Joe Vialls: An amazing geopolitical assessment!


Richard Moore


Thanks to Dan Nordin for sending in this very interesting report
on the current global balance of power.  In my in-progress
chapter, "The Story of America", I present a picture of a
more-or-less total US global hegemony. If Mr. Vialls' report is
correct, my perspective  will need to be adjusted.

According to Vialls, Russia and China have together managed to
block the further implementation of the the agenda of the New
American Century. Both nations have large deployments of Sunburn
missiles, a nuclear tipped cruise missile of very advanced design
-- all but unstoppable by any existing defense system.  The two
nations seem to be coordinating their strategic activities, and
have between them deployed sufficient Sunburn systems to
stalemate US plans regarding Caspian oil and North Korea, and
Israeli plans regarding Iran and Syria.

What this amounts to, if true, is a scenario which is an order of
magnitude more dangerous and foreboding than the often celebrated
Cuban Missile Crisis. In that earlier crisis, although Armageddon
was a possible outcome, there wasn't really any issue worth
fighting about for either side. It was peacetime, so to speak,
and both parties had every desire to keep the mutual-deterrence
system intact.  The crisis amounted to a game of chicken, where
the two parties tested how far they could push the other toward
the ropes, without anyone drawing blood. Afterwards, everyone
shook hands and upgraded their fail-safe procedures.

The current scenario is much more volatile. For one thing, it is
not a peacetime scenario. The US is at war. It has invaded and
occupied two nations, has deployed many more troops than it can
afford to sustain for long, and the conflicts are escalating. In
addition, Washington has made it clear that more invasions are

In this regard, the relevant historical precedent might be the
time of the Munich Conference, when Britain & France chose
appeasement rather than face engagement with the German military
machine. Today it is Washington out to conquer the world rather
than Berlin. And it is Russia & China, rather than Britain &
France, who find themselves in the position where only they have
the capability to do anything to stop the aggressor.  It seems
that this time a firm stand is being taken. It is not surprising
that Russia and China have learned the lesson that appeasement
doesn't work. It is those nations who suffered the greatest
casualties in the earlier scenario.  Twenty million dead in the
Soviet Union alone in WW II.

I return to the Cuban Crisis comparison because that, like
today, was a confrontation between the US and the Eastern Block.
Except the Eastern Block is very different today. My sense is
that the Eastern Block -- absent its former ideological
narrowness -- is today a more formidable opponent than it was in
Cold War days. It's more flexible, more opportunistic, less
dogmatic, less prone to fatal splits in its own ranks. It's also
a lot more knowledgeable of the West, and has learned and
practiced the ways of the West for some time in its efforts to
participate in the global economy. Also, the evolution of modern
weapons has leveled the playing field a bit. A cruise missile is
a relatively cheap and simple device, compared to an ICBM, yet it
packs a comparable wallop with greater reliability. And if
deployed in the right places it has less need for lead-time
warning and a quicker time-to-target. It's the strategic analog
of one particular tactical weapon --the  hand-held stinger missile, 
a great leveller, as was the pike in its day.

I must warn you about Vialls' article. It wouldn't be fair to
call him an anti-Semite, but he seems to be bordering on it.
Let's just say he's a strong anti-Zionist, and a bit passionate
about it. I don't endorse his attitude --although I strongly
oppose the current Israeli regime -- and I find his language
distasteful and offensive at times. But it's not so bad that I'll
refuse to publish it, as I have refused many other pieces for
exhibiting excessive hatred and racism.

I publish the material in spite of the author's attitude because
of the amazing content. It reveals to us, if true, a momentous
historical confrontation -- a confrontation which shows up
in the cave of the media matrix only as dim shadows on the

read at your own risk,

Delivered-To: •••@••.•••
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Subject: Fw: more news not on mainstream media
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 09:53:33 -0800
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 From: Eva Lyman <•••@••.•••>
 To: dnordin <•••@••.•••>
 Subject: more news not on mainstream media
 Date: Monday, November 17, 2003 9:53 PM

      Russia Ready to Vaporize the Jewish State And then kick America
      out of the Eastern Hemisphere's oilfields 
      Copyright Joe Vialls,
      28 October 2003 
      Israeli Dolphin Class attack submarines, unwittingly provided
      free-of-charge by German taxpayers "When the end finally comes
      for Israel, it will all be over in microseconds.
      Flying faster than rifle bullets, the Sunburns will approach Tel
      Aviv and Haifa at twice the speed of sound, detonating in
      blinding white 200 Kiloton flashes designed to instantly
      transform animal vegetable and mineral into heat and light."

