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From: Tasha PolakDate: 28 January 2010 21:31:56 GMTTo: •••@••.•••Subject: Check out Nikola Tesla’s Biography
Click here: Tesla’s Biography
Click here: Nikola Tesla – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hi ‘Tasha’,
Thanks for the references.
From: Steve CampbellDate: 5 February 2010 16:33:05 GMTSubject: Free Energy – Homemade Magnetic Generator (under $100 to build)
I don’t know if this works, but it seems like it would be worth the time and little cost to find out.Installing a Homemade Free Energy Generator lowers your power bill by 90% and help the environment.Free Energy – Homemade Magnetic Generator (under $100 to build!)A Magnetic Power Generator creates absolutely free electricity, and doesn’t require any resource like wind or solar energy to function, the magnetic generator creates energy by itself and powers your home for free.Watch the Video How it Works Here:
Hi Steve,
Let us know if you try it. The videos are rather interesting re/ free energy in general. One can just ignore the promotional text on the website.
From: Kenoli OleariDate: 27 January 2010 15:01:50 GMTTo: Richard Moore <•••@••.•••>Subject: Re: dialog thru 20 Jan 2010I’ve always been a bit confused by current global warning theories. Didn’t the early global warming warnings, those that originated in the early 70s predict that global warming would lead to the next ice age? This is what I remember. I don’t remember the exact mechanism, but I think it was also connected to some theories about biological cycles including a cycle related to mineralization cycles of soil.–Kenoli
Hi Kenoli,
In the Northern Hemisphere, the current inter-glacial period has been going on for a bit over 10,000 years, and for the past 3,000 years we have been descending, unevenly but steadily, toward the next ice age. It is not clear what causes inter-glacial periods to end, but this long-term process certainly has nothing to do with human-caused Co2, and it is about gradual cooling, not warming. I believe the accepted theory is that interglacial periods are related to eccentricity in the Earth’s orbit. I have also seen the theory about biological cycles, which I didn’t find it very credible, but it is a possibility.
In the Southern Hemisphere temperatures have been oscillating up and down for the whole inter-glacial period, and there is not yet any clear trend downwards, as there is in the north.
From: rustyDate: 27 January 2010 18:19:26 GMTTo: Richard Moore <•••@••.•••>Subject: Re: dialog thru 20 Jan 2010
rkm> we are now headed for at least two centuries of rapid global cooling.
nasa disagrees…preliminary report has 2009 tied for second hottest…According to NASA’s methods, the warmest year on record was 2005, and 2009 shares the second-warmest title with 1998, 2002, 2003, 2006, and 2007. No surprise, then, that the past decade was also the warmest record, a finding that’s far more indicative of climate change than any given year’s results.The decade’s warmth may also explain why many people didn’t view 2009 as unusually hot—in essence, record temperatures are the new normal. Another factor is that the high global mean temperature was driven by the Southern Hemisphere, where it was the warmest year ever seen in NASA’s records. For those with a US-centric view of global temperatures, NASA helpfully points out that the contiguous 48 states only account for about 1.5 percent of the world’s surface.
Hi Rusty,
The key phrase in this report is, “high global mean temperature was driven by the Southern Hemisphere”. From 1800 to 2005 there was an unusual coincidence, where both hemisphere’s were warming at the same time. The Southern Hemisphere is now continuing on an upward oscillation, while the Northern Hemisphere is beginning to resume its downward trend. NASA and the IPCC focus always on global averages, which do not tell us much about what is going on in either hemisphere. Indeed, a focus on averages succeeds in ‘hiding the decline’ in the north.
The fact is that both hemispheres have been much warmer in the recent past, within the most recent 1,000 years. We have not been experiencing unusually high temperatures recently in either hemisphere, despite what is indicated by the abstract mathematical average. There has been warming for two centuries, but that follows natural patterns, and it has not resulted in dangerous warming.
From: Diana SkipworthDate: 27 January 2010 15:46:32 GMTTo: Richard Moore <•••@••.•••>Subject: Re: dialog thru 20 Jan 2010
Dear Richard,I live near Mooseheart, a children’s home located in Batavia, IL. They are expecting around 50 kids from Haiti and are looking for people to volunteer who speak French.But you know Richard, I have gotten much more ‘spiritual’ since 2000 as I despaired over the ruination of my country. Now I’m looking at things from a new (crazy??) perspective. I am confident this is the only thing keeping me from melting down.Tonight President Obama delivers his Address. I may watch to see how these latest horrors are spun. The fact the US Supreme Court has given our country over the corporations and billionaires last week is another signal the foxes are indeed running the hen house.A couple of weeks ago I made a YouTube video about sending Thom Hartmann’s “Is the middle class becoming more violent” to the W.H., my senators and rep. With the democratic loss of MA, the guy appears to be a friggin’ genius!
