-------------------------------------------------------- From: "John Bunzl" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••>, <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: dialog : re : new posting policy Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 17:19:57 +0100 Hi Richard, Yes, I'm aware of the Earth Charter and very much support its goals. But as you rightly suggest, we need not just goals but PRACTICAL MEANS TO ACHIEVE THEM. And this, as you suggest, is where Simpol (Simultaneous Policy/SP) http://www.simpol.org might come in. What the Earth Charter and other movements for global change are effectively aiming for is a form of people-centred global governance. But in common with all other existing levels of governance (individual - family - local government - national government), any new initiative seeking to achieve the objective of a people-centred global governance - i.e. a new higher level of governance - would, I suggest, have to embody 5 different 'attributes of governance'. These are: 1. The global and simultaneous exercise of binding constraints over all other entities in the system (in particular over national governments) 2. The ability to ensure an equitable sharing of resources between peoples and nations 3. The ability to integrate the often-divergent interests of trade, society and environment for the overall common good. 4. The ability to ensure that individual citizens have a proper say in their governance. 5. The ability to 'transcend and include' all existing entities in the system and especially to MANAGE the existing highest-level entities of governance (i.e. nation-states) towards a new and higher level organisation of global governance. Simpol, I suggest, has the potential to meet all of these 5 criteria and they are indeed built in to its deep structure. The fifth attribute, by the way, is fulfilled by Simpol's voter-bloc process by which citizens can adopt SP and thus can use their votes to increasingly make it in politicians' and nations' interests to cooperate to implement SP while making it electorally disastrous for them if they fail to do so. The Earth Charter, since it is essentially a goal or vision, cannot be said to embody any of these attributes as far as I can see but it is at least an excellent starting vision and indeed it is referred to in the International Simultaneous Policy Organisation's (ISPO) Founding Declaration. That's not to say, however, that ISPO cannot benefit from cooperating with Earth Charter or certain other organisations which, even though they may not manifest all of those attributes, may nevertheless be more expert or capable than ISPO in one or some of them. But the key point to note is that genuinely fruitful cooperation can only come when each of the organisations that are to cooperate together has a proper understanding of these attributes and of which ones they can fulfill and which they can't. Genuine cooperation, after all, is not a blind, warm feeling of wanting, somehow, to work cosily together regardless. Instead it is based on a hard-headed analysis of what the PURPOSE of the cooperation is; what attributes must be present to fulfill that purpose and a cold, hard and honest study of which organisation possess those attributes and which don't. Once that work is done, it will then be quite easy to see which organisations can most fruitfully cooperate and how. At present, Simpol-UK, the UK branch of ISPO, succeeded in getting 10 Members of Parliament from ALL the main political parties to officially pledge to implement SP alongside other governments. Furthermore, in some constituencies, we were able to get BOTH the leading candidates to pledge to implement SP so that, whichever one won, Simpol won. In other countries we are not so advanced but we have parliamentarians in Australia and the EU who have also pledged. In this way, global citizens can, for the first time, design their OWN set of global policies (i.e. SP) AND they can use their votes in a new way to drive politicians to implement those policies - globally and simultaneously. And they can do so WITHOUT needing to form a new political party. So this is how Simpol operates IN the political systems of nations but is not OF those systems. 10 MPs in the UK and a few elsewhere is an encouraging start to a people-centred global governance. But it cannot be completed unless many more people ADOPT SP and thus use their votes in this new way. Doing so costs nothing and can be done at http://www.simpol.org/dossiers/dossier-UK/html-UK/ how_do_i_adopt_sp-UK.html. Furthermore, adopting SP does not preclude you maintaining a party-political preference if you wish. As you suggest, Richard, it's no good expecting our political leaders to save us from global melt-down. Instead we, the people, must take responsibility and take the lead ourselves, using our votes in this novel way to drive our politicians in the right direction in the process. Simpol, if only people will use it, is our common tool for doing that. all the best John Bunzl - Trustee ----------- International Simultaneous Policy Organisation (ISPO) http://www.simpol.org Simpol: Rediscovering the Sense of Our Collective Humanity -- -------------------------------------------------------- http://cyberjournal.org "Apocalypse Now and the Brave New World" http://www.cyberjournal.org/cj/rkm/Apocalypse_and_NWO.html Posting archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?date=01Jan2006&batch=25&lists=newslog Subscribe to low-traffic list: •••@••.••• ___________________________________________ In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.