During the Cold War of the sixties, the only thing stopping
American or Russian psychopaths from taking over the entire world
was the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction [MAD], where a
multiple ICBM launch by America on Russia or vice versa, would
automatically lead to a "doomsday" response by the nation under
attack. Mutual destruction of both America and Russia was thereby
guaranteed, resulting in nearly thirty years of unprecedented
peace and quiet, caused solely by mutual nuclear fear.

About one month ago, Russia discreetly invoked MAD again, but
this time in the Middle East in direct response to hysterical
Israeli threats to nuke Iran with submarine-launched American
Harpoon missiles. Quietly and with the minimum of fuss, Russia
deployed its most advanced tactical nuclear missiles and crews to
both Syria and Iran, thereby sending an unmistakable diplomatic
signal that if Israel attacked Tehran or Damascus with nuclear
weapons, Russia would in return instantly and anonymously
vaporize the Jewish State.

This is not an idle or exaggerated threat. The Russian missile
type deployed in Syria and Iran is the P270 Moskit [Mosquito],
known in NATO circles as the SS-N-22 "Sunburn", once described by
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher as "the most dangerous anti-ship missile in
the Russian, and now the Chinese, fleet." The ship borne version
of this missile is launched from deck mounted quad tubes, but
since Rohrabacher made his comments, Russia has adapted the
Sunburn for submerged launch from submarines, air launch from
Sukhoi 27s, and single surface launch from modified 40' flatbed
trucks.  Nowadays, western defense experts unambiguously view all
versions of Sunburn as the "most dangerous missiles in the

Mach 2.2 Moskit [SS-N-22 Sunburn] Missile

To see exactly how the Zionists drove us to this nuclear flash
point, it is necessary to go back a few years to discover how the
Jewish State managed to acquire sophisticated German submarine
launch platforms, and American nuclear-tipped Harpoon missiles,
thereby allowing a bunch of psychotic religious crazies in Tel
Aviv to bring the Middle East, and perhaps the entire world, to
the very brink of thermonuclear war.

Around 1989 Israel was trying to replace its obsolescent
Gal-class submarine fleet, while simultaneously whining that it
didn't have the funds to do so. Predictably perhaps, the Jewish
State was looking for a free hand out. Having failed to extract
these big-ticket items as gifts from America, in 1991 Israel
turned its sights on Germany, perpetually in moral debt to the
Zionists because of the brilliantly managed and highly successful
holocaust industry.

After a pathetically short period of Zionist arm wrestling in
Berlin, Germany caved-in and agreed to build and provide the
first two Dolphin class submarines free of charge, and extend a
loan to Israel for the third. Naturally this loan was never
repaid, meaning that German taxpayers had unwittingly funded
Israel's entire submarine fleet, custom-designed to launch
nuclear-tipped missiles from specially designed torpedo tubes.

Obtaining the deadly American Harpoon missiles was relatively
easy. For decades American taxpayers have unwittingly provided
the Jewish State with enough free "expendable" munitions to crush
the Palestinian people in their own country, and the Harpoon
missile is classed as an expendable munition. What this means is
that Harpoon falls into the same generic category as rifle
bullets and hand grenades, so Washington went ahead and gifted
the Jewish State with more than fifty nuclear-capable Harpoons.

The nuclear warheads for these missiles can be either American or
homegrown Dimona products, but no matter which, Israel had to
make it known that the nuclear capability was real, for there is
no point making a nuclear threat if you cannot back it up with
real nuclear muscle. This was achieved by leaking the information
through high profile Israeli media assets, who initially
plastered the information all over the Internet. This completed
stage one of the exercise, which then had to be swiftly followed
by a quasi-official statement of absolute deniability. Think
about this one carefully people, think about it very carefully.