P.S. Thom Hartmann’s new edition of “Unequal Protection; The Rise of Corporate Dominance and Theft of Human Rights” is due out in May 2010 where Hartmann incorporates the latest scandal w/Supreme Court, rewriting 1/3 of the book.Regards,Diana Skipworth
Hi Diana,
I like your video. Very well expressed, and I’m sure many people will identify with what you say.
Can you say more about your ‘crazy spiritual’ perspective? Sounds good to me. The way I see it, anyone who feels aligned with this society, has simply gotten accustomed to prison life.
From: Jeffrey KeifferDate: 27 January 2010 16:13:40 GMTTo: •••@••.•••Subject: Re: dialog thru 20 Jan 2010
Hello Richard,Somewhat off topic but was wondering if you had read this essay by Dave Eriqat? It was written in 2006 but to me is still relevant today.I guess I have one comment on the global warming/cooling debate; I think it is all a smokescreen, just another thing to keep people divided and arguing amongst one another. I believe, and rightly so I hope, that pollution is a bad thing; whether that be air, water or earth pollution and that the focus of environmentalists should be solutions to reduce or eliminate it. This will cause the demise of many species (including Humans) on this planet if things continue the way they are today.Peace,Jeff
From the article:
The End Of Civilization
By Dave Eriqat
Everywhere you look you can see signs of strain on the Earth, from spreading pollution of the air, water, and land, to disappearance of life in the seas, to depletion of natural resources. Something’s got to give. Things simply cannot continue as they have.What will matter in this future? Commodities, principally energy, food, and water. Everything else is secondary. Money is far down the list in importance.So how would you, the government, prepare for a future world in which commodities are king? By securing today as many of those commodities as possible. Hence, the U.S. government’s binge of military base building throughout the commodity-rich regions of the world. What would you not worry about? Money.
Hi Jeff,
The article is very good. I picked out a few key sentences above. I reached the same basic conclusion about a year later than Eriqat:
The Post-Bush Regime: A Prognosis
We’re talking about a transition from a growth economy to a steady-state economy, and apart from these two articles, I haven’t seen anyone exploring what this means in terms of geopolitics.
In my article, however, I didn’t say anything about money. Eriqat is very perceptive. Money in our society is very much like Monopoly money. At any time the masters of the universe can declare ‘game over’, deal out a new batch of money to the players, and start a new game. So they don’t really care what happens with the current round of Monopoly while they’re making their grab for resources. They’ve been dealing out new games for centuries, and the ‘game over’ period has been known as a ‘depression’ or a ‘collapse’. But this time they are going to change the nature of the money they deal out.
Money, as we’ve known it, has been designed to compel economic growth, by being loaned into existence at interest. In a steady-state world, a different design is called for, and we see the beginnings of that with carbon credits and carbon taxes. I’ve seen predictions that the global currency will be the ‘carbon credit’ – the right to consume one unit of energy. A bit like ration cards in wartime.
The global-warming hoax is aimed at ushering in the carbon-credit system, and preparing people to accept a lot of other changes as well. It is very important to keep in mind that there is a coherence behind all the actions taken by Washington and the Pentagon. Everything is connected, even if it seems chaotic to the casual observer. Snubs to China, surges in Afghanistan, false-flag incidents, missiles to Taiwan, increased military activity in Africa, the continuing destruction of the US dollar economy, the creation of entities of global governance, the maintenance of popular fear of warming — all of these things are related under one strategic umbrella.
We get lost in the details of each of the Pentagon’s wars, and may not notice what it all adds up to: the end of national sovereignty. The basic principle being established is that ‘humanitarian concerns’ or ‘terrorist concerns’ override national sovereignty. And of course those concerns are whatever Washington says they are. Hence the Pentagon can invade whenever Washington expresses a ‘concern’, regardless of how flimsy the evidence might be (eg WMDs), or how inappropriate the response might be (eg Haiti).
From: “Lincoln Justice”Date: 3 February 2010 07:25:23 GMTTo: “Richard Moore” <•••@••.•••>Subject: Re: rkm report 3 Feb 10
Richard,Just a personal word of thanks to you for this well written report on “false flag” operations.My wife and I watched the twin towers come down on TV on 9-11. We looked at each other and immediately said in unison — “controlled demolition”. We gathered 12 note books of information from the Internet and news papers. By December 2001 I wrote a 30 page report on 9-11 to friends and family. All the features of this report has been confirmed by others — including the fact that the airplanes were flown by remote control and the cell phone messages could not have come from the airplane flying at 400 MPH and over 8000 feet.Lincoln Justice
Hi Lincoln,
It seems you were a pioneer in the 9/11 Truth Movement. The official story is like a sponge, full of holes everywhere you look. No single part of it makes sense, and every single part of it provides compelling evidence of an inside job. And yet so many refuse to see.
