on inside the matrix as usual. ciao, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Iraq: Pace of Combat 'Frantic' Adversary's Tactics Leave Troops Surprised, Exhausted By Scott Wilson Washington Post Friday 25 June 2004 Baqubah - The 1st Infantry Division soldiers who walked off the battlefield Thursday, exhausted by the frantic pace of combat and a baking summer sun, had seen nothing like it in their three months here. In dawn-to-dusk fighting, more than 100 armed insurgents overran neighborhoods and occupied downtown buildings, using techniques that U.S. commanders said resembled those once employed by the Iraqi army. Well-equipped and highly coordinated, the insurgents demonstrated a new level of strength and tactical skill that alarmed the soldiers facing them. ---<snip>---<much more follows>--- --------------------------------------------------------