If Damascus or Tehran should suddenly turn into heat and light
any time soon, the Israelis will instantly get the blame, in the
first place because of their leaked high-profile threats, and
secondly because of their known hatred of anything even remotely
related to Islam or Arabs. We did not have very long to wait for
this "on the record" deniability statement, which was issued less
than 24-hours after the initial threats.

Former Israeli deputy defence minister Efraim Sneh claimed on
Army Radio that, "Anyone with even the slightest understanding of
missiles knows that the Harpoon can never be used to carry
nuclear warheads". This was swiftly reinforced by Ted Hooton,
editor of Jane's Naval Weapon Systems in London, who agreed with
Sneh's assessment, saying problems with payload weight would put
the Harpoon out of balance, limiting its range and accuracy, "It
seems to me that a nuclear weapon, which is extremely dense,
would make the Harpoon nose heavy and significantly reduce its
range - in any event well below the (150 kilometers) it is
designed for," he said.

While many might doubt the authenticity of Sneh's claim, who
would dare question the measured opinion of Jane's, widely touted
as the most authoritative military publication on earth?
Unfortunately Jane's appears to have made a terrible error,
because Hooton's claim is the exact opposite of reality. Harpoon
normally carries a 215-pound conventional explosive charge in its
warhead, which can easily be replaced by a 99.2-pound nuclear
device, which then needs additional ballast to balance the
missile in flight!

Rest assured that the American-Israeli Harpoons are nuclear, and
the Zionists have every intention of using them on Tehran and
Damascus if they think they can get away with it. Dangerous
people do dangerous things in dangerous times, and there is
nothing more dangerous that a pack of religious fanatics with
their backs to the Mediterranean, facing the imminent destruction
of Zion. The Israeli economy is in tatters, Jewish migrants are
fleeing Israel in droves, and the Zionist host [America] is fast
running out of spare cash and free weapons.

Russia has known all about Israel's nuclear forward planning for
many months, and the only question the Kremlin faced was which
deterrent to pull out of its vast nuclear arsenal and deploy in
the Middle East.  At the same time, Russia was equally determined
to send very strong signals to America: signals also designed to
make the Zionist crusaders think long and hard before they took
any more aggressive action against the former Soviet republics
and North Korea.

Deterrent choice for the Middle East was easy, because the
Russians already knew the Americans were frightened of the
SS-N-22, which the U.S. Navy actually tried to purchase from the
Russian Navy in September 1995. In a letter reproduced at the
bottom of this page, Vice Admiral Bowes wrote to Russian
Commander in Chief Admiral Gromov, "I appreciate the opportunity
to convey to you the United States Navy's interest in acquiring
all variants of the SS-N-22 'Sunburn' Anti-Ship Supersonic
Ship-to-Ship missile for test and evaluation". America's naked
fear of this unstoppable weapon was thus laid bare, but Russia
predictably refused to sell.

If the Israelis decide to nuke Tehran or Damascus there is little
doubt that some of their Harpoon missiles will get through,
though probably only because of the element of surprise. The
American-Israeli Harpoon is still vulnerable to defensive systems
because it is a relatively old subsonic missile, powered by a
small Teledyne turbofan engine. Detectable by radar, cruising
relatively high at around 300 feet altitude, and with a range of
only 65 miles, the Harpoon can be terminated by one of many
different point defense systems. But regardless of these notable
shortcomings, and as previously stated, some will reach their
targets in Damascus or Tehran.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is when the real fireworks will
start. Within seconds the tarpaulins will be thrown back on a
number of 40' flatbed trucks currently dispersed in classified
locations,  revealing the dull metal of the 37' Sunburn launch
tubes within. While the hydraulic stabilizer jacks slam into the
ground and the launch tubes elevate to the firing position,
Russian artillery specialists will confirm the pre-programmed
target coordinates, then defer to central command fire control,
at the same time retaining unit "dead man" authority to fire on
bypass if absolutely necessary.

Each Sunburn will hurtle out of its launcher riding on the
white-hot tail of a booster rocket, while its special ramjet
lights and cycles up to full thrust. Then rapidly sinking back to
an undetectable cruising altitude of approximately 60 feet, each
missile will accelerate to Mach 2.2 [1,520 mph] in less than 30
seconds, with a total flight time from Damascus to Tel Aviv of
around three minutes. When the end finally comes for Israel, it
will all be over in microseconds.