From: “M.A. Omas Schaefer”Date: 3 February 2010 15:18:56 GMTTo: “Richard Moore” <•••@••.•••>Subject: Re: rkm report 3 Feb 10
I was not arguing the merits of capitalism. My point was that socialism, communism and capitalism are three heads of the same monster that is brought to us by our friendly cabal of central banksters. Burghardt, however, appeared to be stuck on the left side of the false left-right paradigm. As long as we point fingers at one of the three heads, “they” win. We need to look at the monster in its entirety and observe how it uses its three heads to fool and enslave us.
If you don’t think the above is true, then I suggest it’s time to engage G. Edward Griffin in this discussion, as it is from his research that I base my contention.
Hi Omas,
I agree about the three heads of the hydra, and the game of playing nations and ideologies off against one another. And then domestically, we have the two-headed hydra of the RepubliCratic Party. I did think it was useful, however, to dig a bit into the nature of capitalism.
Perhaps it would be useful to delve a bit into socialism. Socialism is based on the principle that economics and finance should serve the interests of society, rather than serve to increase the wealth of the already wealthy, as with capitalism. The Soviet system was a centralized autocracy, acting in the name of socialism, but not always in the spirit. It was semi-socialism without democracy. And it failed to incorporate the benefits of private enterprise into its system.
There are, however, other kinds of socialism, as in Cuba, Bolivia, and Venezuela. Here they are doing their best to combine genuine socialism with genuine democratic process, and private enterprise is part of the mix. Meanwhile the US builds up its bases in Honduras and sends drones over Venezuelan airspace. It’s like in Star Wars, where Venezuela et all are the ‘Good planet’, and the Pentagon is the Death Star, hovering menacingly nearby. As a species, we have a choice of a human-centered future, or a new-world-order future. The Death Star does not like it that there exist prototypes (dangerous examples) of the human-centered alternative.
From: Kevin Carson [excerpted]Date: 21 January 2010 23:50:46 GMTTo: Richard Moore <•••@••.•••>Subject: Re: dialog thru 17 Jan 2010From Keving’s blog> The way to achieve victory is not by seizing the state, or violently overthrowing it, but quietly confronting it with a reality already on the ground: the reality that a rapidly expanding share of its laws are either no longer enforceable or cost more to enforce than it’s worth.
rkm> Well said! Do you have any notions about how we can create the ‘reality on the ground’? How can that become a movement?
Free culture in the digital realm, peer network production defended by strong encryption and proxy servers, is part of it. Micromanufacturing efforts like 100kGarages and Factor e Farm are another.Besides that, one of the most promising possibilities is the household microenterprise using idle capacity of ordinary household capital goods most people already own: microbakeries with ordinary kitchen ovens, home clothing design and manufacture with a sewing machine, home hair styling and daycare for the neighbors, unlicensed cabs with just the family car and cell phone, etc.And as the supply of official currency in the traditional economy dries up, people in such enterprises can use the kinds of credit clearing networks Tom Greco describes (protected by strong encryption) as a source of liquidity to transform their own productive capacities into purchasing power even when they don’t have any money.Low overhead is the central organizing principle. The main function of the regulatory state, local zoning and most “safety” codes, occupational licensing, etc., is to impose minimum mandatory fixed costs. The microbakery, for example, has to buy an industrial sized oven and dishwasher, and rent expensive commercial real estate for a stand-alone building. And the more overhead from fixed costs there is to service, the larger the revenue stream required to service those costs. By imposing high fixed costs on small producers, it puts them in a position where large batch production is required to amortize costs.I’ve got an ebook online, The Homebrew Industrial Revolution, that discusses some of this stuff in greater depth:In particular, Ch. 5 deals with recent developments in micromanufacturing tech and Ch. 5 deals with the superior efficiency/agility/resilience of the countereconomy.Best,Kevin
Hi Kevin,
Sounds like you’ve got some pretty good ideas. You’re identifying how recent technologies have the potential to empower people in a way that is consistent with libertarian principles. And you’re coming at it from a theoretical perspective. I would recommend to your attention, The Mondragon Experiment, a video readily findable with Google. It’s a real-world success story, of mutualist economic empowerment, and I think it would add some useful material to your theoretical construction kit.
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