newslog 31 Aug 2009


Richard Moore

Global Research: VIDEO; Compulsory Vaccination in Massachusetts
A new law just passed in Massachusetts imposes fines of up to $1000 per day and up to a 30 day jail sentence for not obeying authorities during a public health emergency. So if you are instructed to take the swine flu vaccine in Massachusetts and you refuse, you could be facing fines that will bankrupt you and a prison sentence on top of that.
Stephen Lendman: “Food Standards Guidelines” Threaten Human Health
If CA’s standards and guidelines are adopted, they’ll establish binding global rules, effectively overriding sovereign national laws. GMO foods and drugs will proliferate. Labeling will be banned. Food and drug giants will decide what will and won’t be sold. Governments will be prohibited from countermanding them. Everyone’s health and well-being will be jeopardized.
Israel: Murdering Palestinians for their organs
Former Palestinian detainee, researcher Abdul-Nasser Farwana, stated that all facts on the ground, since decades, prove that the Israeli occupation executed Palestinian detainees after they surrendered and refused to hand their bodies to their families. Hundreds of bodies were transferred to the families days, months or even years after the fact, and when the bodies were sent back, they were missing vital internal organs.
Deborah Dupre: H1N1 October surprise prevention
A growing number of doctors, other health professionals and citizens are attempting to prevent the humanitarian disaster planned for this October when the new H1N1 vaccine is to be deployed in a grand scale, military, war on terror manoeuvre. 
Note re/the following article: I’ve been told that Michelle Malkin is a devious propagandist for the likes of Murdoch. Nonetheless, I think what she says here is probably true, based on other sources. Hypothesis: Michelle was chosen as the mouthpiece for a true story, so sensible people will assume she’s telling lies. Hiding the truth in broad daylight! Typical capitalist trick 🙂
Michelle Malkin: Ghoulish Science & Obamacare
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius tried to reassure citizens in New Orleans this week that Obamacare bureaucrats will make sound medical decisions for all Americans. She failed. Under the government-run plan, she promised, a team of health care experts will recommend what should be covered
Who put the bomb on the Lockerbie plane?
AN AMERICAN citizen is to be named by the Lockerbie bomber as the man who really carried out the terrorist attack on Pan Am Flight 103.
…The man, who works as a schools engineer for the US government, was to become the central figure in Megrahi’s aborted appeal. 

A short recap: 1) a bioengineered swine flu has been created by fascist medical labs, very likely located in the U.S.  2) the swine flu variety is of a mild type  3) despite the relative harmlessness of the swine flu, a level 6 pandemic has been declared by the W.H.O. 4) official reporting of all swine flu cases and identification of flu cases as actually being H1N1 has been terminated, so that phoney statistics can be manufactured and the fear level intentionally ramped up  5) disclosure of the harmful constituents of the vaccinations (THE REAL HEALTH THREAT) has been kept secret so that the full, short and long term health dangers can be kept from the people  6) simultaneously, the existence of natural, safe and very effective flu protection protocols have been systematically kept from the public through the mass media, so that pharmaceutical drugs appear to be the only defense against the H1N1 virus  7) using hyped propaganda, a plan to force vaccinations on the populace has been put into place and will soon be implemented. 