Flying faster than rifle bullets, the Sunburns will approach Tel
Aviv and Haifa at twice the speed of sound, detonating in
blinding white 200 Kiloton flashes designed to instantly
transform animal vegetable and mineral into heat and light. If I
was an Israeli general facing this doomsday response on my wife,
my family and my synagogue, I would not launch any Harpoons at
all, but then I am not a religious fanatic obsessed with killing
Muslims and stealing their land. Unfortunately, reading the minds
of certifiable lunatics is all but impossible, so the best I can
suggest is that perhaps the Israelis will launch, and perhaps
they will not.

Worst of all for the Zionists left alive in Washington and New
York, is that if the Russians are obliged to launch their
counter-strike against Israel, it will be one-hundred-percent
deniable. Unlike Israel and its public threats to nuke Iran,
Russia has not threatened anyone at all. Because Sunburn flies
below the horizon it cannot be detected or logged by radar, and a
200-kiloton hole in the middle of Tel Aviv will yield no clues.
Very likely the Russians will copy the Americans, and blame a
fictional "rogue state" like Iran, Pakistan or North Korea.

The Sunburns deployed in Syria and Iran are not the only ones
currently giving the Zionists recurring nightmares. Although the
Russians refused to sell any SS-N-22s to Vice Admiral Bowes in
1995, they later made a very public sale of more than 100
Sunburns to the Chinese, who mounted them on frigates and
corvettes, which they stationed near Taiwan. Thus by 2001, both
the Russian and Chinese Pacific Fleets were fully equipped with
200+ Sunburns, each and every one of them easily capable of
sinking an American aircraft carrier.

Ever since the illegal invasion of Iraq by America earlier this
year , Russia has deliberately sent a number of unmistakably
harsh diplomatic signals that the days of the Zionist crusaders
are numbered, especially in the mid and far east, but predictably
all of these signals have been deliberately suppressed by the
western media. Russia's bottom line is completely neutralizing
America and Israeli in the Eastern Hemisphere, thereby preventing
the U.S. from stealing Eurasia's strategic oil reserves.

In late May while the illegal invasion of Iraq was in full swing,
a small Russian fleet deployed to the Indian Ocean, uncomfortably
close to American carrier battle groups transiting in an out of
the Persian Gulf. This exercise, the first held by Russia in the
Indian Ocean for more than ten years, was extremely uncomfortable
for the American commanders, who knew that five of the Russian
vessels, including three submarines, were fully equipped with
nuclear-capable Sunburn missiles.

The diplomatic signal in the Indian Ocean was blatantly obvious.
Though numerically inferior to the American fleet, the Russians
had more than enough unstoppable firepower to win any sea battle
outright. Billion-dollar American aircraft carriers became
obsolete monoliths that day, as did America's arrogant ability to
roam the oceans of the world attacking smaller sovereign nations
on Zionist orders. If America pushed too hard in Russian or
Chinese spheres of influence, a 93,000-ton American aircraft
carrier might "spontaneously" fireball in mid-ocean; in reality
removed from the face of the earth by an unheard and unseen
Sunburn missile, launched by a submerged Russian submarine more
than fifty miles away.

In August and September 2003, the Russian and Chinese navies held
large independent exercises in the Pacific, both coincidentally
designed to, "Simulate sinking aggressive American carrier battle

No prizes for guessing the name of the principal weapon system
selected for this challenging task. During September, the Chinese
missile destroyer "Fuzhou" fired a Sunburn with a practice
warhead, which high-speed cameras then recorded striking the
center of the white cross on the hull of the target vessel,
located more than 60 nautical miles away from the firing point.
Terminal attack profile was Mach 2.05 at an altitude of 22 feet.

These exercises took place while the Zionist media was hyping up
public opinion against that nasty "Rogue State" North Korea,
allegedly brimming with fictional "Weapons of Mass Destruction"
being manufactured specifically for sale to Iran, or so you were
led to believe by CNN, NBC, Fox News and many others. In turn,
Iran was allegedly itching to mount the fictional weapons on
multiple launchers, then  fire the lot at poor little Israel, all
alone and unarmed at the eastern end of the Mediterranean. Plans
were made to intercept Korean ships on the high seas for
inspection, and Australia obsequiously offered to send a gunboat.
But then Australia always offers to send a gunboat when a lowly
clerk in the White House snaps his or her fingers.

