Friends, You are likely find this information very difficult to accept. If so, I strongly urge you to view this documentary: 'The Great Global Warming Swindle' <> (complete version) <> The documentary was not produced for the Internet, but is a very professional piece of investigative journalism, and was presented on Britain's Channel 4 TV. A number of very credible scientists are interviewed, and they explain in plain language the nature of their research and what they have learned. I'll summarize some the points they made, the points that I found most surprising. First, about CO-2. It turns out the carbon dioxide (CO-2) due to human causes is a negligible part of the CO-2 emitted each year, and in any case CO-2 is a relatively insignificant component of greenhouse gases. Not only that, but greenhouse gases are not a major determiner of climate. In Gore's film, where he shows the historical curves of CO-2 levels and global temperature, he explains how they track one another. But his two curves are not lined up with one another, and he fails to point out that CO-2 levels lag behind climate change by a few centuries. Global warming causes CO-2 levels to increase, not the other way around. What does track climate change, in lockstep, is the level of solar activity. This shouldn't really be surprising, as the Sun is the engine that drives Earth's biosphere and weather systems. Next, about global warming. It turns out that we experienced a rapid cooling in the postwar years, ending at the beginning of the 70s, and we still haven't recovered from that. It will take a few more years of warming to reach pre-WW II levels, and those seemed normal enough at the time. During the medieval period, Europe had a very warm period, much warmer than we are likely to experience in our lifetimes, and they did not suffer from it. Rather they celebrated the fact that wine grapes could be grown even in the north of England. The Earth's climate continuously fluctuates, on an historical scale, and it does so in response to solar activity. We can't do anything to change it, and it fluctuates downward as well as upward. It's not a 'trend' that is heading in one direction. In that sense, global warming itself is a myth, if it is presented as a 'trend' rather than a local fluctuation. The documentary also talks about the problems these scientists, and others, have experienced in pursuing their work. The Global Warming Threat has become an orthodoxy, and these scientists find themselves attacked and vilified almost as if they were Holocaust Deniers. Some of them were initially consulted by the UN, in the preparation of its influential 'study' of global warming, a 'study' that claims to be backed by 'the world's 2,500 leading scientists'. The final draft of the document was edited 'at the top' and left out all contrary findings. One of the interviewed scientists had to threaten a lawsuit before his name was taken off the list of so-called contributors. The documentary tries to explain why this orthodoxy exists, and whose interests it serves. In this area the film-makers, and the scientists, find themselves outside their fields of expertise. We can talk more about that, depending on what kind of responses I get from this posting. rkm -- -------------------------------------------------------- Escaping the Matrix website cyberjournal website Community Democracy Framework: subscribe cyberjournal list mailto:•••@••.••• Posting archives