Those readers with long memories will recall that the Korean War
of the fifties was all about spheres of influence. In other words
the Korean War was a surrogate war, with America and Britain
backing the south while Russia and China backed the north. Though
sixty years have passed since the end of the Korean War, this
proxy position has not changed, and North Korea is still viewed
by Russia and China as firmly within their spheres of influence.
Thus the diplomatic signal generated by the large Russian and
Chinese naval exercises was clear and unambiguous: "Hands off
North Korea, or else!" Within days of the Chinese Sunburn launch,
which was observed and logged by two American spy planes,
Washington went uncharacteristically quiet about the Korean
peninsula, and remains so today.

Perhaps for the first time in contemporary American history,
Washington was being forced to come to grips with a new and very
harsh reality. Though the United States was allowed [in fact
discreetly encouraged] to become horribly bogged down in
Afghanistan and Iraq, it was no longer allowed to interfere
anywhere else in the world. Massive American aircraft carriers
were no longer free to roam around looking for helpless prey, and
Russia or China, sometimes both in tandem, started riding shotgun
on all American adventures in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Effectively denied sea [and most land] access to the Eastern
Hemisphere, it was not long before the Zionists decided to play
what they thought was their trump card, declaring that their
absolute right of self-defence allowed them to launch
Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles [ICBMs] of sixties vintage,
against "terrorist targets" on the other side of the world.
Though such weapons might appear to have the advantage of not
needing direct sea or land access in the Eastern Hemisphere, this
twisted Zionist thinking was quickly proved to be panicky and
entirely delusional.

On 17 October 2003, Russian President Vladimir Putin responded to
this crude threat, pointing out that although Russia had scrapped
hundreds of its ICBMs under various disarmament treaties, it
still has a "significant amount" of SS-19 intercontinental
ballistic missiles that had never been previously deployed, and
thus were not part of disarmament negotiations, which remain
mothballed for emergency use. "These are the most powerful
rockets in the world", Putin said, adding they would be the
perfect weapons for breaking through any potential American
missile defense shield. 

Unconfirmed rumor suggests that Russia has a minimum of two
hundred unused SS-19s in storage. Within 48-hours of this stern
Russian warning, frantic Zionist talk of firing ICBMs at
"terrorist targets" in the Eastern Hemisphere became muted, then
stopped completely.

Just one week later on 24 October, President Putin redefined the
limits of American access in the Eastern Hemisphere when he
opened a new Russian air base at Kant in Kyrgyzstan, just twenty
miles to the east of a rented American base at Manas, used for
supporting "counter terrorist" operations in Afghanistan. And
while a squadron of cutting-edge Russian Sukhoi 27 multi-role
aircraft screamed overhead performing complex aerobatics at the
opening ceremony, the Chinese quietly moved a squadron of  their
own Sukhoi 27s up to Kashi air base, which is the closest
airfield to their own border with Kyrgyzstan. Completely
coincidental timing of course, and anyone who suggests otherwise
will be labeled a "conspiracy theorist" by CNN, NBC, Fox News and
many others.

Appreciating that his opposite number in America is
intellectually challenged, Vladimir Putin said a few words at the
opening ceremony designed to be catchy enough to reach the
frontal lobes of President Bush's brain:  "By building up an
aviation shield in Kyrgyzstan", he said,  "we aim to strengthen
the security of this region, whose stability is an increasingly
significant factor." Vladimir Putin went on to  emphasize that
Kant air base was now, "a deterrent for terrorists and extremists
of ALL kinds". A master of understatement, Putin failed to
mention that the Sukhoi 27s assigned to Kant, and landing on the
runway in front of him as he spoke, were all equipped with
distinctive Sunburn centerline mounts. Presumably the Chinese
jets at Kashi are similarly equipped.

The gloves were off, and with America and Israel still unable to
steal any oil from Iraq because someone keeps blowing the
pipelines, this Russian and Chinese firepower buildup suddenly
slammed the door firmly shut on Caspian oil reserves in the old
Soviet republics. For more than a decade American oil
multinationals have been conducting "joint ventures" in the
former Soviet republics bordering the Caspian Sea, with the
stated intent of pumping this stolen crude oil out through
Turkey, then on to western markets. Now this route has been
blocked permanently, and America is in no position to do anything
about it, because a large part of the U.S. conventional army is
currently bogged down in Iraq, being shot at and killed on a
daily basis.

In terms of protecting Eastern Hemisphere oil reserves from the
Zionist crusaders, Russia still had one more hurdle to clear, in
the form of Moscow-based Zionist Jew Mikhail Khodorkovsky. When
the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Khodorkovsky acted as the
principal Zionist front man, grabbing cheap oil assets in rigged
auctions. In 1995 he pulled the same trick again, rigging an
auction at which he paid a mere $200 million for Yukos, a 
Russian oil major worth at least $14 billon.

Control of Yukos made Khodorkovsky very dangerous to Russian
national security, because the company controls nearly two thirds
of Russia's strategic oil pipelines, including most of those
feeding Eastern Europe. Russia is now the second-largest oil
producer in the world, and Khodorkovsky's actions prove he
intended to exploit this, by selling 51% of Yukos to ExxonMobil,
America's largest oil multinational. In turn, this would have
placed Russian crude oil reserves under direct Zionist control, a
situation the Kremlin was not prepared to tolerate.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky was arrested while en-route to the Russian
Far East, though rumor suggests he knew about the plan to arrest
him, and actually intended to flee the country via Vladivostok. A
spokesman for Yukos said that government security agents rushed
Khodorkovsky's private jet at 5am on Saturday during a refuelling
stop in Siberia, shouting, "Weapons on the floor or we'll
shoot."  Khodorkovsky initially faces seven charges including
fraud and tax evasion, with possible [consecutive] jail sentences
of up to forty years. It could get far worse if prosecutors add
the charge of treason, for undermining Russian national security.

Within hours of Khodorkovsky's arrest, the Zionist media went
berserk, stating that the arrest would "damage investor
confidence" in Russia, and further claiming that, "without new
investors, Russia will be in big economic trouble". This is
garbage, because Russia is now the second largest producer of oil
in the world, and has eager buyers for all of its oil products.
About the last thing Russia needs or wants today, is a pack of
Zionist "investors" trying to skim their traditional 10% off
Russia's oil profits.

In slightly more than a single decade, Russia 's fortunes have
come full circle. Back in 1989, General Secretary Mikhail
Gorbachev sold Russia and its peoples to the Zionists in return
for two gold American Express cards and unlimited free shopping
for his wife on Fifth Avenue. During the years that followed,
Russians underwent almost unbelievable hardships, with old age
pensions vanishing into thin air [or into a New York Zionist
bank], and starvation became quite common in the provinces.
Russians fared no better under "democratic" Boris Yeltsin, but
Vladimir Putin is an entirely different matter. In just a few
short years as President of Russia, Putin has turned everything
upside down, and probably set in train the final destruction of
Zionist influence worldwide.

Put simply, America is now completely broke. The U.S. dollar is
falling like a stone and  unemployment is climbing through the
roof. Most of America's manufacturing capacity was shifted years
ago to "cheap labor" countries overseas, and there is no
practical way of getting it back. For nearly twelve months the
Dow Jones Index has been rigged by computers, desperately trying
to create an illusion of  relative wealth. At the beginning of
this year the only chance America and Israel had of staying
afloat, was to steal and sell oil from the Caspian, Iraq and
Russia, but this entire strategy has now either collapsed or been
blocked by Russia and China.

Where America and Americans go after this is a very good
question, but, as you might expect, the Zionists have a fall back
plan, at least for them.  When things eventually get completely
untenable, the Zionists will fall back on "Fortress Americas", a
top-secret initiative designed to change the face of the earth as
we now know it. So sensitive is this information, that when a
small group of British Marconi defence scientists stumbled on
some of the data during the eighties, they very swiftly died in
murders dressed up as suicides.


    "...the Patriot Act followed 9-11 as smoothly as the
      suspension of the Weimar constitution followed the
      Reichstag fire."  
      - Srdja Trifkovic

    There is not a problem with the system.
    The system is the problem.

    Faith in humanity, not gods, ideologies, or programs.

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